Who Told You to Use Your Power Like That?

Chapter 166 Employment, Crouching Tiger City

"When we first met, you seemed a little wary of me? What was the reason?"

Next to the fire, Wang Linchi pretended to ask casually.

After giving the Dark Spirit Snake to the other party, he used some words to get closer to each other and finally eased the atmosphere.

"Little brother, you should be from Dajing." Ouyang Tong, the leader of the hunting group, did not answer, but first confirmed Wang Linchi's identity.

"Isn't it welcome?" Wang Linchi raised his eyebrows.

"Not all Dajing people can sit down and chat with us calmly like you, my little brother. After the Hundred Beast Gate of the Holy Land was breached ten years ago, the invasion of you Dajing people has continued until now."

"Many of you don't regard us as human beings. You kill at will and search excessively, which has caused all our industries to wither and even the city to be broken up." Ouyang Tong said helplessly.

He understands that if there are bad people, there must be good people.

"Sorry, I don't know this, and I can't stop it." Wang Linchi will not be tough with the other party. This is the fact. On the contrary, during the rule of the Hundred Beasts Sect, they managed very well, even if they used force to deter them, this matter Gotta compare.

I only scolded you a few times before, but I will directly scold you later. It is definitely better to do the former.

Ouyang Tong shook his head and said nothing, and then asked: "Little brother, are you coming to our place to hunt the king of beasts?"

"That's right. Do you know where there is a Beast King species? I can pay you some reward." Wang Linchi asked without revealing his thoughts immediately.

"There is no King Beast species nearby. The King Beast species were almost hunted down by you Dajing people." Ouyang Tong said.

Wang Linchi was confused. Isn't there a big nest in the valley not far away? Then he realized that the large group of elders and deacons from the Hundred Beasts Sect would definitely not eat people around at will, as this would expose them.

Although they have been eroded by the instinct of the beast king species, human consciousness has always existed, and it is naturally impossible for them to do anything harmful to their own interests.

"That's such a pity." Wang Linchi said regretfully, and then asked: "By the way, are you practicing Armor Technique?"

"Yes, otherwise how dare you come out to hunt the beast king species." Ouyang Tong looked at Wang Linchi: "You Da Jing don't need armor skills, some people can directly kill the beast king species."

"Oh, it's not that I want to kill him, but I have to come."

"By the way, do you accept the commission? I want you to help me track and hunt the beast king species." Wang Linchi changed the subject and said.

"We don't accept the commission." Ouyang Tong replied decisively. It's not that they don't accept the commission, but they don't plan to accept the commission from Dajingren.

He has a good sense for Wang Linchi, and to be honest, he really doesn't plan to run into him.

Firstly, most people in Dajing want to kill and kill, and secondly, people in Dajing treat them with great disdain and contempt. In recent years, things have gotten better, with fewer people coming, so they can barely tolerate it.

In the past, they were really used as cannon fodder.

"That's such a pity." Wang Linchi was quite regretful.

"Please don't get me wrong. It's not that I don't want to accept it. It's just that our hunting group is too small and our armor skills are not superb. It would be troublesome to hunt any kind of war beast, let alone the king of beasts." Of course, Ouyang Tong couldn't really say that. They were afraid that Wang Linchi would treat them as cannon fodder, but instead used his own lack of strength as the reason.

Wang Linchi showed that he didn't mind at all: "What about the escort mission? Send me to a city that is not controlled by the people of Dajing. It is best to be bigger and more prosperous."

As soon as he said this, Ouyang Tong had a weird look on his face. You, a Dajing man, don't go to Dajing's territory. What are you going to do? Although he was weird, he also became wary in his heart.

"This..." He was thinking of a reason to refuse. This kind of request, which sounded abnormal at first sight, must be very dangerous.

"Don't worry, even though I'm from Dajing, I don't want to have bad contact with that group of people. They are not from the same group as me."

"If I really had any evil intentions, I wouldn't wait until now." Wang Linchi said with a smile.

The other party hesitated for a moment, and finally nodded: "Although there are many cities that are not controlled by the Great Scenery people now, according to your request, the only one is Crouching Tiger City. It used to be the place with the most beast hunters, but it was later...that What’s the matter, but there are still many beast hunters now.”

According to the standards in the secret realm, prosperity is naturally not based on ordinary people, but on beast hunters as extraordinary beings.

"What about the other beast hunters?" Wang Linchi asked curiously.

"Most of them are similar to me, because there are not enough beast king species, the armor skills are not improving, and the strength is getting weaker and weaker." Ouyang Tong said helplessly.

The entire strength of a beast hunter lies in the equipment forged with armor, and the equipment requires good raw materials.

As the best raw material producer, after the Beast King species was raided by Da Jing, even if it did not need to be suppressed, it would naturally wither.

As for the war beast species, this one can also be produced, but the quality is too poor, which results in the equipment not only having low power, but also being able to be used less often.

Later, the rule of the Great King people even introduced a beast tax. When you beast hunters kill a beast, whether it is a beast species, a war beast species, or a beast king species, they will take 80% of it as tax.

Of course, this is just the beginning, and now it is only 50%.

This has led to another decrease in the number of beast hunters. Today's beast hunting groups are already top-notch if they can hunt a war beast species.

Therefore, the raw materials and beast souls of the war beast species and beast king species are becoming more and more valuable.

Just like soul seeds and ordinary coins, the former maintains its value, but the latter can collapse at any time.

"I see. Then, will you accept my commission?"

"I have some... well, it's dried meat from the King of Beasts, but it's been stored for a long time." Wang Linchi said, taking out the tiger meat.

That's right, Wang Linchi hasn't finished eating the meat of the two tigers he met at the beginning of the last secret realm. It was later dried and turned into dried tiger meat. It was so hard that it was hard for him to digest it no matter how good his teeth were.

Later, when better resources were available, Wang Linchi stopped eating dried tiger meat and left it in the Horcrux storage for a long time.

Wang Linchi's plan is very simple, just use this beast hunting group to form a snowball force and gather enough resources for himself.

As for yourself, you only need to be behind the scenes, and you can be separated from it at any time.

It doesn't matter if the other party doesn't want to. When he gets to Crouching Tiger City, he can change to another one. The only problem is that he doesn't know where Crouching Tiger City is.

If you have local people to help guide you, you can save a lot of time.

"Well, we have to look at the quality." Ouyang Tong originally wanted to refuse, but after hearing that it was a beast king, it was really hard to say it.

Various places have speculated on the various raw materials of Beast King at extremely high prices.

Wang Linchi took out a large piece of dried meat. Ouyang Tong couldn't help but twitch at the corner of his eye: "Are these rewards?"

"Yes, give me a reward for leading the way." Wang Linchi was not worried that they would take advantage of others.

The Dark Spirit Snake, a species of war beast that their entire hunting group couldn't handle, was caught by the Holy Lord with just a hand. The combined total was not enough for the Holy Lord to fight, and how could he have the ability to take advantage of others.

Ouyang Tong exchanged glances with several people in his hunting group, and finally chose to agree.

"No problem, we can escort you to Crouching Tiger City, but this beast of yours..." Ouyang Tong pointed at Wang Linchi's substitute Holy Master, which meant that it was too ostentatious.

"Don't worry, it will disappear on its own." After Wang Linchi said that, the figure of the Holy Master gradually dimmed and finally disappeared.

This is back in the Book of Soul Aspects and Records, but if Wang Linchi is in danger, the Holy Master will appear immediately. It is just in ghost pattern mode and is not dead, so it can still continue to take effect.

"That's good. If it's not necessary, you'd better not reveal your identity as a Dajing person when you get to Crouching Tiger City."

"If you don't mind, could I ask what you are doing in Crouching Tiger City?" Ouyang Tong had to ask. In fact, his attitude was considered good. Many people in Crouching Tiger City had a deep hatred for the people of Dajing.

Apart from the traitorous ones, there are a few who can have a good attitude towards the intruders.

"The main thing is to learn armor skills." Wang Linchi naturally couldn't really tell his purpose.

"Learn armor..." Ouyang Tong wanted to say, can you find a better reason?

"Really, so I have to trouble you to recommend someone who is good at Armor Art. I will pay the tuition." Wang Linchi said sincerely.

This made Ouyang Tong a little hesitant. The people from Dajing had been dismissive of their armor skills from the beginning.

Now that a person suddenly appears, it is natural to be suspicious.

"I can give you an introduction fee." Wang Linchi added.

"No problem!" Ouyang Tong was shaken. At worst, he would take the money and leave Crouching Tiger City to live a stable life in the countryside.

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