Eleanor's hammer killed at least a dozen demons around her.

Without the restraint of the high-level demons, she killed all the demons in the crowd. Wherever she went, she could stir up a bloody storm. All the demons she targeted became dead souls under her hammer.

Eleanor's fighting style is very similar to Eli's. They are both open and close. They are best at conquering people with force. Basically, every attack must cause overflowing damage. It looks like killing is fun, but it is actually easy to get tired.

Sure enough, among so many high-level masters, Eleanor killed the most demons, but she was also the first to leave. When the remaining fighting spirit was less than 10%, Eleanor decisively evacuated the battlefield and returned to the city to rest first.

All other high-level masters, those with the seventh-level strength, also withdrew from the battlefield one after another under the cover of their comrades shortly after Eleanor left the battlefield, leaving only the eighth-level masters and the main general Eli still playing the demon elimination game on the battlefield.

After all, there were six million demon troops. Even though their main general was dead and their deputy generals were gone, the demon army that was fighting or fleeing was enough for Eli and his men to kill. If it weren't for the fact that they were still outnumbered, Eli would have even wanted his army to fight out of the city and beat up the drowning demons.

The killing outside the city continued until even the eighth-level warriors could no longer hold on. The eighth-level warriors fought and retreated, and Eli was the only one who covered their retreat. After everyone withdrew to the city and sealed the door with a huge stone, Eli flew back to the city.

At this time, the demon army outside the city, excluding those who died in battle and those who fled, had at most three million demons left. They were no longer superior in number. Now they only had to wait for the high-level warriors of the coalition to recover their physical strength and fighting spirit, and then they could lead their troops out of the city to fight the enemy demons to the death.

But the demons outside the city were not fools. Knowing that they were invincible, the remaining demon army did not stay outside the city to die. Under the command of the captains, the three million demons dispersed and stayed away from Eli's army.

However, they did not go too far. Now the entire war zone is sending troops to encircle Eli and his army. As long as they wait for a while, the armies from all directions will gather here, and they can form an army that is not weaker than before.

"Hurry up and recover. When you have recovered 50% to 60% of your combat power, we will fight out of the city and break through the encirclement of the enemy demons."

After returning to the city, Eli immediately asked about the recovery of the high-level masters. When they lead the army to break through later, they will have to work hard. Eli can kill through the enemy formation alone, but it is impossible for him to rush out with millions of troops.

The encirclement and the breakout now depended on whether the demons marched faster or the coalition forces recovered faster. Fortunately, there was always a way out. Before the new demon army appeared within the range of Eli's soul detection, the high-level warriors in his army had recovered enough combat power.

"Follow me to kill out of the city! Don't fight on the road, break through the encirclement first."

After confirming that all the high-level warriors had the strength to fight, Eli chopped open the huge stone that sealed the door with an axe and rushed out of the city alone.

Many high-level warriors were divided into more than a dozen groups. Some followed the main general Eli as the vanguard, some protected the central army, and some were responsible for the rear. The four million troops rushed out with a terrifying momentum. The part of the demon army that happened to be on the coalition's breakout route was rushed into pieces by the coalition and could not form a formation.

The demon army along the way had at most 700,000 or 800,000 demons. They were not the opponents of the coalition in a head-on attack, not to mention that the four million troops also had an amazing vanguard army that crushed them all the way.

Can't stop them, can't stop them at all!

Let alone stop them, even delaying them is impossible. The swords of the high-level masters are so sharp that the demon soldiers along the way will die when they see the enemy. There is no other way to stop the enemy except to trip the enemy with the corpse.

In desperation, the priests in the demon army launched the secret method of mutation, and hundreds of thousands of demon soldiers along the way were mutated on the spot. They didn't ask how many enemies they could kill, but at least they could delay them for some time so that the rest of the encirclement and suppression troops could block them.

Facing hundreds of thousands of mutated demon soldiers, it was obviously impossible for Eli and his more than 300 high-level masters to kill them all in a short time. At this time, it was Evelyn's turn to appear again.

Moreover, after meeting several reinforcements, there was not only Evelyn, a necromancer, in Eli's army. In addition to her, there were two other not-so-strong necromancers. The undead demons they summoned and Evelyn's undead demon army added up to more than 100,000 demons.

A few hundred thousand mutant demon soldiers, in theory, is just a physical job of carrying a few times, but time is tight, and there is no time to dig a deep pit.

The demon army in other directions will definitely surround them after discovering that they are breaking out here. When they dig the pit, these demons may also come. If tens of millions of mutant demon soldiers block the way, they will really be unable to leave.

"You hurry up and seal these mutant demon soldiers. I will go back to kill a wave of demons and lead them to my side."

Without time to think about it, Eli can only use himself as bait to attract the attention of the demons and buy time for the army to break out.

With the strength of the main general Eli, unless the demons send out multiple demon kings, he can break out even if he is trapped in a heavy siege, so his subordinates don't have to worry.

After Eli left, the high-level strongmen and the undead demon army stopped the mutant demon soldiers tightly, and the rest of the army began to dig deep pits on the spot to prepare for a safe breakout.

On the other side, a group of demon troops closest to the direction Eli chose to break out were marching quickly, but before they reached their destination, their target person appeared first.

One man and one axe stood in front of the army of more than 100,000 demons. Although they were not many in number, they gave the army of more than 100,000 demons a sense of fear as if they were ambushed by the enemy.

Before, outside the city not far from here, this man not only killed their three main generals, killed countless high-level warriors of their own side, but also killed tens of thousands of demons like them.

Although it was just one person standing alone in front of them, the demon army was under great pressure as if facing a million enemy troops.

When enemies meet, their eyes are red, but one side is shocked and his eyes are red, while the other side is still red from killing.

"Demons, die!"

Without any extra nonsense, Eli shouted, then grasped the battle axe in his hand and launched a charge skill towards the enemy demon.

It was just four words, but the demon army facing Eli suddenly saw the trees on their graves blooming and bearing fruit...

The next moment, blood shot up into the sky, and Eli rushed into the demon army like a tiger into a flock of sheep.

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