Who Told You to Use Your Power Like That?

Chapter 106 Advanced Soul Seed, Epic Level!

It has to be said that the liver of King Yama is really capable of liver, and being rich is also really rich.

He not only gave Wang Linchi the soul seed resources, but also gave him a storage soul weapon. This storage soul weapon was extremely obscure and could also cover the soul seed aura. Of course, it was eliminated by him and was not specially given to him. Prepared by Wang Linchi.

Therefore, during those few days in the secret realm, Wang Linchi directly repaired his disabled epic-level soul seed.

The effects of the extra two entries also increased resistance and resistance. He gathered three increases in toughness, resistance, and resistance in one fell swoop, making Wang Linchi extremely powerful in terms of mind, spirit, soul, and thinking. defense ability, and the increase rate has also been increased from the original 10% to 20%, which is directly doubled.

The reason why he piles up all the defense is because he does not need enough attack power, he only needs enough size and mass. In terms of attack power, it is enough to have the Soul Seed Page·Heart Monkey Horse.

With the all-round upgrade to a complete epic-level soul seed, his soul seed page will naturally be able to carry epic-level power, precisely because he has enough size.

[Page of Soul Seed·Heart-minded and horse-like (epic level)]

[Impact: causing damage to the spirit, soul, and soul]

[Penetration: Impact can penetrate shields and barriers]

[Confusion: After receiving an impact, a confusion effect will occur, causing confusion in thinking]

[Toxin: After being impacted, it will produce a poisoning effect, causing continuous damage]

[Exhaustion: After being impacted, a burning energy effect will be produced and energy will continue to be burned]

Wang Linchi did not increase Xinluanyima's attack power, but instead stacked negative effects.

After all, the attack power depends on the quantity and intensity of Wang Linchi's mental power. His own strength can make the attack of the unscrupulous horse stronger. On the contrary, it will increase various negative effects, thereby increasing his chances of winning.

It means that if he can't beat others, he has to disgust others.

With the existence of the Nine-turn Golden Elixir, adding a little more attack might as well expand the capacity of the Nine-turn Golden Elixir, which would not only have a wider range of uses, but also protect itself.

As for how the conversation between King Yama and Fa Hui went, Wang Linchi didn't know and he didn't pay too much attention.

Most of the power has been transferred, and he naturally has no corresponding channels to learn this information. Fortunately, it doesn't matter to him, because now he has left the secret realm.

When the time is up, they will be expelled naturally.

The position he is now in is not the original position, but has returned to the mountain gate of the Peacock Sword Sect. He is not the only one who came out with him, but also some ordinary people and some awakened people.

A small part of these awakened people are combat type awakened people, and the rest are life type and general types.

The former may be relatively poor and has no means of extending the time limit, while the latter is even worse and has no access to it at all.

Moreover, the overall number of awakened people is not large, only about a hundred people in total.

Wang Linchi is not out of place inside.

As for Xu Shou, the members of the Hades Palace and others, these people were all guaranteed to be men, so how could they not come out immediately? Wang Linchi suspected that these hundreds of people were unable to complete the secret realm mission because of lack of strength, and finally waited until the time came. Being kicked out.

Otherwise, under normal circumstances, life-type and general-type awakeners will most likely choose to exit the secret realm as soon as possible after completing the task. Only those who cannot complete the task will be stuck in time.

In addition, a large number of ordinary people are not living a good life. Nowadays, these are the only ones left in one state. Wang Linchi made a simple estimate, and there are probably only more than 10,000 people.

It makes the surroundings a mess.

Before anyone could react, a large number of soldiers surrounded them.

Wang Linchi could tell at a glance that these soldiers belonged to the imperial court.

Thinking about it, if such a big thing happened, the imperial court must have taken over Yongzhou, or else would it have been left to those cults or aristocratic families or sects?

He did not take the lead, but first took a look at how these soldiers dealt with ordinary people and other awakened people.

If he was silenced, Wang Linchi would run away as soon as possible instead of stupidly standing up to be the leader. He would be the first to die.

These soldiers are not ordinary people. They are all awakened ones. Their lowest strength is Orichalcum level. They are obviously the elite of the Dajing court.

In their Yongzhou, the orrichalcum level can already be regarded as the middle level, but this does not mean that other states are of this level.

If the level is high, how can one give King Yama an early map?

Fortunately, Da Jing was not so crazy and just silenced him. Instead, he made proper arrangements.

The other awakened ones also quickly revealed their identities, and Wang Linchi naturally followed, otherwise he would seem a bit unsociable.

As for gathering together to kill, this possibility is also possible, but it is not high.

"From the Soul Seed Division?" A team leader took out a smartphone and took a photo of Wang Linchi's face. A large list of information quickly appeared on the screen.

Wang Linchi was speechless when he saw this scene. The division between the bottom class and the middle and high-level people was too serious. They all had smartphones, but the bottom class was still as backward as in ancient times.

It can also be seen from this how much productivity the secret realm provided to the Dajing court to be able to forcibly sew up this separation.

Of course, in the Dajing court, the other party's smartphone was unusual, and it was also a kind of Horcrux. Otherwise, it would not have been able to be taken out of the secret realm.

"Well, Soul Seed Division, do you have any information records?" Wang Linchi asked.

"You've also received a fourth-level subsidy. You're a real talent."

"But the Soul Seed Division in Yongzhou is gone. Now there are two employment directions. One is to stay and rebuild the Soul Seed Division. Your position will change and you will become the logistics supervisor, supervising the reconstruction, containment, verification, etc. After that, I will level you up."

"The other option is to go to Yizhou. There are still vacancies there, but Yizhou is thousands of miles away from here. I will give you a certificate and you have to take the train there by yourself. The expenses during the period will have to be paid out of your own pocket."

The team leader quickly listed two options.

Wang Linchi of Yizhou knew that they both belonged to the Jingsu region, but were nearly a hundred times stronger than Yongzhou.

Wang Linchi was thinking about which one to choose.

If he chooses the former, he will have to work hard for several years or even decades. After all, the reconstruction of Yongzhou is not that easy.

Correspondingly, when he becomes stronger in the future, he will be able to climb to a high position and become a high-ranking official in Yongzhou.

Another option is to go to Yizhou, and then continue to be a gangster on the surface, while secretly improving your strength.

It's not that easy to get ahead, but it also has the advantage that you don't have to worry about overt and covert attacks and various calculations.

Of course, the shortcomings are also obvious, and you will probably die at your job for the rest of your life.

"I recommend you to go to Yizhou. After all, if you really stay, you will not be able to get ahead with your useless... ordinary soul. Instead, go to Yizhou. Whether it is salary or welfare benefits, it will be better than here." Wu The director originally wanted to say that he was a waste soul, but he changed his mind promptly.

The soul state is naturally recorded in this information.

"Okay, then I'll go to Yizhou." Wang Linchi was determined after the other party said it.

He didn't want to stay. Firstly, the resources were too scarce. Secondly, people were almost dead. He couldn't take advantage of it if he stayed here.

From the beginning, Wang Linchi's advantage was not that he could fight, so the secret realm actually didn't play a big role for him.

Especially now that he has a legendary soul seed as an experimental subject, he doesn't have to worry at all. What's more, he still has a lot of resources. He just needs to find a stable place and improve his strength step by step. There is no need to take risks.

The entire Yongzhou, after being taken over by the imperial court, will inevitably be subject to extremely strict control. This is a super giant secret realm, and not even the Dajing Imperial Court itself has mastered a few of it.

Therefore, the fate of Yongzhou will only become a military powerhouse of Dajing. In his situation, even if he stays, it will be uncomfortable.

"Okay, I've opened the certificate for you, please keep it."

"I will deduct the train tickets, accommodation, meals and other expenses directly from your account. After all, there is no bank now, so you have no way to pay." The corps leader said.

"Okay, I'm sorry to trouble you." Wang Linchi naturally had no objection, but he just felt a little weird why the other party was so enthusiastic. You must know that this corps leader is a combat soul awakener.

It's just that he didn't say it out loud, and the other party helped him. Even if he had doubts, he could only keep them in his heart instead of saying them stupidly and showing his low IQ.

The procedure was completed quickly. After Wang Linchi entered the payment password, he could go to the station to pick up the ticket and board the train directly.

The success made Wang Linchi feel that the elite are the elite, and the efficiency is really different.

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