Who Told You to Use Your Power Like That?

Chapter 163: The remnants of the Hundred Beast Sect, the accidental collision caused by Fuze

"I seem to have discovered something big." Wang Linchi quickly found clues after searching the body of the Thunder Ape King.

"The remnants of the Hundred Beast Sect are actually using the secret realm system to maintain the inheritance."

Wang Linchi's tone was very bad, and he no longer even called the remaining people of the Hundred Beasts Sect survivors, but directly called the remnants.

"Many of the beast kings should be the former disciples of the Hundred Beast Sect. They may be elders or deacons."

"They used some means to strip off their identity and become a beast king species, thus escaping the court's liquidation and retaining the ability of the awakened ones."

"There must be some shortcomings. There is a high probability that some blood food is needed, and the disciples outside use some means to control the recruited disciples and let them send blood food in."

"Planting a defense map for the Beast King means that this person is a food delivery person."

Wang Linchi didn't give it, so the remnant of the Hundred Beasts Sect who turned into the Thunder Ape King didn't recognize him, so he thought of using Wang Linchi to divert the trouble to the east.

As for the inheritance of Thunder Monkey Shadow, it is probably true, but there must be problems. If you really get it, you may be controlled or calculated by the other party.

After searching for a while, the corresponding inheritance was not found, which meant that even if he completed the mission of the Thunder Ape King, the other party would continue to hang him, for example, the location of the inheritance would require him to fight for his life.

However, I did find one Horcrux, which was a thunder cone. I glanced at it and threw it into the storage space, mainly because it was of no use.

It can only be used if it requires thunder attribute.

"It seems that the inheritance of the Hundred Beasts Sect has not been cut off yet."

"Otherwise, how can we control the disciples who have been recruited outside?" Wang Linchi couldn't help but think of that disciple, who also entered the secret realm together, probably not for insurance, but to receive the reward.

That is, the corresponding secret technique of the orichalcum level.

"It's really dark under the lamp." Wang Linchi couldn't help but sneered.

The Hundred Beast Sect may have planned it long ago. Given the temperament of the imperial court, they will only plow through the secret realm of the Beast Garden and wait for it to recover on its own. Then this recovery time will be the time for their Hundred Beast Sect to regain its strength.

As long as enough power is accumulated, it will be re-skinned again, and it can be listed on the market through a backdoor, allowing the Beast Sect to return to Xianzhou.

However, the plan is very good and there are basically not many problems except that the implementation is very difficult.

"The Hundred Beasts Sect has a Morning Star rating. If I can obtain the Hundred Beasts Sect's "Hundred Beasts Soul Forging Technique", then I can directly unlock Dajing's list limit to the Morning Star rating?"

The "Hundred Beasts Soul Forging Method" is the most powerful soul forging method available in the secret realm of the beast garden, and it is directly aimed at the Morning Star.

As for the Huiyue and Xiri level soul forging methods, they can only be found in giant and super giant secret realms. The upper limit of large secret realms is morning level. Of course, this refers to the soul forging method. , not referring to Aboriginal people.

The secret realm where the Immortal Tree is located is also a large secret realm. As a result, after leaving the secret realm, there are no restrictions and it directly rises to the sun level. Many existences cannot be explained by common sense.

However, the "Hundred Beasts Soul Forging Technique" is enough for him. It is difficult for him to break through the orichalcum level. Don't think too much about Huiyue and Xiri levels.

He was not even sure that his orichalcum level could really be consistent with the orichalcum level of a normal awakened person.

"As long as I can find these remnants of the Hundred Beast Sect, I can kill them indiscriminately."

There was a Morning Star in the Hundred Beast Gate, but that was in the past. After the Mountain Gate was destroyed, the Morning Star Awakener who was the leader was already dead.

So now the highest level of the Hundred Beast Sect is only the fine gold level, and they are still losing their bodies and lingering.

If there really was a Morning Star, they wouldn't bother themselves like this, hiding in a secret realm, and going to other states without Morning Stars to re-establish the Hundred Beast Gate. Xianzhou wouldn't care about it, they would just care. One third of an acre of land.

"Fortunately, the mission is completed. This is the fastest mission completion speed." Wang Linchi entered the secret realm twice in total. As a result, the two basic secret realm missions took longer each time.

"Even the beast king species that are comparable to the fine gold level have not condensed soul seeds. Is there a problem with this explosion rate? Or is it because of the fusion of the Thunder Ape King and the remnants of the Hundred Beast Sect?"

Wang Linchi frowned. Under normal circumstances, an enemy of this strength would definitely condense soul seeds.

"The secret realm has been damaged too much by looting. There may be a problem with the judgment."

First of all, based on his situation, the beast king species he encountered was most likely in its juvenile stage, that is, an orichalcum-level beast king species, and it was unlikely that he would arrange for a higher situation.

"So I killed the wrong beast king species?!"

Wang Linchi realized that this was not the beast king he wanted to kill at all.

"So there's a little beast king wandering around in the mountains. What the hell is that?" Wang Linchi complained.

He finally understood that he was able to come here probably not because of the arrangement of the secret realm, but simply because he triggered Fuze and asked him to come here to take advantage of the opportunity.

With his blessings, he may not be able to pick up any terrifying big opportunities, but it seems that something with a limited upper limit like armor can really be picked up.

As for the Thunder Ape King, with the cooperation of him and the Holy Lord, he was instantly killed, and there was no danger at all.

There is also a problem with the opponent's strength. It seems to be comparable to the Adamantine level, but in fact it may only be around the Mithril level, and it is still the first time to enter the Mithril level.

It is probably caused by sequelae.

"It's a strange combination of circumstances. It's nothing."

"Does this mean it's not over yet? There will be incidents later?" Wang Linchi couldn't help but get excited when he thought about this.

The opportunities brought by Fuze are not only the beast hunter's armor skills. If he continues to dig deeper, he may be able to find the hiding place of the remnants of the Hundred Beast Sect. Then the "Hundred Beast Soul Forging Technique" may be found. After completing the task, you can also get an event soul seed.

"The beast king species in the secret realm plus the remnants of the Hundred Beast Gate incident are guaranteed to be epic!"

"It's even very possible that it's the soul seed of Beast King Shadow. If that's the case, it's really a mistake."

If Wang Linchi had killed the juvenile Beast King species, the chain of events could not have been so long. At most, it only involved the parents of the Beast King species. It would be difficult to estimate any further.

Wang Linchi was also excited. Fuze was indeed a good thing. He was suspected of having strong luck. Now that he had Fuze added to it, the opportunity was almost as good as coming to his door.

After carefully searching the cave, Wang Linchi planned to leave to find the juvenile beast king species, mainly to understand the body structure.

Because the negative effects on the Thunder Ape King were too strong, the corpse was no longer conducive to research.

But before he even reached the door, he heard footsteps.

This made him narrow his eyes, and then he found a hidden place to hide and take a look.

"Uncle Master, Uncle Master, are you there?" a voice rang.

He had heard this voice, one of the four orichalcum-level people. It didn't take a second thought to know that he was a remnant of the Hundred Beasts Sect.

This person was not the one who deceived Wang Linchi in the black market, but another one.

The other party arrived in the same area as himself, but in a different place, maybe farther away, so Wang Linchi arrived first, and only after everything was dealt with was almost done, did he come.

"Don't move~" The Holy Lord pinched the man.

"You...who are you!" The other party was also startled. This was originally the place where his uncle lived, but now another beast king jumped out of here.

The one who took action was the Holy Lord, and the inhuman one was naturally the Beast King.

"Who am I, hehe, you don't need to know, but I am very interested in the Beast Gate that was tortured from the mouth of that old ape."

Although it was the Holy Master who spoke, it was Wang Linchi who controlled it. If Wang Linchi did not control it, the Holy Master would not be able to speak.

Hearing this, the remnants of the Hundred Beast Sect couldn't help but feel cold in their hearts. Uncle Master, you will die if you die. Why did you leak everything?

"Come, tell me where the headquarters of your Hundred Beast Sect is. Otherwise, you don't want to be controlled by me and eat your own flesh and blood." The sinister voice of the Holy Lord appeared again.

At the same time, this person could also notice a sudden weight in his mind, and he instantly understood the situation as soon as his mental power came into contact.

As long as you are disobedient, the things in your mind will explode.

With a bang, his head will bloom.

What's even more terrible is that this thing can not only be controlled by the other party, but will also explode once the time is up and the other party does not help extend it, so don't think that the other party will be unable to control it after escaping to a certain distance.

"I...I said." This man was about to cry. This was an unreasonable disaster.

He was obviously here to deliver a message and receive a reward, so why did he end up in this situation?

As for being loyal to the Hundred Beasts Sect? Forget it, the top leaders of the Hundred Beast Sect used secret techniques as bait to control them. Compared with the secret techniques, their own lives were naturally more important.

"Yes, those who know the current affairs are heroes."

"I think this handsome man should lead the way for me." The Holy Master not only wants to know where the headquarters of the remnants of the Hundred Beast Sect in the secret realm is, but also wants the other party to lead the way for him.

In fact, he was also quite curious. Judging from the other party's situation, the Hundred Beast Sect did have a headquarters in the secret realm, but why did the Elder Thunder Ape King stay in this remote place in the countryside.

Could it be that they specifically use the secret realm’s teleportation mechanism to fish?

Otherwise, how could it be such a coincidence? Wang Linchi happened to arrive here, and he was replaced by an ordinary black iron level. Now he is afraid that he has entered the opponent's belly.

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