Who told him to rush up there?

Chapter 27 Another Expeditionary Force

Nothing happened overnight.

The next day, Eli woke up from the entanglement of Jessica and Cecilia.

He moved away the long legs that were pressing on his abdomen, and got out of the soft jade arms that were around his neck. Eli got up and left the luxurious big bed.

After getting dressed and washing with Jessica and Cecilia who were awakened by his actions, Eli and his three companions went straight to the military camp stationed outside the city.

When Eli and his companions arrived at the military camp, they were having breakfast. Eli, who was not very picky about food, ate the same food as the soldiers. When the newly joined soldiers saw this scene, they recognized the young Eli more in their hearts.

After a simple breakfast, Eli asked his deputy general Rondo to assemble the team. The outbreak of the elves was temporary, and the retreat of the demons was also temporary. They needed to seize the time to capture more cities and kill more demons.

Even if the city they recaptured was occupied by the demons again after half a year, it didn't matter. At least the demons they killed in the past six months would not be resurrected. Attacking the city is currently the fastest way to kill demons, because after the demons retreated, there were no more scattered or clustered demons in the wild. Only the cities where the demon army was stationed had a large number of demons gathered together to kill.

After the troops under Eli began to gather, those troops who came yesterday or just arrived this morning also began to gather urgently. After a night or a while of consideration, most of them decided to go with Eli's troops.

One is to verify whether the ninth-level strength of Eli City Lord is real or not, and the other is that they are eager to kill demons.

Who can come here without wanting to kill demons? There is a large army going to attack the city occupied by demons, so they have to help the scene anyway.

Not long after, the troops were assembled. After two major battles in Lieyang City and Xuri City, the troops under Eli's command were all in high spirits, and the whole army looked like they were screaming to kill the devil.

"Target Georgia City, the whole army is going!"

Riding a horse and standing at the forefront of the army, Eli did not even say a word and directly ordered to march.

As Eli's army began to move forward, the rest of the troops that had not yet joined his army also set off.

Led by Eli, there were a full 100,000 troops behind him, including high-level strongmen such as Jessica, Cecilia, Wendy and her three companions, as well as two adult giants and two adult dragons. Although the latter four high-level combat forces have not yet joined, Eli believes that after the next battle, they will rush to join them.

Lieyang City and Xuri City, which were previously captured by Eli, belong to the same small war zone and are not far away, so they can recapture the two cities in one day.

But the next city that Eli planned to attack, Georgia, belonged to a medium-sized war zone. Although Georgia was only a small city, the configuration of demons and the number of troops in it were not comparable to those in Lieyang City and Xuri City.

Although it was still impossible for the ninth-level demons to appear, the number of eighth-level demons must be quite a lot, and it might even be more than the combined number of Lieyang City and Xuri City. After all, the intensity of the war in a medium-sized war zone was much higher than that in a small war zone.

The army moved forward and gradually approached the target city of Georgia. What they didn't expect was that the fight had already started in Georgia before their army arrived.

The coalition forces of hundreds of races that launched a counterattack against the demons came from all directions. In addition to the direction of Lieyang City, there were naturally expedition teams from other directions.

In Lieyang City, there was a powerful Eli integrated team that began to attack the city, and there were naturally other capable people in other directions who could unite various armies to launch a siege.

The coalition army from the west is now attacking Georgia. Their temporary leader is a powerful orc. As a minotaur, he is born with divine power. With his eighth-level strength, he can face the demons of the same level. If a protracted war is launched, he has the ability to repel or even kill the demons of the same level.

You should know that the demons can occupy half of the continent. Compared with the vast majority of races in the mortal world, the strong men in their tribe are stronger than other races at the same level.

This minotaur strongman is from the ordinary race of the orcs, not the special giants or dragons. He can defeat the demons of the same level and is definitely the best of the same level.

Before attacking Georgia, the army led by this minotaur had already broken through a small town occupied by the demons. Not only did they repel an eighth-level demon stationed there, but they also killed a seventh-level demon and 20,000 demon soldiers.

However, when they attacked Georgia in the second battle, the army of the minotaur warriors had a tough time.

Unlike the small city they had captured before, Georgia was not big either, but there were five eighth-level demon warriors stationed there. Although the minotaur warrior was not alone, he also had two eighth-level warriors who were almost equal to him, but with three against five, even though his personal strength was stronger than the eighth-level demons, he still had a hard time fighting.

At this time, he had 110,000 troops under his command, which was not worse than Eli's troops now, but the demons defended the city, and even though there were less than 100,000 demon soldiers, they still made the coalition army miserable.

Whether it was fighting generals or fighting soldiers, the coalition was at a disadvantage in all aspects. The minotaur warrior who led the army only hated himself for not listening to the words of the human leader under his command before. If he could listen to the advice and bypass Georgia to attack other smaller cities, he would not be in such a dangerous situation now.

Fortunately, there is always a way out. Just when their coalition forces were in a tough battle and seemed to be on the verge of defeat, a powerful coalition army arrived from the north.

It was naturally Eli and his army who arrived at the battlefield in time. Although he was also surprised that the war had already started here, since he had already arrived, he would immediately join the battle and kill the demons.

Because his side had an absolute advantage, the eighth-level strongman of the demon clan naturally chose to stop the high-level strongmen of the coalition army from forcibly breaking into the city. At this time, the place where they were fighting was outside the city. Eli rode his horse and arrived in an instant.

The ruthless battle axe fell, and the body protection of an eighth-level strongman of the demon clan who was fighting with an eighth-level strongman of the dwarf clan collapsed. The whole demon was split in half on the spot, and it was deader than dead.

The sudden attack of Eli had made several eighth-level strongmen of the demon clan secretly guard against him, but he didn't expect that he would snatch a demon head from the eighth-level strongman of the dwarf clan and kill his opponent on the spot.

The eighth-level dwarf whose demon leader was robbed was stunned at first, but he quickly reacted and turned around to kill another eighth-level demon. Now the situation has changed from three against five to four against four, and the new reinforcements are surprisingly strong. It seems that there is hope of turning this disadvantageous battle around!

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