Who Told You to Use Your Power Like That?

Chapter 169 Beast System/Shadow System·Beast King Shadow (Epic Level)

"Side branch, I didn't expect that even one side branch could be so wealthy." Wang Linchi couldn't help but sigh.

Wang Linchi, the young man from the Shi family, didn't know his name, but he was a man who knew how to advance and retreat. He didn't show any resentful expression or flash of cold light after losing.

He was also very cooperative with Wang Linchi's vow and was proactive in giving things without being secretive.

After getting the resources, it was natural to run away.

The main reason is that Wang Linchi is actually not confident enough to confirm that the other party is the only one in this secret realm, and he cannot withstand the pursuit of the Shi family afterwards.

There was no need for him to put himself in danger for Crouching Tiger City.

There is only one way to solve this matter perfectly, and that is strong strength. He is not strong enough yet.

So I made a fortune and ran away.

As for saying I'm sorry to Crouching Tiger City, there's nothing to be sorry for. When he entered Crouching Tiger City, it was all about money, and he was never stingy. It was purely about profit.

The destruction of Crouching Tiger City was, as Wang Linchi guessed, an order from the Xianzhou Prefecture. Although it was to cooperate with the historian's side branch of the young man's sacrifice to the Heavenly Demon inheritance, then Wang Linchi had to do it for a group of people. A stranger, or a stranger who is hostile to him, must confront the Ningyang Mansion and the Shi Family? He will not be a match for another hundred.

"But it's just a side branch, so that's why he was arranged to practice the Heavenly Demon inheritance. He can be abandoned if something goes wrong, and he will be a pillar of support when he grows up." Wang Linchi also guessed what Shi Jia was thinking.

After all, the matter of the devil is indeed taboo, so it is developed in private.

After staying away from the beast tide and Crouching Tiger City, Wang Linchi found a safer place and began to sort out his harvest.

"Beast King Shadow Soul Seed, I thought I had to farm it myself, but I didn't expect that I got it with compensation."

[Beast type/Shadow type·Beast King Shadow (epic level)]

[Beast Shadow: Convert one's own consciousness and spiritual power into the visualized shadow of the Beast King. The image of the Beast King's Shadow depends on the soul forging method and soul phase soul seed]

[Body Protection: After releasing the Shadow of the Beast King, the Shadow of the Beast King’s defense +20%]

[Shadow Strike: After releasing the Shadow of the Beast King, the Shadow of the Beast King's attack +20%]

[Dominion: The soul seeds of the Hundred Beasts series will be given to the Beast King’s domain]

[Beast King: The Soul Forging Method of the Hundred Beasts Series will give the power of the shadow of the beast]

The soul seed of Beast King Shadow is very simple. The first one is the core ability, which is similar to a special effect covering the body. It is originally just a phantom, but if it is embedded with the soul seed of the Hundred Beasts series and the soul forging method of the Hundred Beasts series, , then this illusory phantom will condense into a real existence.

With the "Long You Soul Forging Method" in Wang Linchi's hands, if coupled with the dragon soul, dragon claw strike, dragon scale body and other soul seeds of the Hundred Beast series, the beast shadow can be turned into a real dragon. If it is further Paired with fire breathing, it becomes a fire dragon.

If you continue to match soul types such as elephant thorns and thick skin, and practice the "Elephant Walking Soul Forging Method", you can turn this beast king shadow into a dragon elephant.

As for the two soul seeds, the Shadow of the Beast and the Shadow of the Beast King, there is also a big difference. The Shadow of the Beast does not increase the two attributes of attack and defense, and it does not have domain abilities.

The shadow of the beast corresponds to the beast species, while the shadow of the beast king corresponds to the beast king species. With the extra domain, it has an extra ability.

Domain abilities naturally depend on the combination of soul forging methods and soul seeds.

"Unless you specialize and make it the core, if you take it out on its own, it's really a waste."

Wang Linchi thinks it still has some use, for example, combined with local armor skills?

"Hey, it seems possible." Wang Linchi estimated that even if he didn't want to fight in close combat, it seemed that it would be okay to put an iron skin on himself to increase his survivability.

There are also disadvantages, that is, this soul seed only has a reference function and does not have a transformative effect. After all, the core ability of the soul seed cannot be changed by him.

Unless you change cultivation, this soul seed will basically just eat ashes.

Wang Linchi looked at the Holy Master. It seemed a bit awkward to turn this thing into his own equipment.

The main reason is that after the change, who will be used as a human shield in melee combat.

So the best way is to build a new one.

"So I need a suitable beast king species to give me raw materials."

If the soul seed and the soul forging method are not suitable, then it will be enough to transform the beast soul through armor.

"Strong, durable and lightweight."

Wang Linchi quickly decided on the new plug-in status of the Book of Records.

Then I threw this thing into the new folder and waited until I caught a suitable beast king species.

Then he continued to check the compensation he got from the young man from the Shi family branch.

Heavenly and earthly treasures, cultivation resources, soul weapons, soul seeds, etc. are all put into categories on the soul seeds page and storage space.

"With so many resources, this time you don't have to worry about whether to max out the Qingling Yin Shen Soul Forging Technique first or convert the Golden Elixir first." Wang Linchi made an estimate, and paired it with the resources he had on hand, Qing Ling Yin Shen Soul Forging Technique It can take up to ten days to achieve perfection. As for mental strength, it may take a little longer, two months.

With these resources combined with the Horcrux to assist in training, Wang Linchi was able to advance by leaps and bounds even though he was a pig.

As for after the first transformation, let’s see if it can take another two months to reach the second transformation.

Although the historian had a good plan, he was not just interested in this young man, but was willing to pay the price.

He even suspected that if he really killed him or took away all of them, some life-saving things on the other party would be triggered, and he would turn into a clown by then.

After packing up his things, Wang Linchi was ready to find a suitable place to study in depth.

Letting the Holy Lord take him flying would be much faster than walking on two legs.

You can see devastation all along the way. It is obvious that this young man from a branch of the Shi family came here as a blood sacrifice.

There are basically no intact cities, and there are even some cities that are naturalized cities and are still being brutally attacked.

For the aborigines in the secret realm, few awakened people in Da Jing would sympathize with them.

"The Awakeners of Dajing give me the feeling that they are playing a game." Wang Linchi complained.

"Wait, then, it seems that the descendants of the Demon will have a hotbed for development."

"Except for the descendants of the Heavenly Demon who were led to the seven southern regions, the other descendants of the Heavenly Demon can definitely pass through the blood sacrifices in one secret realm after another. So this growth rate..."

Think about it, a Mithril-level person who could be easily killed by him was actually able to withstand one of his attacks after a period of development.

"Hi~ It's scary... That's not right. My black iron level can crush the mithril level. It seems that I am more terrifying."

Wang Linchi originally wanted to say something so terrifying, but found that he himself was even more unscientific than the descendant of the demon.

"Should I also imitate the descendants of the Demon and find a channel that can accelerate my growth?"

"Otherwise, it would be too slow to improve slowly."

He needs a total of 99,999 points of mental power to get started, and now he only has 3,000 points of mental power.

It is naturally difficult to collect resources, but if we directly regard people as resources like the descendants of the demon, then they will be everywhere.

"Forget it, wait until I reach orichalcum level..." Wang Linchi didn't want to be chased.

If he can do it, it's because he is a historian. This kind of massacre is endorsed by the Xianzhou Prefecture. It is a completely legal and compliant behavior in Dajing. It is called annihilation of rebels.

If he takes action, it will be a real massacre.

People are different.

"Oh, why don't I come from a rich family?" Wang Linchi complained. He also wanted to do whatever he wanted, but unfortunately he didn't have the capital.

"That's not right, damn!"

Wang Linchi realized one thing, that is, all the descendants of the Heavenly Demon have the power to break the secret realm. So what should they do if the secret realm is broken after these descendants of the Heavenly Demon have grown up?

Wouldn't that be worse?

Again, it cannot be that only the Shadow League and the Dragon Worship Cult control the inheritance of the Heavenly Demon. There must be other cults as well.

Even sects and aristocratic families have control over it.

If the Hundred Beast Sect is destroyed ten years later, when the Xianzhou Prefecture takes action against them, it is possible that the secret realm of the Beast Garden will be directly shattered.

Those stunning beast king species have a level cap in the secret realm, but once they leave the secret realm and reach the big scene, the level cap disappears directly. It is very likely that a sun-level beast king species will appear, and the opponent's domain may be able to easily conquer it. Cover a domain.

"I'm so tired. Looking for a place... what is that place?" Wang Linchi in the sky discovered that there was a building in the wilderness.

The appearance of the building seems to be mixed with various beast worship, which looks a bit out of place.

"Go over and take a look." Wang Linchi noticed a different aura.

The Holy Master took Wang Linchi to the building quickly. The overall structure of the building puzzled Wang Linchi, as it seemed to be a temple.

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