Who Told You to Use Your Power Like That?

Chapter 104 Wherever there is trouble, there is a protagonist!

"There are not enough sophisticated soul seeds..."

Wang Linchi couldn't help but sigh. He never thought that one day he would lack soul seeds as nutrients.

He used 396 fine-level soul seeds to successfully evolve all four of his soul seeds into epic levels, and this was just the beginning.

Because only the soul seed has been improved, the soul seed effects and entries have not been improved yet.

To upgrade the first three entries, you need 999 excellent soul seeds x 3. In addition, the two extra slots after the epic level require 1000 soul seeds each. Therefore, his soul seed requires 4997 excellent soul seeds. Only level soul species will do.

After excluding the last soul seed, which is composed of the first three, no soul seed is needed. A total of 14,991 fine-level soul seeds are needed to successfully make his four soul seeds become epic level.

To say it was a lot, it was really not much. The few high-quality soul seeds in the Soul Seed Division's warehouse were just a fraction.

Wang Linchi also has about three thousand fine-grade soul seeds in his hands. King Yama had sent him a large number of soul seeds before.

There should have been more than 10,000 soul seeds, but a large number of soul seeds were lost during the experiment.

Otherwise, he would not be able to synthesize it further.

This made Wang Linchi look bitter. It would cost so much to upgrade from sophisticated level to epic level. If the epic level was upgraded to legendary level, the quantity would be even greater.

"And the time is coming soon, and there is not enough time to spawn monsters." Wang Linchi took a look. In twelve days, his one-year deadline will be up, and he will be sent out of the secret realm directly.

After Black Rain City calmed down, he naturally started cultivating and researching.

All the time passed by without paying attention.

“I don’t know where to go next to create so many gaps.”

"Would you like to exchange it with King Yama?"

Wang Linchi has developed the fourth generation of soul seed boiling, which can be effective on epic soul seeds, and has improved power, duration and side effects.

There is definitely no problem in using it for business purposes.

No matter how much he said, Wang Linchi would have no time to spare.

"It should be fine, but it's not worth it if you change it." Wang Linchi knew that the other party would definitely let him develop the fifth-generation soul seed next, and he would definitely give him more.

It's just that the time is not very certain, and Wang Linchi actually has no idea. After all, the fifth generation involves legendary soul seeds.

He didn't know what the legendary soul seed was like before, how could he still be unclear now?

How could there be any surplus for such a powerful soul seed?

Give a small person like Wang Linchi a chance to study.

For research, one is definitely not enough, at least ten are needed.

King Yama might not even give enough to his confidante, so why should he give it to Wang Linchi?

"The best way to open source is to find a black market and sell all the Horcruxes that I don't need in small quantities many times." Wang Linchi has a large number of Horcruxes on hand.

Lots of useful and useless ones.

Through the power of Black Rain City, he frantically restrained himself and filled up the five storage Horcruxes on his body.

That's right, he obtained five more storage Horcruxes in Black Rain City. The original two storage Horcruxes were used as protection on the surface, and the rest were all hidden.

He went out of his way to cut open his abdomen, and used a certain Horcrux to isolate it to prevent infection. He stuffed these five small storage Horcruxes into his abdomen, and then healed it.

If you want to take it out, you will have to do a laparotomy, take it out, and treat it next time.

There is a legendary soul seed here, which is worthy of his efforts.

The reason for doing this is naturally to allow these storage Horcruxes to be protected and isolated by his soul barrier and thinking force field, so as to avoid being noticed by others.

If anyone really found out, the best outcome for him would be death, and living would be torture.

"When we reach the Black Iron level, the second soul seed page must be turned into a storage space first, and the rest can only be done slowly." Feeling the strangeness in his abdomen, Wang Linchi felt helpless.

It didn't hurt at all. The isolation of the Horcrux prevented him from having direct contact with the stored Horcrux, so he didn't have to worry about getting infected, it was just uncomfortable.

He originally planned to find a way to escape first, but now he is innocent and has the treasure. Once the legendary soul seed is leaked, the person who deals with him will definitely be a Morning Star star. The gap is so big, how can he escape.

"Let's slow down the soul seed effect entry for a while. Anyway, the soul seed is already at the epic level. Even if it is disabled, it will still be at the epic level."

"The key is to perfect the secret technique of soul phase."

Wang Linchi took a look at the Tao Fei Nascent Soul on the Book of Souls and Records. It was almost solidified, indicating that it was only during this time, while the Nine Turns Golden Pill was completely solidified, and there were nine purple lines on its body. , just like that, he was held in the arms of Dao Fei Yuanying.

"Before I leave, I can reach Consummation, but my mental strength is still a little short of the limit."

Not only did he practice and research, he also continued to take various heavenly and earthly treasures in order to increase his mental power from 109 to 110. This process was very slow, and Wang Linchi estimated that it would take at least a month.

It doesn't mean that the natural treasures will grow directly if you take them. You have to absorb them, refine them, and then slowly grow them. This is a long process.

This is just the beginning. The real difficulty is to break through the 110-point mental power limit to the 111-point mental power limit, and then break through again.

During this period, we had to use the Three Spirit Formation.

However, the danger should be gone. After receiving the blessing of White Wind Arhat, his physical strength has exceeded the limit of white porcelain level, and has reached at least the middle stage of black iron level. He even guessed that after he reached 111 points of mental power, Neither will physically collapse.

He has never thought about breaking through with 112 points of mental power. The first is the problem of resources. He does not have so many resources to support it. The second is whether he can reach these 112 points of mental power. After all, he has no follow-up data, so it is not certain whether he can succeed in Chengdu.

Therefore, he still planned to proceed according to the original plan, and use the Horcrux of the Three Spirit Arrays to allow him to reach the upper limit of 111 points of mental power, and then break through the black iron level.

"The Buddha Realm is getting stronger and stronger. If this continues, the Divine Dynasty will notice it sooner or later."

Wang Linchi could feel that this force field was getting stronger and stronger, and could even subtly change people's thoughts, making them become Buddhist believers who were devoted to good deeds.

From Wang Linchi's point of view, this must be a good thing. After all, everyone is a benevolent person.

But this is not necessarily the case with Shen Dynasty.

"Master, something happened..." Yan Chuan's voice came accompanied by a rapid knock on the door.

Wang Linchi opened the door directly, and the other party took out an edict sent from the Divine Dynasty. Of course, this edict was not for Wang Linchi, but for Murong Sui as the city lord.

However, Murong Sui has now become Fahui, so he has the highest status in Black Rain City.

I hurriedly opened it and saw that it meant that Murong Sui should go to the divine court to report his duties and send someone else as the city lord.

You don’t need to think about it to know that it’s because things in the Buddha Realm were exposed.

How could it not be discovered under the nose of Shen Chao.

Just looking at the name again, Wang Linchi couldn't help but smile. The person who came was an old acquaintance.

That's right, it's King Hades.

Come to think of it, for such a big event and such a difficult one, who can do it if we don’t let the protagonist do it?

Wang Linchi could guess how things would develop next. It was simply that King Yama quickly pacified the Buddhist realm, and then someone jumped out and wanted to pick peaches. As a result, he was first slapped in the face by King Yama as a stepping stone, and then he was tricked into thinking that he was being tricked. If you really pick a peach, the next step will naturally be backlash.

In the end, King Yama came out to quell the backlash, and I received a lot of shock and emotion.

"Has anyone in the Mud Gang offended you in the past two days, especially someone who has a large group of beautiful girls around him and relies on luck in everything, making you feel very disdainful?" Wang Linchi reacted suddenly, just in case. King Yama has already arrived.

After thinking for a while, Yan Chuan frowned: "Yes, but it's your turn to take care of such a trivial matter. What is your identity?"

"Hiss~" Wang Linchi felt a little numb. He seemed to have guessed the next plot.

"Let's go, take me to have a look, and bring everyone who has offended the other party to apologize honestly." Wang Linchi sighed, it depends on this time whether he can save his life.

In his eyes, Yan Chuan still had hard work even if he had no merit.

As for if he couldn't keep it, there was nothing he could do.

The main reason is to see how the people from the Mud Gang offended the King of Hell. If they molested the other party's confidante, Wang Linchi would immediately carry out justice.

Dare to touch Long Aotian's harem, I'm afraid it's because he doesn't know how to write the word "death", that's someone's inverse scale.

If it is a simple conflict, such as fighting spirit or the like, then there is still room for salvation. The matter can be solved by sending the Mud Gang directly to King Yama.

‘But now that I’m leaving, why come and take office? ’ Wang Linchi was a little confused.

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