Who Told You to Use Your Power Like That?

Chapter 174 Legendary Horcrux·Dragon Ball


Wang Linchi was a little confused. This thing was a natural treasure called dragon bone.

It's the bones of a dragon. The problem is that there is no such creature as a dragon in the secret realm of the zoo. Even if there is, it is a special creature formed by the non-existence of reproductive isolation between various beasts.

"It is more likely that it is a remnant of the world before the beast god?"

This thing has only one function, and that is to sacrifice it to the secret realm itself, so as to obtain enough stay time.

Moreover, what Wang Linchi got was not a complete dragon bone, but only a dragon head, which was so big that when it was dug out, it almost destroyed the Holy Lord.

First of all, the keel itself is very hard. When the Holy Lord's claws fell on the keel, there was no trace at all.

"How do you take this thing away?" Wang Linchi was speechless.

It's difficult to move it out, and it's even more impossible to fit it into your own storage space, because his storage space isn't as big as this dragon skull.

After careful inspection, Wang Linchi finally found the most important thing.

Dragon Ball.

It has turned into something like a stone and is firmly embedded in it.

Seeing this, Wang Linchi stretched out his hand to try: "The dragon skull shouldn't be the focus, this dragon bead is. I have to find a way to get it...remove it?"

Wang Linchi looked at the dragon ball that he had easily broken off from his hand, with a look on his face.

He never expected that he would be taken down just like that. Logically speaking, it shouldn't be possible.

Immediately, the entire huge dragon skull collapsed instantly, and Wang Linchi turned into dust before he could even come out of the dragon skull.

He stretched out his hand and touched it. According to the analysis of the thinking force field, the calcium that originally contained some energy has completely lost its energy. This is just a pile of ordinary bone powder, with an unusual structure at best.

Wang Linchi carefully separated the soil and bone meal, and then collected about a ton of bone meal. He didn't collect much, mainly because the bone meal itself was of high quality.

The Dragon Ball seems to have absorbed the power of the Dragon Skull, turning it from a natural treasure into a Horcrux.

【Dragon Ball】

[Quality: Legend]

[Dragon Vein: Luck +50%]

[Suppressing Luck: When your fortune fluctuates downwards, it will not fall below your basic fortune]

[Reborn: long-term wear to enhance mental potential, upper limit 10 (0/10)]

[Bone replacement: long-term wear to improve physical potential, upper limit 10 (0/10)]

[Yi Jin: Long-term wearing increases cultivation potential, upper limit 10 (0/10)]

[Marrow Cleansing: Long-term wearing increases soul potential, upper limit 10 (0/10)]

[Wushuang: When all potentials are improved, the potential bits of souls below 8 potentials +1 (0/1)]

"This thing is a bit interesting." Wang Linchi couldn't help but take a breath of cold air. It was a temperature-nurturing soul weapon that increased potential, and it could also increase potential positions. He had originally given up on potential positions, but he didn't expect it to happen again. Got it.

"So is this good luck on my part, or is it a legacy left to me intentionally by the Beast God?" Wang Linchi felt that he was too lucky... Well, it seems normal.

There are at least 500 strands of blessing on him, plus the luck-suppressing effect, so he is indeed lucky all the time when he enters the secret realm.

"If this is coupled with the dragon vein effect, wouldn't I have more than 700 blessings?"

Luck and fortune, even if they are not the same attribute, can still increase each other. Just like speed and agility, attribute entries that increase agility can also increase the corresponding speed.

"Isn't this thing an excellent carrier for the beast soul in my hand?"

Although the Dragon Balls are said to be Horcruxes, they are actually raw materials from beasts.

Before the beast god, this dragon might have been of dragon nature, but in the secret realm of the beast garden, it was of beast nature. This was the rule.

Therefore, if paired with the roaring beast soul in his hand and this dragon ball, the beast armor technique formed may be extraordinary.

"I'm just a little unwilling."

If there were no Dragon Balls, Wang Linchi would just use Chaotian Roar to make ends meet, but with the Dragon Balls, he was a bit reluctant to make ends meet.

"I always feel like I'm being plotted by the Beast God." Wang Linchi's eyes twitched.

Roaring to the sky is so powerful, but what if you use the most ancient beast?

If the oldest beast is combined with the dragon ball, the beast armor technique formed must be the most top-notch.

"So is the Beast God dead or not..." Wang Linchi sighed.

"Then let's fight. If we don't fight now, we will die in five years."

There is a 90% chance that what happened in Daxu is true, and the remaining 10% is naturally the Beast God deceiving him.

But combined with the crazy behavior of the demon after entering the scene, Wang Linchi felt that the beast god was fine and deceived him.

"The oldest beast is indeed difficult to overcome."

Wang Linchi knew the location and the distance was not close. If the Holy Master took him there day and night, it would take a month.

That thing lives in the sea. He goes from the inland to the seaside. Large secret realms are originally big. The Holy Lord can fly, but it is not his specialty, so it takes a long time.

Later, Wang Linchi began to learn the Beast Armor Technique, while focusing on practicing to improve his mental power to reach the Black Iron Level as soon as possible, and then also studied the Dragon Ball.

All of this was done on the Holy Lord. The Holy Lord was already large enough for Wang Linchi to sit cross-legged on its shoulders and practice.

Originally majoring in physical fitness, he will definitely increase his size as he grows up.

Unless Wang Linchi finds a way to shrink the Holy Master or adjust his size, otherwise, he will basically not be limited to his current size.

Wang Linchi wasn't worried. Anyway, it was just a ghost pattern contained in the Book of Souls.

"Doing three things at once is a bit exhausting." Wang Linchi kept stacking various auxiliary Horcruxes and stuffing various resources into his mouth to supplement them.

There are three ways to become stronger: cheating, earning money, and accumulating.

The protagonist is cheating, the big forces are making money, and the bottom can only accumulate slowly.

Wang Linchi is different. He now does three things at once. His plug-ins are his own soul seeds, soul forging methods, etc., coupled with the accumulation of a large amount of resources and krypton gold, so it is normal to be fast.

"With the Dragon Ball on your body, the Dragon Ball will release a certain ability that can further improve the carrier's potential. After the transformation is completed and the conditions are complete, all these potentials will be compressed to form the so-called potential position."

"Therefore, I don't really need to let Dragon Ball increase my potential step by step. Instead, I need to analyze the ability and explore the compression process."

The reason for this is simple. If he relies on the improvement of Dragon Ball, he can only turn his 4th potential position into 5th potential position at most.

However, if he can understand the principle, he can completely turn his 4 potential into 8 potential. The only flaw is that he needs enough resources. Dragon Ball will definitely not be able to support enough consumption.

If it is really done, it will probably abolish the last five abilities of Dragon Ball.

But it's all worth it.

As for whether abolishing the last five abilities of Dragon Ball will affect the Beast Armor Technique, this will not happen.

This waste means that when Wang Linchi does not enjoy the potential improvement of the next five abilities, the upper limit will be full.

It was a normal process, but he extracted it in advance.

"There is something missing in the dragon ball. It can't be the dragon soul, right? In that case, the complete dragon ball should be of mythical level."

Wang Linchi also noticed a lot of things as he studied the dragon beads in depth.

"The two abilities of Dragon Vein and Suppressing Luck are the original abilities of the Dragon Ball. The last five abilities are probably due to the lack of dragon soul suppression, which caused the energy in the Dragon Ball to leak out. After being assimilated into a Horcrux, it was guided to the bearer. That’s why I have the ability to improve my potential and potential.”

With further in-depth analysis, Wang Linchi quickly analyzed the corresponding information.

With the help of the thinking force field, soul vision and corresponding mental power, he finally analyzed some clues about the operating principle of the Dragon Ball Horcrux.

Wang Linchi tried to block the energy leakage of the dragon ball through the soul barrier.

"Sure enough, after being sealed, the last five abilities of the Dragon Ball will be ineffective." Wang Linchi once again checked the Dragon Ball that had become a Horcrux through the soul, and the words "invalid" appeared directly on the last five abilities.

"The energy in the Dragon Ball is limited, and it is impossible to increase the potential of the awakened person without limit. I have experienced it first-hand, so I have the ability to increase the potential level."

"After I finish absorbing it, the quality of the dragon balls will be reduced to epic level."

"It seems that we cannot extract too much energy for research, otherwise once it returns to epic quality, it will affect the ability of Dragon Veins."

Wang Linchi attaches great importance to the ability of Dragon Vein. As for suppressing luck, this ability does not matter, because the substitute Holy Lord also has it. The effect of one more entry may make the suppression effect stronger, but at most it can only be regarded as the icing on the cake, not adding fuel to the fire. Oil.

"Can I, with such a high level of fortune, be able to find the dragon soul?"

If the dragon soul could be found and complete the remaining eight effects of the dragon ball except for dragon veins and luck-suppressing, it would definitely be an extremely powerful mythical-level soul weapon, and it would also be Wang Linchi's favorite raw material.

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