Who Told You to Use Your Power Like That?

Chapter 131 The scent of blood attracts the branch of immortality

At the banquet, Wang Linchi mingled with a group of ghosts with an expressionless expression.

Wang Linchi changed his aura and fluctuations, and finally turned into a type similar to a lonely ghost.

The Rangers are different. They have completely transformed themselves into ghosts through ghost patterns. They are no different from ghosts, except that they are human at their core.

Chen Wenhua was a law-eating ghost, and it was impossible to identify him from his appearance, aura, etc. If Wang Linchi hadn't witnessed his transformation with his own eyes, he would have thought he was a real law-eating ghost.

The entire longevity banquet was actually very chaotic. A large number of human body parts were carried up by ghosts one by one, and many ghosts were eating frantically.

Even those ghosts who are known as ghost kings have this virtue.

However, some ghosts did not move. Some ghosts may not necessarily eat people, but they can eat other things from people, such as energy and spirit, so they were not interested in the banquet.

After all, those who were carried up were dead, and those who deserved to be dispersed had already been dispersed.

Wang Linchi's eyes were constantly scanning the group of ghosts, trying to choose a suitable ghost mark.

It's a pity that there are no thunder ghosts or soul-binding ghosts he wants. Even if they are weaker than ghost kings and don't have magical powers, Wang Linchi can still accept them.

But there are some that look good to him.

For example, fox ghosts are beast-like ghosts. There are no fox ghosts in this secret realm, but there is a ghost species like fox ghosts. Although fox ghosts can take the form of humans, they cannot turn into human faces. They still have fur and tails, so Cover it with clothes.

It often walks in the darkness and mist, showing only its shape but not its face. When people relax their vigilance, they will harm and eat them.

Therefore, the fox ghost was also eating, and the clothes on his body were soaked red with human blood without caring.

The reason why I like fox ghosts is because this fox ghost is a bit special and has two sides. One part is a fox ghost that harms and cannibalizes people, but there is also a part of the fox ghost that will turn into an earthly fairy and live in people's homes to ensure their safety, that is, to protect their lives. Family fairy.

Every house where a fox lives must have a memorial tablet bearing the name of an ancestor named Hu. However, the family's surname is not Hu.

Wang Linchi was interested in this. If he could get started, he would beat the fox ghost first and make it become his guardian fairy. If it didn't want to, he would continue beating it until the other person lost consciousness.

In addition to this fox ghost, Wang Linchi was also interested in three ghosts: the debt ghost, the evil ghost and the happy ghost.

Debt ghosts are ghosts created by people who owed kindness and money to others in their previous lives but did not repay them before their death. Therefore, they always remember to receive every little favor from others, so they try to find ways to repay their kindness.

This thing is not a poor ghost, he is here to repay a favor, and he is a right-hand man. This debtor ghost did not participate in the meal, but sat aside.

If the debt ghost is chosen purely for its special abilities, such as dreaming, transformation, etc., the evil ghost is simply for control.

Evil ghosts are also called corpse souls. To be precise, they should be the souls returning home.

The twenty-seventh day of a person's death is the day when the soul returns to evil spirits. At this time, the soul will turn into evil spirits.

Sometimes the evil spirit is in the shape of a giant bird, and sometimes the evil spirit is in the shape of a black cat, so there is a saying of "avoiding evil spirits".

The evil spirit will re-enter the original body to cause trouble.

By combining this with his whims, he might be able to control a person.

The last happy ghost simply attacks.

Happy ghosts are originally transformed from poor people who died suddenly during funerals. They usually appear alone at funerals, dressed in red, with a cheerful face, and say some incomprehensible words from time to time.

Although he looked cheerful on the surface, anyone who saw him would definitely die.

Definitely dying is a bit of a boast, after all, even if you are strong, you may not be affected.

However, the attack power is very high, and you will be attacked when you see it, similar to the effect of a halo or word spirit.

Wang Linchi has not yet decided which one to choose among these four ghosts. Instead, he wants to capture them all first and then slowly choose after the Immortality Banquet is over.

The premise is that he didn't die after the longevity banquet. Wang Linchi didn't believe it. He chose four. It's impossible for none of them to survive.

He probably also has some idea of ​​the Ghost King's strength. It may be because the place they are in is too small, and they are just entering the Mithril level stage. Their serious strength is definitely not as good as Mithril level, and the opponent seems to only have the ability to meet the standard. Yes, my physical strength is not up to standard.

Most ghosts are actually very similar to awakened people. In the early stages, they did not develop their physical bodies, but focused on their mental power, while ghosts focused on their own abilities.

Therefore, the damage is enough, but the defense and health are not up to standard.

On the contrary, the awakened ones began to improve their physique after reaching the orichalcum level, gradually eliminating their shortcomings.

The ghosts did not. Their focus on ability caused other components of strength to remain at the orichalcum level except ability.

Therefore, it is not difficult to kill by leapfrogging.

The other one is the other rangers. After being fully transformed into ghosts, their strength has not reached the mithril level, but they still have the strength of the peak orichalcum level. They can group fight against the ghost king in a siege and have a 70% winning rate.

‘But speaking of which, these rangers are really tolerant. ’ Wang Linchi looked at the rangers who were chatting and laughing with the ghosts. He didn’t know whether the rangers could bear it or whether they didn’t care about the people being eaten.

If it had been the protagonist's team, they would have lost their minds when the first corpse was brought up, launched a furious attack, and then won narrowly and narrowly.

It's a pity that they are not such a team.

The rangers with ghost tattoos have long been accustomed to seeing these horrors, and most of them have stagnant hearts and rarely keep their blood warm.

Unless you have enough power, the hot-blooded ranger will basically die in the hands of the ghost.

As time passed, a large number of human bones were thrown everywhere, and blood flowed all over the ground.

This eating session is finally over.

Seeing this, some of the ghosts also ran away, including the evil ghost that Wang Linchi was interested in. The evil ghost just wanted to have a meal and never thought about getting the longevity fruit.

On the contrary, the fox ghosts, debt ghosts and happy ghosts who stayed behind did not leave. They found a place to sit down and waited for the arrival of the immortal branches.

Several ghost kings saw this scene and did not drive it away. They had confidence in themselves.

This was not the first time they held the longevity banquet, and they had experienced many provocations. In the end, they were the winners every time.

Not only did they eat the longevity fruit, but they also devoured a large number of ghosts who wanted to snatch the longevity fruit from them, gaining even more power.

Then, several huge columns of incense mixed with flesh and bones were pushed out, and the ghosts couldn't help but get excited.

Chen Wen and others' expressions also changed slightly. Fortunately, it was not very obvious after they turned into ghosts.

This is the Immortal Blood Incense, forged by the people of a city.

In fact, the scent of ghosts is not as scary as the scent of blood. Instead, it is an ordinary piece of tree heart, which does not excite ghosts at all. On the contrary, the scent of blood can excite ghosts even more in terms of visual, taste and other impact. It is said that the quality of blood incense is not as good as ghost incense.

"The time has come, use incense to induce eternal life." The leader of the one-horned ghost king said.

In this longevity banquet, the strongest ghost is undoubtedly the one-horned ghost king who is as famous as the powerful ghost king. The single horn on his head is simply a symbol.

All the blood incense was ignited, and the disgusting smell not only did not make the ghosts feel any discomfort, but they all sucked in the smoke.

Even the debt-ridden ghost who had been sitting in peace was attracted.

Wang Linchi and others did not move, but the other ghosts did not notice either.

Because as the blood incense was ignited, the entire longevity banquet venue was filled with smoke, and a huge branch could be seen looming, as if it was penetrating the space.

‘The everlasting tree? ’ Wang Linchi also noticed something was wrong through the multiple vision effects formed by his soul vision effect.

He discovered that this was actually real and not some hallucination or projection.

The branches of the Immortal Tree indeed penetrated the space, and they were indeed attracted by the scent of blood.

As the branches descended, all the blood fragrance was sucked away, which made all the ghosts go a little crazy.

But the madness was suppressed, and the branches of the longevity tree seemed to take the smell of the burning blood incense as their own, not allowing other ghosts to inhale it at all.

Wang Linchi collects data on the so-called Immortal Tree.

From the outside, it looks like a tree, but if you look closely, you can see that the pale white bones are constantly branching. The leaves are not real leaves, but are like meridians twisted together with a thin layer of flesh and blood. .

He also saw the longevity fruit, which was about the size of a human head and had a dark outer skin. He could not see what was inside for the time being.

Mainly because the branches of the Immortal Tree emitted some kind of force field, which blocked Wang Linchi from in-depth observation.

Swallowed by the immortal branches, the blood fragrance continued to decline at a speed visible to the naked eye, until it burned out, and the ghost kings moved.

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