Who Told You to Use Your Power Like That?

Chapter 121 In prison, avoid confrontation

‘The suppression was so great that I couldn’t even mobilize my mental strength. ’ After Wang Linchi was temporarily imprisoned by a group of people, he also realized that the prison was extraordinary.

This prison is not an ordinary prison, but a prison with some kind of powerful Horcrux that can suppress the awakened ones to prevent them from using their own power.

Otherwise, ordinary prisons would be used to imprison the awakened ones. However, any combat-type awakened person who has reached the black iron level can easily break the prison and leave.

In addition to not being able to use mental power, even Horcruxes can't be used.

As for the power of fire, the power of the soul, etc., naturally they cannot be used. After all, these special powers are essentially derivatives of spiritual power formed through the soul phase and soul seed. Even the most fundamental ones cannot be used. Not to mention the rest.

‘But this thing seems to have some holes? ’ Wang Linchi couldn’t use his spiritual power, but the spiritual power in his Nine Transformations Golden Pill was unexpectedly usable.

In addition, the effects of the two Soul Seed Pages can also be used, which made him fall into deep thought.

I really don't understand why this happens.

‘Could it be because the soul seed, soul forging method and soul seed page on my body belong to a black household? ’

Wang Linchi thought of this possibility. The soul seeds and soul forging methods of the Dajing Imperial Court were all obtained through the secret realm, which is equivalent to being certified. The ability of the soul phase requires ritual awakening, which is also a certification process.

However, Wang Linchi is different. His soul seed and soul forging method were created by himself and do not exist in this world at all. The page of soul seed was mutated by him by transforming the memory page formed by his own soul, and there is no any record.

Therefore, the prison horcrux of the six doors could not be recognized, resulting in a loophole.

‘If this is really the case, then the Dajing court seems to be a giant baby. ’ Wang Linchi couldn’t help but think of this matter. Once there is a problem in the secret realm, it will affect the entire scene.

Don't tell me, this is really the situation now.

Bang bang bang~

"time to eat."

A policeman knocked on the door with a spoon, and then began to distribute food.

The food is naturally clear soup with little water. Not only is there no oil or water in the food, there is not even salt. The main focus is an authentic taste.

And the amount given is also very particular, so that he can not only eat enough but also stay alive.

It's not about cost savings, it's mainly about so that you don't have the energy to cause trouble.

Wang Linchi didn't have much idea, anyway, he just stuffed it into his mouth in a few mouthfuls.

There are all kinds of food in the storage space of his soul seed page, but it is impossible to say that he eats big fish and meat. He only occasionally eats some sweets or small meats as supplements, and he usually eats the same as other people. Lie still and make sure you look weak.

In the past few days, I have been sending people to prison every day.

Each one of them was a human being who was deceived and given to the Sheng family as a training resource.

The more people there are, the safer Wang Linchi knows. Now there are tens of thousands of people in total.

The original prison became more and more crowded. Even Wang Linchi's small prison had five people living in it, making it difficult for Wang Linchi to steal food.

"Tell me, when will this end?" Ji Xiang, the middle-aged man who lived in the bed next to Wang Linchi, began to sigh again.

He has a family, so being locked up here naturally makes him worry about his family. What if he can't go back?

"There must be something wrong with the Sheng family, otherwise it would be impossible to go to such trouble." Zhang Xu, another young man about the same age as Wang Linchi, said solemnly.

When he came, he had already noticed something, but it was not so obvious.

"And it should be soon. No one has been sent in in the past two days. In addition to my inquiries, the entire Jingsu region, except for those states that were massacred by the rebels, has basically arrived." Zhang Xu has been there all the time. Keep an eye out and actively inquire.

Wang Linchi happened to have information about the other party, but Zhang Xu was too active and could easily be targeted.

The faces of the people in the prison changed slightly when they heard the word rebel.

In this regard, Wang Linchi understood why the situation was so corrupt. Not to mention that the aristocratic family was dragging its feet and deliberately messing up the situation. Even the new domain lord only wanted to kill chickens and scare monkeys to consolidate his power and influence.

Every day of delay, a city would be massacred by the rebels and turned into materials for cultivating the inheritance of the demon.

As a result, the new domain master completely ignored these things and instead competed with the Sheng family.

Perhaps in his eyes, it was already very radical to attack the Sheng family so blatantly. After all, it would have been more prudent to engage in a confrontation based on various politics, interests, and connections, rather than directly blocking the door.

In the eyes of the higher-ups, people at the bottom will die when they die. There are many of them anyway. Rebirth means that they need to be treated with caution as they belong to aristocratic families of the same level.

"What's the situation with the rebels? Have you heard about it?" Ji Xiang asked.

"No, besides, the rebels are so fast, it will take at least a month for the news to reach Xuan Lingtian." Zhang Xu said in a deep voice.

In fact, most of the time this kind of 'little things' won't reach Xuan Lingtian at all, unless the entire state falls.

After all, after a tragedy occurred, the first thought of the state pastors in each state was naturally not to report it, but to suppress the matter to prevent their official career from being stained.

Unless it's really unbearable.

Therefore, there is basically not much information about the massacre that can reach Xuanlingtian.

Even if it is spread, it will be suppressed to prevent it from spreading, and you won't be able to find out even if you want to ask.

Later, Zhang Xu changed the topic very decisively. This topic was not suitable for continuing the conversation. After changing it to a relaxed topic, the atmosphere became much better.

We chatted for about two hours, about seven o'clock in the evening.

Only Wang Linchi can know the time, and his thinking mirror has long been transformed into a clock function.

At this point in time, everyone felt a violent vibration. Fortunately, the prison was strong enough, but it also triggered some kind of defense.

"What's going on?" Ji Xiang asked quickly.

How did Wang Linchi know this, so he couldn't speak.

"Maybe Liumen attacked the Sheng family, so they started fighting." On the other hand, Zhang Xu, who was on the side, expressed his guess.

Hearing this, Ji Xiang couldn't help but feel happy and hurriedly asked: "After this is solved, can we go out?!"

"If it's not solved, we will become the scapegoat." Zhang Xu was not happy. Naturally, everyone would be happy if he succeeded, but what if he failed?

Of course I have to give an explanation.

This group of people is the best explanation to show the authority of the Sheng family.

Zhang Xu also vaguely discovered something, but there was no evidence, and he didn't dare to talk nonsense, so he didn't express his guess.

Wang Linchi was not surprised by this. It was normal to pay the price for failure. It would be even more normal if he did not have to pay the price himself.

As the first battle started, the commotion behind them became louder and louder.

Most likely a Morning Star entry.

It is true that the Sheng family has Morning Star Awakeners, but the imperial court also has them, and they are even more numerous than the Sheng family.

What's more, there is a Huiyue-level awakener holding the battle. Unless the Sheng family can invite a Huiyue-level awakener to help, they can have a chance of winning.

It can only help for a while, but not forever.

First of all, even after being invited, it is impossible to stay in the Sheng family for a long time. If you really want to stay for a long time, I am afraid that the Sheng family will be occupied by a dove.

Moreover, even if the Huiyue-level awakener who was invited won, he would not dare to be cruel. He is a member of the imperial court. If you win, you can just give in. Do you still want to kill someone? It is tantamount to provoking the imperial court.

It's okay to be seriously injured, but if you die from serious injuries, you still have to be held accountable.

It will be even worse if he is crippled, and he will be captured as a young man when the time comes.

So there was no equality from the start.

"It's over, so fast." Zhang Xu was a little confused.

After less than half an hour, the movement stopped.

"Maybe the domain lord took action, otherwise it wouldn't have been so fast." Ji Xiang expressed his guess.

Wang Linchi didn't think so. Naturally, it was impossible for the Territory Lord to end personally. If he really did, he might be said to have bullied the small.

It is possible that this new domain lord has some kind of powerful trump card and can directly kill with one blow, making the Sheng family unable to resist at all.

As for the Sheng family winning, it is unlikely. Judging from the situation, if the Sheng family wants to win, the time cannot be so short. At the very least, they have to master the Xuan Ling Genius skill. Therefore, if the Sheng family cannot finish the battle in half an hour, at least It will take a day for the movement to stop.

Otherwise, it would end with a fight at the door. This would not be considered a win. At most, it would be a slap in the face of the new domain lord.

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