Who Told You to Use Your Power Like That?

Chapter 158 Page of Mythical Soul Seed

"Xiao Wang, why do you look so tired lately? You are still young and you have to pay attention to your health."

The security guard at the entrance of Shangshi Bureau saw Wang Linchi with a dark circle under his eyes and gave him a kind reminder.

Wang Linchi nodded: "I've been obsessed with story books recently, and it's dawn when I'm not paying attention."

As he spoke, he pointed to a book in his hand.

This made the security guard dumbfounded, and he didn't say anything in the end. Anyway, Wang Linchi had an easy job every day, and no one talked about it when he went to work or slept.

Wang Linchi naturally stopped reading, but after evolving his mythical soul seed, he continued to evolve his two soul seed pages.

After upgrading the two Soul Seed Pages to the mythical level, three more effects were added again.

[Page of Soul Seed·Heart-like mind and horse (mythical level)]

[Impact: causing damage to the spirit, heart, soul, and thinking]

[Penetration: Impact can penetrate shields and barriers]

[Confusion: After receiving an impact, a chaotic effect will occur, causing confusion in thinking]

[Toxin: After being impacted, it will produce a poisoning effect, causing continuous damage]

[Exhaustion: After being impacted, a burning energy effect will be produced and energy will continue to be burned]

[Slowness: After receiving an impact, a slowdown effect will occur, slowing down the reaction ability]

[Corrosion: Corrosion will occur after being impacted, and the negative effects will be enhanced]

[Hallucination: After being impacted, hallucination effects will occur, confusing reality and illusion]

[Weakness: After receiving an impact, a weakening effect will occur, and all attributes will be significantly reduced]

[Disorder: After receiving an impact, a disorder effect will occur, and the ability to use it will suffer backlash]

[Soul Seed Page·Storage Space (Mythical Level)]

[Book page space: Have a storage space whose size depends on the upper limit of mental power]

[Enhanced concealment: Create a concealment effect around the storage space to prevent others from discovering it]

[Reinforced structure: Enhance the structural strength and stability of the storage space]

[Enhanced Locking: Lock the storage space so that it cannot be accessed or invaded by others]

[Enhanced protection: Strengthen the defense layer of the storage space to resist the impact of the external environment on the storage space]

[Enhanced Dimension: Expand the same space into multiple independent storage spaces, and store different types of items in categories]

[Enhance stillness: form a still space, preserve items in it, and prevent them from corrosion or decay]

[Enhanced alert: The storage space is equipped with an anti-theft alarm function. Once someone illegally intrudes, the alarm will be triggered]

[Strengthened Guard: Create guards to guard the storage space and be able to identify and resist attacks on the storage space]

[Enhanced recovery: After the storage space is damaged or destroyed, it can automatically recover and regenerate by absorbing spiritual power]

The main purpose of Xin Yuanyima is to cause negative effects all over the opponent's body after attacking, and there is also an additional thought damage. As for why it does not stack attacks, in fact, he has already stacked them. The strengthening effect of his four soul seeds can increase the impact of Xin Yuanyima. harm.

Coupled with the increased intensity and purification effect of mental power, the impact and penetration have reached the limits of the Soul Seed Page.

Therefore, it is no longer possible to continue to stack damage, and can only become stronger towards a negative state.

As for why the storage space needs to have anti-theft, guard and regeneration capabilities, it is actually very simple. Except for the two functional effect entries of strengthening dimension and strengthening stillness, the other entries are actually for protection.

Concealment means that no one can find it. If someone finds it, then increase the strength and stability of the structure and lock it to make it inaccessible to the other party. If the other party uses force, it will be blocked by the protection.

If you can't stop them and enter the storage space, the guards will fight and delay. In the end, if a fight breaks out and the storage space is destroyed, the items will be lost and can be recovered.

The alert is to prevent someone from skipping the previous procedure and entering directly. Then the alarm function will be triggered to remind Wang Linchi and notify the guards.

The main thing is to nip problems in the bud.

As for strengthening stillness, its intensity is actually limited, and it is mainly used to preserve people, not to trap people.

A rough analogy is an icehouse that can keep everything fresh. Using an icehouse as a prison would be a bit exploiting weaknesses and avoiding strengths and not making the best use of everything.

The storage space at this stage is actually very large. After all, the size depends on Wang Linchi's mental power. After adding two phantoms to the black iron-level zero-turn golden elixir, 30,000 points of mental power can be converted into 300. Cube, divided by strengthening the dimension, 300 cubic meters will not be wasted at all.

After arriving at the office, Wang Linchi threw away his script and asked the Holy Master to stand guard for him. He lay down on the table and fell asleep.

If you don’t sleep at work, how can you have the energy to continue to get stronger after get off work?

It's not that after upgrading the Soul Seed and the Soul Seed Page to the mythical level, it's done. The next step will be even more difficult.

He also needs to further improve the "Nine-turn Golden Pill Soul Forging Technique" and the "Tao Fei Nascent Soul Soul Formation Secret Technique", and then develop the "External Incarnation" and so on.

Cultivation is the most relaxing activity.

He gained a lot of soul-forging techniques in Ningyang Mansion, including even mithril-level soul-forging techniques.

He even found out a special method similar to the black iron level of the monopolized soul secret technique.

It's just that compared to the soul-like secret method, this thing is really hidden too deeply.

If it weren't for the aristocratic families and sects in Xianzhou being suppressed by the city government and scattered to pieces, this news might not have spread.

This can be considered to have advantages and disadvantages.

After all, it is impossible to really kill or imprison all the disciples of the aristocratic family and sect, they will only be collected and used by the Ningyang Mansion.

In the old days, the swallows in front of Wang Xietang flew into the homes of ordinary people.

It's a pity that there are not many rumors. Wang Linchi only knows that it was used to lay foundations before the orichalcum level. It can make the physique of the orichalcum level even more magical. After all, when you reach the orichalcum level, it begins to involve physical training. , so a foundation needs to be laid at the black iron level.

If it’s any more, it’s unclear.

It was not easy for Wang Linchi to find out this.

When he woke up, it was already seven o'clock in the evening. Except for the security guard at the entrance, everyone else in Shangshi Bureau had already gone off work.

"I haven't slept so comfortably for a long time." Wang Linchi stretched and his energy quickly recovered.

"I worked very hard for a month without sleeping, and it was because of my strong body, otherwise I would have died suddenly."

"But it's not a problem if you always come to work like this."

If he hadn't been unable to get away, he would have wanted to find someone to work for him.

The main reason is that in Dajing, it is difficult to move around without an identity. It does not mean that you can just run away.

After that, we can't just be rats in the ditch all the time.

If you can grow stronger safely, why bother with these tricks? Again, the court is also a retreat.

I used to think about entering the secret realm to become stronger, but now I do, but I just can't spare the time.

After the qualitative change and change of his own strength, he had too much to do.

He is used to going down dungeons with all his magical skills, rather than being unprepared.

Based on his situation, he still belongs to the black iron level in the secret realm judgment, but his real strength has far exceeded the black iron level.

He is not afraid of even the fine gold level players.

If it were other awakened geniuses, even if they were embedded with nine mythical soul seeds, they would not be able to kill the fine gold level at the black iron level. Being able to kill the mithril level would be the limit.

Thanks to Wang Linchi who did not take the ordinary path, his current situation is actually basically different from the awakened ones in the Dajing court.

The soul phase has been transformed, the soul type is a new soul type that does not even have data in the world, and the soul forging method has never appeared.

The soul-forging methods of the Dajing Imperial Court all came from the secret realm, and no one invented them at all.

"Go to the black market and see if you can find something useful. It's best to find a Horcrux that can work for me." Wang Linchi stood up and moved around, preparing to go to the black market.

He never thought of exposing his strength to become a combatant.

It's better to go to the wild secret realm of the black market, and after paying the fee, everything will be yours.

What's more, after becoming a combatant in the court, he will be controlled by the court, and it is not good for him to expose his strength beyond the black iron level, otherwise he will inevitably be coveted and cause trouble.

‘There is also the Heavenly Demon inheritance. Do you want to study it in its entirety? ’ Wang Linchi thought to himself.

Ningyang Mansion naturally has descendants of the Heavenly Demon, but they are dormant deeper. His research is not to kill the descendants of the Heavenly Demon and take away the inheritance, but to directly study the descendants of the Heavenly Demon. This is equivalent to wearing gloves, and there is no need to worry about getting his hands on them. trouble.

Otherwise, since his real body has the inheritance of the demon, he is not afraid of other people. But on the side of King Yama, he is really not sure that he can beat him. How could he go back after finally clearing up all the drama?

Wang Linchi was absolutely certain that the halo of the protagonist, King of Hell, would overdraw the luck gained from a place's Qi. He was not willing to run into such a big trouble again.

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