Who Told You to Use Your Power Like That?

Chapter 102 Revenge, the ghost house will be razed to you

"A haunted house, right?"

Wang Linchi looked at the mansion not far away and couldn't help but sneered.

Since he and Fahui went to deal with Naga a month ago, Fahui has been staying in the Main Hall of Jiming Temple day and night, using Buddhism to transform the God of White Wind, so that he can become a White Wind Arhat as soon as possible.

Wang Linchi entered the mode of latent cultivation. At the same time, Black Rain City also launched a large-scale operation to eliminate monsters and ghosts.

After losing the protective umbrella of the God of White Wind, all the demons and monsters were naturally defeated by the soldiers in Black Rain City.

After Wang Linchi successfully rebuilt his Nine Transformations Golden Elixir ten times, he finally reached...the early stage of the White Porcelain Level.

It is true that Jin Dan has a thousand points of mental power, but because he gave all his mental power to Jin Dan, he returned to 1 point of mental power, but in fact, his strength not only did not fade, but became stronger.

Now he has a four-digit mental power value. Perhaps only the orichalcum-level has such high mental power. The black iron-level is now completely unable to threaten him.

Next, you only need to cultivate back to 100 points of mental power, and then take various heavenly materials and earthly treasures to continuously break through the upper limit of mental power.

Of course, this matter will have to start after Wang Linchi has upgraded the soul-like secret technique Tao Fei Nascent Soul to the ultimate white porcelain level. Now is not the time to make a breakthrough.

As for cultivating oneself back to the upper limit of 100 points of spiritual power, this is no longer necessary.

Because with the completion of the White Porcelain Grade Nine-turn Golden Elixir, it produced an effect similar to the Yang pole producing Yin. Now, even if he doesn't need to practice, his mental power is constantly growing.

From the breakthrough to now, the mental power has been automatically increased to 5 points.

Tomorrow at most, we can return to 100 points.

Now he has returned to Yicun and came here specifically to seek revenge on the ghost house.

Back then, the ghost house sent a ghost to stomp on Wang Linchi's forehead at night. Wang Linchi was a good man. He couldn't say tit for tat or stomp on their foreheads.

At most, it's just killing ghosts and setting fires.

"Come on, light up this house for me." Wang Linchi waved, and several soldiers around him immediately surrounded the ghost house with firewood, kerosene, etc.

Then the fire rose, and the ghosts living in the ghost house also realized that something was wrong and wanted to rush out.

As a result, they collided with the soldier's long sword head-on. The long sword engraved with "Sakyamuni's Fundamental Mantra for Destroying the King of Evil Destinies" effortlessly split it in two. Such a terrifying death scene naturally frightened him. The ghost behind.

At this moment, the ghosts in the haunted house are in a dilemma. If they don't leave, they will be burned to death. If they leave, they will be hacked to death with a knife.

"So hesitant? It's okay, I'll help you choose."

"Enter Archers."

Wang Linchi felt that these ghosts were too naive. Did he really think that Wang Linchi would be unable to do anything to them if they didn't come out?

Behind the soldiers, a group of archers wearing leather armor drew their bows and set arrows.

Although there were not many people, the haunted house was not big either. With these three rounds of volleys, we could hear howling in the haunted house first one after another, and then there was a period of silence, with only the sound of burning firewood.

But Wang Linchi knew that the matter was not over yet. The ghosts lived in the haunted house, but the ghost house itself was also a monster among demons and ghosts.

Otherwise, how could an ordinary mansion attract so many ghosts?

As it burned, the entire haunted house shook.

"Pull up the trebuchet for me and level it all." Wang Linchi came back for revenge, so naturally he was well prepared.

Three trebuchets were quickly pushed over, and the soldiers began to load stones.

The stones are not ordinary stones. Each stone is also engraved with "Sakyamuni's Fundamental Mantra to Destroy the Evil Destiny King".

The moment it was projected into the haunted house, it burst into light, causing not only physical damage, but also spell damage.

A dozen large rocks were projected out in succession, and the entire haunted house was directly smashed into ruins, and a large amount of blood stained the air.

In the end, an excellent soul seed was condensed and became Wang Linchi's harvest.

[Soul/Space Soul Seed·Ghost House (Excellent Level)]

[Hun Na: A summoning space is opened in the soul seed, which can be used to store soul summons]

[Nourishing Yin: Soul-based summons stored in the summoning space can slowly increase their strength]

[Peiyuan: Soul-based summons can slowly recover in the summoning space after being injured]

After Wang Linchi took a look at it, he didn't pay much attention. The effect was really stretching the hips, which meant opening up a summoning space and raising the level. However, even this effect was only limited to soul-based summons.

The key to slowly increasing strength is this. If you stay in there for a month and don't train for a day, you won't get a strong effect. The recovery from injuries will be even more difficult. If you are really stupid and put the soul-based summons on your hand into it, minor injuries will be fine, but serious injuries will be fine. can die directly.

Because this soul species has no ability to help stabilize injuries, it can only recover slowly, which means that the grass on your grave may be three meters high before he can restore some skin injuries to you.

It also has value. Just a summoning space is very useful. It can carry soul-based summons with you. More importantly, the overall size is a one-to-one replica of the haunted house.

The disadvantage is also obvious, other things or summons cannot enter.

Wang Linchi didn't know what would happen if he entered by force. He didn't have the soul seed embedded in it, so he didn't know much.

"Okay, you guys go about your business first. Could you please accompany me on this journey." After Wang Linchi tidied up, he thanked the soldiers.

"I don't dare. It's an honor for us to be able to help Mr. Wang." The leading soldier also said quickly.

Then there was no politeness and they left in a hurry.

The soldiers of Black Rain City are busy killing the demons and monsters around them, so naturally they don't have much free time.

But their work is not in vain. Every time they eliminate monsters and monsters, they can get a lot of benefits, such as gold, silver, jewelry or antique porcelain.

Monsters and monsters don't need these things, they only eat humans.

So most of these things are left on the mountain tops or caves where monsters and monsters live.

After the soldiers kill and collect, they will naturally be able to get enough loot.

That's why it's getting hotter and hotter.

There are benefits and you can get revenge, who wouldn't want to do that.

After Wang Linchi took revenge on the ghost house, he slowly walked towards Yicun.

The village chief of Yicun said before that if he helps deal with the haunted house, he can take whatever he likes from Yicun.

Then Wang Linchi won't be polite.

Besides, he didn't just take it casually, he was asking for the due reward after completing the side mission.

What's more, Wang Linchi can't really dig three feet into the ground. The people in Yicun are so poor that they can't squeeze out even three ounces of oil.

"Thank you, Mr. Wang, for your help. I'm very grateful." At the gate of Yicun, the village chief saw Wang Linchi's arrival and hurriedly greeted him.

"You're polite, I'm just fulfilling the agreement you and I made." Wang Linchi said directly.

He was actually not surprised that the village chief was waiting for him here. It was hard not to know what happened when he came.

There were soldiers, archers, and catapults. Yi Cun naturally noticed such a large formation, and when he saw the familiar figure of Wang Linchi, he could still think of the original agreement.

"I don't dare to take it. Mr. Wang, just take whatever you like. If the little old man frowns, I will quit my job as the village chief." The village chief said, patting his chest.

He was so confident not because he was arrogant, but because the village was really poor and had nothing, and Wang Linchi couldn't get anything.

"Just the cauldron in your ancestral hall." Wang Linchi had already had a goal.

"No problem, I will arrange for two people to move to Black Rain City for you, Mr. Wang." The village chief waved his hand and gave it.

This thing was placed in their ancestral hall and was used only for burning paper during sacrifices. It was only used twice a year. Wang Linchi gave it to him if he wanted. By then, there would not be so much fuss about burning paper. You could just burn it on the ground.

"Don't bother, I can just take it with me. If you really have to move from Yicun to Black Rain City, you won't be able to bear it." Wang Linchi didn't want to cause trouble. The cauldron is a Horcrux.

Wang Linchi had taken a fancy to it before, but the people in Yicun didn't do anything bad to him or deliberately targeted him, and he was too embarrassed to steal or rob it.

Now that he had completed his agreement with the village chief, he asked for it.

After all, it was the village chief who said it, not him himself.

His moral bottom line is flexibility, but the direction of flexibility is not toward ordinary people who have no grievances against him.

Mainly because it has little value, otherwise he wouldn't mind being more flexible.

If the interests are really too great, Wang Linchi will definitely not be able to control it. He is not a saint, so how can he have such a high moral standard.

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