Who Told You to Use Your Power Like That?

Chapter 150 The true body of immortality, the secret realm about to be broken

Half an hour after King Yama left, Wang Linchi did not feel relieved. The arrival of the Immortal Tree was the result of deliberate forging by both parties out of prejudice.

But what if another third party comes to act as a troublemaker?

The imperial court and the Dragon Worship Cult were fighting fiercely in the secret realm. This news could be hidden for a day or two, how could it be hidden for a month or two?

‘Shadow Alliance? ! ’ These two words came to Wang Linchi’s mind.

If anyone has the best chance of accomplishing this, it must be the Shadow Alliance.

Previously in Qinghe City, the Shadow League almost took away the achievements of the Peacock Sword Sect by using the Dragon Worship Cult. If Feng Zhu, who was half-step to the Morning Star level, had not emerged, they might not have been able to return safely.

What the other party is best at is using the information gap to kill someone with a knife and then intercept the results.

Just as he was thinking about it, Wang Linchi felt the ground shake.

"Earth dragon turned over?" Wang Linchi said, and his hands were not slow at all, sweeping all the information, experimental products, etc. into his storage Horcrux.

Then he jumped out of the yard at an extremely fast speed.

As for the guards, they had already taken action. They were only responsible for preventing people from coming in. They didn't care about the life and death of Wang Linchi, a useless soul. Even King Yama only asked them to guard the door.

Looking up, Wang Linchi found that the entire sky was cracking.

In addition, a huge chasm opened in the ground.

At the same time, he also saw the eternal tree, the real and complete eternal tree.

What Wang Linchi saw before was only part of it, more like a lot of irregular bones.

Now that I saw the real Immortal Tree, I realized why it was a tree. It looked like a giant tree reaching into the sky and the earth. Its branches and roots were constantly opening along the cracks in the sky and the earth.

"The secret realm is shattering!" Wang Linchi noticed this immediately.

Although he had not experienced the last super giant secret realm shattering, he was not blind and could see the scene of the Great Jing Dynasty from the huge crack formed by the sky and the earth.

The danger that was perceived before should be here.

The shattering of the secret realm is definitely not caused by the trunk of the Immortal Tree. If the Immortal Tree really had this ability, it would not have taken action until now.

Instead, it was with the help of a certain being that he had the opportunity to break the secret realm and break free from the constraints, thereby entering the Great King Dynasty.

The Hades Hall quickly gathered, and Wang Linchi was brought to the gathering place by Xu Shou, and then stayed in a corner.

King Yama also looked unusually solemn, directly indicating that when the secret realm was broken, he could no longer leave the secret realm through communication with the secret realm.

Originally, this function relied on the secret realm.

They have only two choices now, either to prevent the secret realm from being broken, or to wait for the secret realm to be broken and fall back to the Great Scenery. However, because the space will be broken, it is not clear where they will be teleported, but it is most likely within the Jingsu Domain.

And there will be great danger, and most of them will die because of it, unless you have enough strength.

It is also true that when the Yongzhou secret realm was shattered, most of the aborigines who came out of the secret realm had sufficient strength, and those who did not have enough strength died in the transmission process.

Hearing this, Wang Linchi was a little helpless. He felt that his body might not be able to handle this.

‘But it’s not without a chance. The Holy Lord’s seal of protection seems to be able to help me withstand it. ’ Wang Linchi suddenly thought of this.

As for stopping the Immortal Tree, this is a fantasy.

The power displayed by the Immortal Tree was not only felt by Chen Xingxing, but even the beautiful senior sister bodyguard of Chenxingxing next to King Yama frowned.

It shows that the strength of the Immortal Tree is simply not something she can solve.

It's just that King Yama's choice is the protagonist, so naturally he is to save the secret realm.

Although the other party has many problems, he still has a very upright view on major issues of right and wrong.

It just seems like he doesn't care about the life and death of others, which is a contradiction.

King Yama himself has the ability to do things that ordinary people cannot do, but the rest of the people are just ordinary people, no matter how talented they are.

The meeting only lasted two minutes before it was disbanded and started to take action. In Wang Linchi's eyes, the plan was very simple, but in the eyes of the smart people around him, it was extremely rigorous.

Wang Linchi will naturally not raise objections. You are the protagonist, and if you say it will work, it will definitely work.

"Let's go, I'll take you to a safe place." As an old friend, Xu Shou took Wang Linchi and prepared to take refuge.

Mainly in the entire Hades Palace, only Wang Linchi is a weakling, and the others are all at least Mithril level.

This reflects another ability of the protagonist, that is, no matter how fast the protagonist's strength increases, how many resources and adventures he has, the next time he meets the supporting character, there is a high probability that the supporting character will keep up with the protagonist's strength.

Wang Linchi may have experienced it, otherwise he is too lucky. Now his role can be regarded as a supporting role, but because he modified the system, there are some problems with his level classification. .

"I really want to promise you, but the question is where is it safe?" Wang Linchi glanced at the ground. The roots of trees made of white bones were constantly crawling in the huge cracks.

If you are not careful, you will be affected by the roots of the everlasting tree.

"I can't take you with me. After all, we have to stop the Immortal Tree. If it doesn't work, you can only rely on luck." Xu Shou had no choice.

As an adamantine-level awakener and the father-in-law of King Hades, he is also a backbone in the Palace of Hades.

Xu Shou also resigned from his official position in the imperial court, mainly because he did not have the great benefits of being associated with King Yama.

"Ah... then you'd better find a safe place for me." Wang Linchi finally figured out that King Yama had not taken him into consideration.

It may be due to the inertia of thinking. After all, all of his subordinates are powerful, and Wang Linchi is not a member of the Hades Palace, so he subconsciously ignored him.

Xu Shou didn't say much and quickly sent Wang Linchi to a safer place.

Safer means there are fewer cracks around it.

As a result, Xu Shou hadn't walked for two minutes when the cracks spread.

Naturally, he immediately summoned the substitute Holy Lord to protect himself.

The Holy Lord grabbed Wang Linchi and jumped left and right to avoid these cracks.

The newly born Holy Lord was only two meters tall. With the development of his strength, he was now three and a half meters tall. It was easy to catch Wang Linchi.

The Holy Lord can also fly and has two flight modes.

One is the same as the flying fox ghost, but it is an evolved version of flying, which is similar to flying that violates common sense of physics.

The other type is the wings inherited from the Yasha ghost, which flies like a bird through its wings.

Most of the time, the former flying method is used, which is not only more flexible, but also faster.

The latter is to fly through physical means when encountering areas such as forbidden air and forbidden areas, which is a backup flight method.

The wings are hidden under the white bone scales. When not in use, they are a combination of armor and muscles, and they will not unfold normally.

Although Wang Linchi has been being held and avoided by the Holy Master, his eyes have always been in the distance.

The progress of King Yama was not going smoothly. Bishop Black Dragon came on the stage to stop him, but he was stopped by the beautiful senior sister from Morning Star.

Then the third-party force Shadow Alliance also took action.

A large number of shadow people appeared, directly dividing the battlefield through their signature soul seed shadow space, in order to buy time for the Immortal Tree to break the secret realm.

The Shadow Alliance doesn't know what agreement it has reached with the Dragon Worship Cult. There must be cooperation between the two parties.

"Let me see, there is actually a fish that slipped through the net here." A joking voice came over, and not far away, the shadow twisted into a human form from the shadow.

"Get out!" Wang Linchi glanced at him. A mithril-level man dared to attack him when he was protected by the Holy Lord. He must not die.

The other party was also obviously stunned, seeing such an arrogant black iron level awakener for the first time.

Then he couldn't help but burst into laughter, a very hearty laugh.

"Kill him." Wang Linchi ordered directly.

The Holy Master hugged Wang Linchi without affecting the battle at all, and then he approached instantly and pinched the shadow man's head with his big hand. With a squeeze, the shadow man's head was crushed directly, and then the remaining vitality, mental power, and luck all over his body Wait until they are all absorbed by the Holy Lord.

Some of these energies are used to restore the Holy Lord, some are turned into qualifications, and some are filled into blessings for accumulation.

"Stay away from here, lest you get entangled by these deceived shadow people again."

After Wang Linchi finished speaking, the Holy Master led Wang Linchi across the crack and away from the battlefield.

"In this situation, it seems that the secret realm cannot be saved, and we have to prepare in advance to deal with it." Wang Linchi felt that the protagonist's halo seemed to have no way to solve this matter...

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