Who told him to rush up there?

Chapter 267 Conviction

Eli just listened quietly to the Dragon Clan Guardian God's pretense. Anyway, his words went in with his left ear and came out with the right ear, so he didn't take it seriously at all.

Although he didn't see the initial oracle from the Dragon Clan's patron saint, he knew that the Dragon Emperor had not faked the oracle. After all, they had a very happy conversation at that time, and the Dragon Emperor didn't even have the slightest intention of taking action against him. None.

On the contrary, Elder Mengda has always looked confident and confident. He obviously expected that he would win. But what he expected was obviously the Dragon Emperor's pedantry, not that he was playing a double act with the Dragon Emperor from the beginning.

But for Eli, he has nothing to lose, and he has not been punished. He can use military exploits to pay for his crimes, but if he doesn't pay for his crimes, is it possible that I won't kill the devil?

It’s just that the ruling of the dragon clan’s patron saint is somewhat unreasonable. Since you always admit that everything happened for a reason and that the dragon clan was at fault first, then I’m still guilty of killing a sinful dragon. Why don’t you give me some compensation to appease me? Forget about my young mind and ask me to take credit for my fault. I am somewhat shameless and act like the dragon clan is supreme.

But who knows that he is the god of the dragon clan? There is nothing to say about his own god favoring his own dragon, so he can only admit it by pinching his nose.

"Please obey the oracle of Lord Protector..."

At this time, the dragon clan powerhouses in the dilapidated palace, including the dragon clan high priest, the Dragon Emperor who had become the former Dragon Emperor, and the acting Dragon Emperor, all saluted Tianwai at the same time, but Eli was indifferent. After all, he was He is not a dragon, and he has not received any benefits from this dragon guardian. It would be good if he didn't take a sip after he left, and he didn't have to salute.

After bowing and sending off the patron saint, the Dragon King, who had become his predecessor, silently turned into a human and walked to Eli's side. It didn't say anything, it just nodded to him, as if it wanted to take a picture. He patted him on the shoulder, but he was afraid of causing misunderstanding, so he took his hand back.

"The patron saint has issued an oracle. This matter is all a misunderstanding. Your Excellency Eli has no enmity with the Dragon Clan. The Dragon Emperor who made the mistake... is now the former Dragon Emperor Mengge. Please rush to the central battlefield to defend against the enemy within one day. As for Mr. Eli, the patron saint has no time limit for you. You can choose your own time to go to the battlefield to kill demons and atone for your sins."

The High Priest of the Dragon Clan stood up at the right time and told Eli and the Dragon King that as an envoy of the gods, it must act in accordance with the gods' oracles. Although Elder Meng has now died at the hands of Eli, the patron saint since If they don’t pursue it very much, then they have nothing to say.

However, the Dragon King's false prophecy of the oracle is quite serious and should not be let go easily. Since the patron saint ordered it to rush to the central battlefield immediately to take charge, then even if everyone gives it the face of the former Dragon King, the maximum grace period will be until one day. Take office within.

"Wait a minute, I have an objection!"

Originally, it would have been the best outcome to follow the oracle's instructions to resolve this incident, but unfortunately, Eli didn't care much about this unfair ruling, but there were still some problems that he had to clarify with the dragons. .

"Do you have anything else to do, Mr. Eli?"

The High Priest of the Dragon Clan turned around and looked at the Bok Dragon King who had just been named by the oracle to temporarily take over the position of Dragon King. They both saw a trace of hidden anger in the other person's eyes, but they had just cleared up the misunderstanding with Eli, and they didn't want to accept it yet. Following the oracle, he clashed with Eli again.

"It's not a big deal. This dragon just offended my wife's tribe. Mundo is already dead, so the dragon's death will cancel the debt. But it's still alive and kicking. You have to give me an explanation."

Eli said, pointing at the second elder Sabo who had been pretending to be dead for a long time. It was the one who caused trouble with Elder Mondo before. Moreover, it was even more rude than Mondo's words. Eli didn't hold grudges very much because he liked to be on the spot. Just take revenge. Now that Mundo is dead, it's better to leave Sabo as if nothing happened.

"Then what do you think, Mr. Eli? You can't offend the elves and you will be sentenced to death!"

When the dragon princes reported to the patron saint, the powerful dragons present also heard the ins and outs of the matter. They knew that it was the elder Meng and the second elder Sabo who provoked the trouble in the first place, and who intensified the conflict and led to the fight. they.

But now that Elder Mengda has paid the price with his life for this, doesn't the death of a dragon demigod still make peace with the small mistake of offending the elves with words?

After all, the war against the elves is just a matter of words. After the patron saint's judgment, the dragons will naturally not be able to take action against the elves again. Then Sabo's fault is just inappropriate words. At most, including the fault of besieging Eli, it Now the injuries are not serious, but Eli is intact. What else should be pursued?

"Nowadays, there is a shortage of demigods in the mortal world. I have already killed a sinful dragon, so I will not sentence it to death."

Eli put away his battle ax, as if to express that he had no intention of slaying dragons again, and what he said verbally was more generous, which made the senior leaders of the Dragon Clan breathe a sigh of relief.

But then, Eli spoke again, and this time the faces of all the great dragon creatures were not so good-looking.

"But the death penalty can be avoided, but the living crime cannot be escaped. Since the Second Elder Sabo intends to go to war with his allies and take advantage of the demons, he should be sent to one of the ten Jedi in the central battlefield to kill more demons to atone for his sins. "

Elai's words were not very decisive, but he had his own reasons. Since he had to kill the demon to atone for his crime even though he was killed in self-defense, then Elder Sabo II, one of the culprits, should naturally be sentenced to a similar punishment. In view of his heavier guilt, it would be reasonable for him to fight in the most dangerous place.

"Ten Jedi... I don't want to go! I'll die!"

Elder Sabo II, who had been pretending to be dead, couldn't pretend anymore when he heard Eli's arrangement. He was an old dragon who had fought in the central battlefield for many years. How could he not know the danger of the Ten Jedi? That was the real death place that repeatedly frustrated the coalition forces of the Hundred Races. Since the thousand-year war, the demigods who died in the Ten Jedi accounted for 80% of all the demigods who died. Unless it was absolutely necessary, the Hundred Races would not send troops there.

Even when the battle situation was the best and the elves collectively erupted, only the elves who were not afraid of death dared to fight in it. Even so, the eight demigods of the elves had to be resurrected five or six times before they barely won.

Sabo doesn't have the immortality of the elves. It has only one life. If it goes to the Ten Jedi, it may be able to kill many demons, but there is a 90% chance that it will not be able to escape and it is very likely to die there.

Eli said that he would spare it from death, but in fact, he just gave it the most decent way to die. Isn't it still necessary to kill it?

"Sir Eli, unless it is absolutely necessary, the Hundred Races will not send masters and troops to the Ten Jedi. If you let Sabo go to the Ten Jedi, I'm afraid the base camp will not agree. After all, the demigod-level combat power is extremely important to the Hundred Races."

This time it was not the Dragon Tribe High Priest who spoke, but Boke, who temporarily took the position of Dragon King, who stood up. He is the younger brother of the previous generation of Dragon King, one generation higher than the previous Dragon King who was deprived of the Dragon King's position. He is also one of the few demigods of the Dragon Tribe who are not divine blood. Now standing in his position, Mondo is dead, so there is nothing to say, but Sabo is just injured, and he thinks he should be saved.

After all, there are less than ten demigods in the entire dragon clan. As the Dragon King, it cannot afford to lose two demigod dragons in a short period of time.

"Demigods are very precious, so I don't ask it to capture a Jedi. As long as it can fight in a Jedi for three days, I will consider it to have redeemed its sins."

Elai thought that his request was not high. It was just three days. For the dragon clan with a long life, it was just a blink of an eye. What's the difficulty?

"Three days? You might as well sentence me to death!"

As a defeated general of Eli, the second elder Sabo didn't dare to scold him, but when he heard such a time limit, he couldn't help but hit back.

The demon clan has assembled more than hundreds of millions of troops in the ten Jedi, and there are many experts among them. There are no less than five great demon kings in any Jedi. After it goes there, it may be able to kill a demon and cause a river of blood, but when the great demon king arrives, how can it fight five people alone? Isn't that a dead end?

The most terrifying thing is that the ten Jedi are shrouded in a layer of magic fog all day long because the demon clan has infiltrated deeply. Once you stay in it for a long time, even a demigod will find it difficult to get rid of the entanglement of the magic fog, and eventually you will be trapped in it and easily surrounded by the demon clan.

It is a place where you will almost die if you don't come out immediately after entering it, so it is called a Jedi. Let alone fighting in it for three days, even hiding in it for three hours has an 80% chance of death.

"If you think it's okay, I can sentence you to death. Are you willing?"

As he said that, Eli took out the battle axe he had put away before. Although the axe blade was as smooth as new without even a trace of blood, the dragons present could feel the power of it just slaughtering the demigod dragon. After all, the body of the great elder Mondo was still not cold beside the hall.

"Sir Eli, you are threatening my elders!"

The Dragon King Bock shouted angrily. It's not that he doesn't know right from wrong, but the demigod dragon is too precious, and he can't just sit back and watch.

"Why? I can't scare it, are you dragons going to scare me? I was really scared, and the more I'm scared, the bigger I am!"

Eli is not afraid of the dragons' partiality. He will fight them again. If the dragons don't give Second Elder Sabo a decent face, then he can give him a decent face himself.

"My tribe has no intention of clashing with you, but Sabo's crime is not punishable by death. Please spare his life, Lord Eli."

The Dragon King of the Dragon Tribe seemed a little aggressive, while the High Priest of the Dragon Tribe was easier to talk to. Now that he was about to have a falling out with Eli, he had to intervene.

"Yes, I already know I was wrong. Moreover, the elves and your elf wife were not harmed at all. Please forgive me, Lord Eli..."

The Second Elder of Sabo was also a flexible dragon. Seeing that the High Priest was speaking well of him, he no longer argued with Eli, but honestly admitted his fault.

As he said, the elves did not suffer even a little damage because of what he did. At most, they lost a protective item. The Dragon Tribe could still compensate for this, even if it was doubled.

"You don't know you were wrong. You are just afraid of death..."

Elai looked at the flattering expression that the Second Elder of Sabo tried hard to squeeze out, and he was almost speechless because of the ugliness.

Just as justice delayed is not justice, repentance at the moment of death is not repentance. If Sabo had admitted his guilt and punishment at the beginning and was willing to go to the Ten Jedi to kill demons to atone for his sins, Eli would even be willing to change the three-day deadline to three hours, but judging from his performance, he does not deserve to be forgiven.

Eli is not a saint. On the contrary, he is even a little vindictive. He cannot easily forgive the dragon who almost made a big mistake.

Based on his previous actions, only some people in the video comment area can easily forgive this matter. After all, going to temples and shrines is just for fun. The real Bodhisattva and saint can only be found in the comment area.

Those people can really think about anyone. It feels that every time they say a word, the Buddha's light can overflow from the screen. Maybe they will shiver casually and the relics will fall from their bodies.

Such a "kind" person should not speak for others everywhere. He should go back to the kindergarten. He can be a garden immortal or a mixed garden immortal.

In short, Eli will not let the second elder Sabo off easily. If the dragon tribe cannot give him a satisfactory answer, then he will have to do justice to his elf wives himself.

"Death penalty, or go to the Ten Jedi, choose one of the two, there is no third option."

No matter how much he talks, it is all nonsense. Eli does not want to fight with the dragon tribe anymore. Just give a straightforward answer. If it works, then accept it. If it doesn't, then fuck it.

"Sir Eli, is there no way to have both..."

"Eli! I'm going to the Ten Jedi!"

At this time, the dragon priest was still trying to persuade him, but Sabo, who had really fought with Eli, could hear that Eli's words were as decisive as his kung fu, and he would not make concessions.

In this case, choose the lighter one between the death penalty and the 80% or even 90% mortality rate. Perhaps, as the demons retreated step by step in the bombardment of the elves, the ten Jedi were not so dangerous. After all, when the elves were the main attackers, three of the ten Jedi had been conquered, but they were not occupied for a long time.

But I didn't expect that it would rely on the results of the elves' victory in the end. This made the naturally proud dragon strongman Sabo feel a little ashamed.

Damn the first dragon of Mondo. Why did he believe its lies at the beginning? The dragon race would be more prosperous after the elves were eliminated. That guy must have drugged it!

In fact, Mundo did drug Sabo. It can't even be called drugging, because other people add drugs to tea, but it adds tea to medicine. So, to be honest, what Mundo did to Sabo can't be called drugging, it should be called tea...

If it hadn't lost its mind due to the Soul-Confusing Grass, even the dumbest demigod dragon wouldn't have obeyed Mundo's orders. After all, it might not be smart, but the old dragon can be more or less intelligent, so how could it be so stupid.

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