Who Told You to Use Your Power Like That?

Chapter 179 The lingering ghost (crossed out) The generous and hospitable Dragon Worship Cult

"No wonder it looks familiar to me. Isn't this the Temple of the Beast God?"

Wang Linchi had a look on his face. He never expected that he would arrive at the Temple of the Beast God if he followed the route on the map.

This place has long been worthless. The Beast God is not here. According to Wang Linchi's speculation, this place is more likely to be the bait kept by the Beast God. Now that the bait has been eaten by Wang Linchi, how can he still stay here to make a nest? .

"So..." Wang Linchi suddenly realized, is it possible that the Beast God was not fishing for him, but the Dragon Worship Cult, and he just happened to pass by and bit the hook.

The source of this picture must be the beast god himself.

The screening method is very simple. The other party wants to find someone with good luck. The one who can pick up this picture must have a lot of luck. After all, the first one to see the Beast God will be able to get his inheritance. He has verified this rule. Yes, it was the beast god who made the oath through his own causal ability.

Wang Linchi is not considered to be cutting off Hu. After all, he came first and the other party arrived last.

It can only be said that the Beast God has a better choice, so he won't care too much about this map. They are all fish anyway, and it doesn't matter who bites the hook.

"But they don't seem to be that simple." Wang Linchi looked at the dragon demon blood knife in his hand. This knife combined the power of the demon and the dragon emperor, and had the power to kill the beast god.

He couldn't help but swallow.

"Debts are wiped out after death, right?" Wang Linchi remembered that the heart of the beast god seemed to still be in his hand.

Now if he uses the dragon demon blood knife to inject the beast god's heart, does that mean he directly kills the beast god?

Cause and effect is not omnipotent. If everyone dies, what will happen to you? It is not insurance, and the beneficiary can be someone else.

After much hesitation, he still didn't make a move, mainly because he didn't know if he could kill the opponent. If he could, it would be easy to say. The beast god might condense a legendary soul seed, or even a mythical one.

But after thinking again and again, Wang Linchi gave up.

Soul seeds are now only used as cultivation resources and currency, and are no longer as scarce as before. If his four soul seeds have not reached the mythical level, this will indeed be a fatal temptation for him.

Now, there really isn't much use for it.

So I gave up, but with this dragon demon blood knife, it can be regarded as a small guarantee. The big guarantee is the beast god's own causal oath. As for whether the other party will break the promise, Wang Linchi doesn't know, but there is a high probability. It's impossible. The other party is not brainless. Wang Linchi can't threaten him at all. Why kill him afterwards?

It’s almost as weird as a Fortune 500 company suppressing beggars at the entrance of the village.

"Why did you come back when you had nothing to do?" The voice of the Beast God came again. After he appeared, he saw the map in Wang Linchi's hand and understood the reason. Then he joked: "How about this treasure? Isn't this treasure exciting?"

"Of course it's exciting, and it's still very exciting." Wang Linchi also nodded and joked in turn.

"Now that you have so much free time, are you planning to leave the secret realm?" The Beast God urged again.

"I want to leave, but I still don't have enough resources." Wang Linchi couldn't possibly ask the Beast God to help. The other party's conspiracy is really unacceptable. Once you get involved in the other party's plan, don't even think about breaking away.

"Okay, then you look for it slowly. There is only so much time left anyway. If you can't find something you are satisfied with, you can come to me and I can help you." The Beast God looked at Wang Linchi deeply and then disappeared.

"Tsk, you have to owe a debt that you don't even know even after selling yourself." Wang Linchi muttered jokingly.

As for the beast god secretly doing things to prevent him from finding resources, this possibility is not high. The other party is not stingy to this extent.

What's more, he has two mythical luck-suppressing effects. If he intercepts his opportunity, won't he be afraid of backlash?

If the beast god didn't have the ability of the causal system, there would still be a chance of successfully cutting off the beard. Now even if he could cut off the beard, he wouldn't do it.

After the Beast God left, when Wang Linchi was about to leave, he found that there were other people coming towards the Beast God Temple. He could see them clearly from the sky.

"Dragon Worshiping Cult?!" Wang Linchi saw that it was the Dragon Worshiping Cult of other dragon veins.

The one he killed before was probably from the Black Dragon lineage. After all, the Black Dragon lineage holds the true power of the Dragon Worship Cult, and even the archbishop is a member of the Black Dragon lineage.

"So maybe I didn't kill the Black Dragon Envoy, but the Black Dragon Holy Son?" Wang Linchi suddenly thought of this.

If it were really the Black Dragon Envoy, Dragon Island would not have retaliated and revealed the soul-forging method passed down from generation to generation.

"So, these people are all the saints and saints of the Dragon Worship Sect."

Seeing this, Wang Linchi also became excited. If he killed them all, he would have all the training resources at the orichalcum level.

He didn't dare to talk about the Mithril level, mainly because he broke through in his way. The upper limit of the mental power of the Orichalcum level would be one hundred thousand points. One million points was impossible. The body couldn't bear it, but he would have extra energy. Force strength as an addition.

"This is an opportunity." Wang Linchi looked at the leaders who were all at the fine gold level, and the strength of the other members of the Dragon Worship Cult were gradually declining.

He had plundered the Black Dragon Holy Son before. In addition to the soul forging method, he naturally had a lot of resources. However, in Wang Linchi's eyes, he could only be considered average. But now there are more. With such a superposition, Wang Linchi will definitely be tempted. .

"Using half of the Black Dragon Saint Son's net worth as a comprehensive analysis, as long as I kill people and get goods... Bah, after this thing is destined to me, if I am willing to spend money, the Nine Turns Golden Pill that originally took seven months to complete will be directly compressed. By three and a half months.”

"Coupled with the fact that all the treasures of heaven and earth will eat them regardless of their value, in another half a year, I will be able to reach the five-one limit of mental power and break through."

At this moment, Wang Linchi also deeply felt why everyone likes to kill people and buy goods. In ten minutes, they can get their hard-earned wealth. No one can resist this feeling of sudden wealth.

"Let's start with the blood dragon lineage first. It just so happens that we are also destined to be together." Wang Linchi sneered. The distance between the various lines of the Dragon Worship Sect is still not far away, which is enough for Wang Linchi and the Holy Master to kill each other.

In the sky, Wang Linchi hit a ranged attack from a distance.

The brains of everyone in the blood dragon lineage exploded in an instant. The ones who died were simply dead... No, the Holy Son of the Blood Dragon didn't seem to be dead.

Wang Linchi found that although the opponent's head was exploded, he was still at the level of fine gold. In addition, he seemed to have some kind of surrogate ability. After a blur, he recovered instantly.

The other party didn't say anything, turned around and ran away. Wang Linchi stretched out his hand and threw another single shot.

With a mental power reserve of 60,000 and high-speed mental power recovery, he is not afraid of a war of attrition, and his main focus is to clear the ground with artillery fire.

The Holy Son of the Blood Dragon had his head exploded again, but he still survived and got up again.

"That's too much. I can understand if you die once, but twice...you won't be the descendant of the demon." Wang Linchi couldn't help but think of the strange inheritance of the demon.

It exploded again. This time Wang Linchi watched carefully and directly confirmed that the Blood Dragon Holy Son indeed possessed the inheritance of the Heavenly Demon.

The moment the opponent died, all the injuries were transferred to the bloody soul in his body, and this soul was his life.

If you want to completely kill the opponent, you have to consume all the souls in the opponent's body.

"The inheritance is very complete, but it seems that a certain inheritance is needed to assist each other, otherwise it can only be used as a substitute at most, and it cannot be covered up."

A complete inheritance not only connects the past and the following but also complements each other. Someone like the Holy Son of the Blood Dragon who only obtains one of them will inevitably have flaws.

Now that he knew the weakness, Wang Linchi stopped playing with him and directly targeted the bloody soul in the opponent's body.


As the bloody soul was blown away by his will, a large number of overlapping screams and wails emerged.

The Holy Son of the Blood Dragon also felt the severe pain erupting from his body. He couldn't even restrain his escape movements and stopped. He staggered to the ground, covering his chest with his left hand, and his face was distorted.

After all, it exploded inside his body, so it's pretty good that the backlash didn't kill him.

"I want to retreat..."


The Holy Son of the Blood Dragon had some kind of treasure or horcrux that could ignore the secret realm mission and exit the secret realm, but before he could use it, his head exploded again.

This time he was not reborn, but died very simply.

Wang Linchi was worried and sent him a few random shots from a distance. When he saw no response, he went over to touch the corpse.

"As expected of the Holy Son, he has a rich net worth." Wang Linchi did not take a closer look, but only took a general glance.

"There are several saints and saints with this wealth."

Wang Linchi looked at the other saints and saints who were rushing towards the Beast God Temple.

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