Who Told You to Use Your Power Like That?

Chapter 160 Clone·Wang Linchi, a good helper at work

"It seems that this disciple of the Hundred Beasts Sect has not completely changed the sect." Wang Linchi looked at the special spiritual power bound in the thinking force field.

Originally, this power should have been rooted in his body, but it was captured by his thinking force field before it entered his body, or even touched the soul barrier.

The other party is not practicing Long You Xiangxing's soul forging method, but the core soul type is still the shadow of the beast. The beast shadow formed is not the existence of close combat, but is similar to the beast shadow with the spirit of speech.

It is precisely because of this that the two soul-forging techniques of Long You and Xiang Xing were exchanged and thrown away without hesitation.

"We must confirm, but we don't have enough time." Of course Wang Linchi didn't believe the other party. The words "the strong is respected" are not false.

He can detect clues from this spiritual power, that is, at some point, it can form a certain control effect. More importantly, there is no price for the other party to break the oath.

Just like Wang Linchi is now, he is stronger than the opponent, so the oath is like farting, without any restraint at all.

There are no inner demons or heavenly things in this world. Unless there is some kind of powerful soul phase or soul seed to restrain it, it will have no effect at all.

And the effectiveness of this kind of restraint will be ineffective when encountering a stronger person. There is no white porcelain level that can make a Xiri level obey him through the power of oath.

Unless this person is Yama, it is impossible.

"It takes at least a year for me to enter the secret realm. It is a large secret realm after all, and there are a lot of benefits to be gained."

Naturally, it is impossible for the Shangshi Bureau to let him take a year off.

As for the mission of the Hundred Beasts Sect disciple? He had no intention of finishing it at all, but he got the thing.

It is a map that depicts the defense plan of the entire Hundred Beast Gate. Logically speaking, it is of little use. After all, the Hundred Beast Gate is gone, and the defense map is just waste paper, and it is not even a Horcrux, it is just a simple blueprint.

If this thing is given to a beast king, what effect can it really have?

After memorizing its contents, Wang Linchi found a place to bury the defense map, and then went to see what would happen if the other unlucky people handed the defense map to the Beast King.

If you can't find it, forget it.

When he enters the secret realm, his main task is to obtain the soul-forging method that possesses the soul-forging secret technique.

This disciple of the Hundred Beasts Sect must have done something with the soul forging method, but he should not have done anything with the soul forging secret technique. Otherwise, he would not be able to obtain the soul forging secret technique after entering, and the failure of the oath would also cause the opponent's plan to fail.

The problem should be in the soul-forging method or the soul-forming secret technique. As long as you change cultivation, you will definitely be tricked to death by the opponent.

If he was really a good person, he wouldn't be so sneaky.

“It’s unrealistic to take a year off, and it’s even more unrealistic to leave your job.”

Under normal circumstances, non-combat awakeners are not allowed to leave your job unless you are fired.

Combat-type awakened people can resign, but they need to complete the assessment and pay a fine.

Wang Linchi thought for a while, he couldn't be fired. Even if you make a mistake, you will only be transferred to a position with poor environment and hard work step by step until you die in this position.

Even if he died, he would have to die at his post.

Therefore, a staff resigning administrator like him is basically a decoration, arranged to accommodate non-combat soul-awakened people.

Ever since he entered the Dou Su Domain, his strength has always been at the White Porcelain level rather than the Black Iron level. At present, even the Xiri level might not be able to tell. After all, he has four mythical soul seeds taking effect at the same time. How can it really be that easy? Being seen out would be a huge loss.

Unless the Xiri class uses some detection soul species to detect him, this will be exposed.

But the problem is, let alone seeing a Xiri-level awakener, even if he did, why would the other party be investigating a White Porcelain-level person? He is not the King of Hell, he is not that eye-catching.

"The solution is to create a clone and come to work in my place."

"There are also shortcomings, that is, there is no soul and strength."

There is no danger, but suddenly it becomes impossible for ordinary people to handle it.

As for the soul aspect, Wang Linchi really has no way to solve it. There is no way for clones to have souls.

This has nothing to do with the rules of the world. It's just that Wang Linchi didn't study it.

"If it was just for a year, maybe there would be a way around it."

Wang Linchi looked at his golden elixir... phantom.

"Clone and ripen a me within seven days, then cut off the shadow of the golden elixir and transform it into a book of records. After loading it into the clone's body, he can become me."

"The disadvantage is that this thing has a time limit. When the time limit is up, not only the forged book of records will disappear, but also the clones will die."

"The second thing is the pain, and it also takes time to create another golden elixir shadow."

Wang Linchi quickly listed out the plan. This plan had existed before, but it was never planned to be implemented. It was mainly about memory infusion and retrieval.

He must instill corresponding memories into the clones, and he must also reserve an extraction mechanism. Otherwise, if he doesn't know what happened this year, wouldn't that cause problems?

A year is not a day. Even if you don't socialize, something will definitely happen.

"You have to give the clone a part of the power that can be used for self-protection and not attract attention. Don't wait until I come out. The clone died for half a year and immediately canceled my account. Then I will become a black account, isn't it just Can blend into various secret realms." Wang Linchi will not die, but the clone body will.

"Okay, this is really unrealistic. Just keep the standard 1 point of mental power. If something happens, you don't have to run away, but you can't run away."

"Might as well think about making this clone more like me."

Wang Linchi took action while recording.

The clone technology is actually the precursor to his external incarnation. There were a large number of awakened people at the Immortal Tree who cooperated before, so this progress was possible.

Otherwise, Wang Linchi could not survive simply by drying the longevity tree, and he would definitely have gained something. Otherwise, how could he help the longevity tree form a new species?

What he did was not considered a creation, but more of a genetic modification.

The number of longevity fruits that turned into weird shapes after failure alone almost filled a large warehouse.

Without hesitation, he took a sample from himself and cloned it in the basement.

There is no need for embryos or anything else. This is the soul world, not the real world without any extraordinary things. Many hard conditions can be skipped.

"The configuration of the embryo, and..."

Six nagging days passed like this.

A clone that looked exactly like Wang Linchi was sleeping with his eyes closed.

He is imbuing the clone with memories.

The person in his memory was not the person he was after the struggle, but in a bad state, and had undergone a lot of modifications. There was no secret about Wang Linchi.

The soul seed is gone, after all, even the soul image and record book are fake.

"If my rainbow soul species had not disappeared, I might have lived as a clone, but it is more likely that I would have died at the hands of the Dragon Worship Cult."

Wang Linchi smiled. This clone was restricted by him and would not go out to have sex or eat, drink or gamble. It was the same as the superficial life he was living now. He still drank tea and read newspapers at work, ate and watched TV for entertainment after get off work, and took a walk every day. Neither goes out.

To avoid running into something and getting killed.

The requirement is very simple, just make this clone safe and sound.

After finishing, the basement was cleaned up, all kinds of fruits, vegetables, grains, etc. were moved in, and after returning it to its original use as a cellar, the clone was dragged into the living room.

"Activate it and see if there are any problems."

After Wang Linchi checked it again, he activated the clone.

After activation, Wang Linchi's figure gradually disappeared into the shadow of the corner. This is a use of the thinking force field, which can be ignored. The effect depends on one's own mental power and the mental power of passers-by. If it is changed, If it reaches the adamantine level, it will probably be useless.

"I really can't stay up late reading story books recently. It's good to read, but it's easy to get fooled." The clone Wang Linchi got up from the sofa, glanced at the story book beside him, rubbed his temples, got up and went to the kitchen to pour a glass of water. That's it. Three or two mouthfuls went into his stomach.

He looked at the time again.

"It's half past eleven. Go to bed and watch until you get to work."

After saying that, he changed into his pajamas and washed himself before going to bed.

Seeing this, Wang Linchi nodded with satisfaction: "Yes, the effect is very good. With the condition of the golden elixir's shadow, it can run for five years without interruption if it is not dead."

There is no need to worry about diseases or the like. His physical fitness is strong, and he is also taken care of by Jindan Xuying. As long as he is not killed, he will basically not die.

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