Who Told You to Use Your Power Like That?

Chapter 181 War and New Neighbors

At night, absorbing the memory of the clone went smoothly, but Wang Linchi was not happy at all, because King Yama was here again.

The seven southern regions turned into a bad land. The Immortal Tree took root in the Jingsu region and finally died due to the bad soil. The Dragon Emperor and other foreign races Xiri level moved away and came to the Dousu region with the help of this teleportation array, and they The Dajing court reached cooperation.

No reason, just because the Great Ruins are coming.

News of Daxu also spread throughout the entire Dajing Dynasty.

In this year, Wang Linchi was not the only one to obtain the inheritance of the will left by the corpse fragments in the secret world. If it were one person, it might be a lie, but with so many people learning about it together, it must be true.

In addition, a large number of secret realms were broken, and strong men transformed from the remaining wills of the world's corpse fragments came out one by one and became Xiri level. For a while, there was an illusion that Xiri level was not as good as a dog.

This is the world's self-help.

The situation of the Dajing Court is not optimistic either. The fall of the south and the collapse of the currency system used by ordinary people and non-combat awakeners have led to wars everywhere. Apart from the royal capital Tianshangjing, the Dajing Court now has no way to control the remaining Twenty-one domains.

Because of the Xiri-level separatism and the manipulation of aristocratic families and sects, the result was like this.

Fortunately, Ningyang Mansion, where Wang Linchi is located, is relatively stable and has not changed much.

The reason is currently unknown, but it is most likely because of King Yama.

King Yama was already at the Huiyue level at this time, and coupled with the powerful strength of the Twelve Yuan Chen White Bone Demon God, the Demonic Blood Sword, the Ten Thousand Soul Banner, etc., he was able to suppress the Xiri level in the north.

The Dragon Emperor and many other Xiri-level aliens could only avoid its edge, and finally had to cooperate with the Dajing court.

It's just that this scene is actually more like cooperating with King Yama. The twenty-one regions are no longer under the control of the imperial court, and naturally the Dou Su region is also.

The difference is that it is still his master who manages Dou Su Domain, so he borrowed the name of the imperial court.

"So the Dragon Worship Sect is now also a power of the imperial court?" Wang Linchi felt that it was very dangerous. Fortunately, he killed them early, otherwise these saints and saints would have gained momentum.

With his killing, the Dragon Worshiping Cult's absolute power ended for an era.

As for working together? Nonsense, if they could run away, they would never take Wang Linchi with them, so why would Wang Linchi care about them?

When the saints and saints of the Dragon Worshiping Sect entered the secret realm of the Beast Garden, Wang Linchi roughly knew what he was going to do. He just wanted to obtain the inheritance of the Beast God. After all, this incident came out, and in addition to the conflicts between Dou Su Domain and Long Island, Honeymoon period, so given.

It is estimated that there are other forces that arrived together.

In the Dragon Worship Cult, this should be a battle between various factions or a trial between saints and saints. Anyway, the big forces like to play this way.

"No, am I going to have to run away again?"

Wang Linchi suddenly realized that the halo of the protagonist of King Yama was to grow up at the cost of overdrafting one place. What is the current situation of the seven southern regions, and what will be the situation of the seven northern regions in the future.

Even if there is no rebellion by the rebels, there will definitely be danger.

"Go to Tianshangjing!" Wang Linchi couldn't help but think of this matter.

With King Yama's ability to cause harm, there should be two directions after the north: east and west. If you want to change the map to Tianshangjing, it should be the last map.

The idea was good, but there was another problem that he couldn't go to.

If he doesn't use the teleportation array and wants to go to Tianshangjing, if he relies on a train to get there, he won't be able to get there even if the Great Ruins bump into him.

The shuttle is fine, and it should take a little half a year to fly there. The problem is that he doesn't have one, and he can't get a shuttle of this quality.

Not to mention the resources and manpower required to operate the shuttle.

One person cannot start a shuttle, and the resources required for operation are not something he can afford. It is similar to a private jet. Even if an ordinary family can afford it, it cannot afford it.

"So we still have to contact the King of Hell?" Wang Linchi thought, since he couldn't escape, then he should face it head-on.

"It's possible, but in this case, there's no way to protect yourself."

With his current qualifications and resources, he is naturally considered to be among the ranks of geniuses, but what is the use of geniuses? King Yama's opponents have never been geniuses, but those who are at the level of the sun and even destroy the world.

"Build strength first."

After struggling for a while, Wang Linchi finally realized that he had no advantage at all, and was a little discouraged for a while.

The protagonist is not on the same track as him now. Even in the past, he had no advantage and was eventually marginalized.

A supporting role that cannot keep up will naturally have no value.

Provide them with matryoshka soul skills? To be honest, Wang Linchi didn't think it was possible.

Even if Wang Linchi had followed King Yama from the beginning, it would be impossible for him to follow him to the end based on his strength and progress. He would only become a corpse in a certain battle. This kind of situation has happened before.

He doesn't have the ability to become crazy and strong by ignoring normal logic.

If he really had it, he wouldn't have ended up like this.

"But Dou Su Territory seems to have the idea of ​​​​reforming?" Wang Linchi discovered from some clues in the clone's memory that since Dou Su Territory lost the control of the imperial court, the monopoly and upward channels have been vaguely loosened, and because of the incident in Daxu, People's hearts are agitated and everyone is irritable.

"It is most likely the work of King Yama, but it should be more about the world saving itself. If nothing unexpected happens, in the remaining few years, there may be a large number of geniuses rising up. I hope the court will not commit suicide, otherwise the capital of heaven will be very difficult. They might all be destroyed." Wang Linchi thought of this.

To save the world and increase its vitality is not only the will to release the corpse fragments of the former world from the secret realm, but also needs to be cultivated by oneself as a Xiri-level assistant.

"Hi~ Thinking about it this way, wouldn't there be fewer and fewer secret realms in the future?"

"No wonder the Heavenly Demon inheritance was able to spread so widely in the first place. There was also the world as a driving force."

The inheritance of the Heavenly Demon is recognized as something that can break the secret realm. Major forces basically have one or more descendants of the Heavenly Demon as a deterrent.

"So I have to quickly find another secret realm to mix in a system before the secret realm disappears."

"We still need to collect a large amount of cultivation resources and various daily necessities and food. Once the secret realm is gone, the productivity of the entire world may be ridiculously low."

The more Wang Linchi thought about it, the more frightened he became. He was preparing for a life-and-death battle. He could either survive successfully or die without a burial place. As for the mess after surviving, that was a story for another day.

This made Wang Linchi also confused. Entering the secret realm to study the system and practicing to become stronger are two ways. The former may obtain powerful abilities such as the Stand-in Holy Lord and the Coiling Dragon Holy Lord. The latter is simply Of course, this does not mean that they cannot be selected together.

But after entering the secret realm, the progress of cultivation will definitely be slowed down.

Another is that the number of wild secret realms in the black market has been greatly reduced, and there are not many to choose from. You may have to compete with others, after all, you are not the only one entering the secret realm.

Everyone knows that there is a heavenly inheritance in the secret realm, and the big forces want to get it. What can you do if they directly cover it for you?

"No, we still can't sit still and wait for death. It seems we really have to enter the secret realm."

The plan couldn't keep up with the changes. Who knew that the news about the inheritance of the secret realm and the coming of the great ruins would be exposed. With more people, there would naturally be lax people or spies within the force, etc., and leaks would be inevitable.

As for this class, it doesn't matter whether I can get into it or not. Anyway, there is only this little time left.

At worst, letting the clone go would save Wang Linchi trouble.

"And the new neighbor who moved here seems a little strange?" Wang Linchi took another look at the memory of the clone.

In addition to being handsome, this new neighbor is very popular with women. No matter what happens, there will always be a woman to help.

Coupled with the unexpected wealth, I can come up with some novel things from time to time.

Electronic products such as TVs and mobile phones are so abundant that they seem free of charge.

Wang Linchi's clone was invited to play in the new neighborhood several times, which impressed him deeply. In terms of living standards, he was not an ordinary person at all, but his appearance did not look like an ordinary person.

It is very likely that he is an awakened person, but I don't know why the other person wants to hide himself. He can't just keep it to himself.

Compared to Hades, this suspected protagonist's new neighbor is a bit more normal, because it's not that he doesn't have male friends, it's just that the proportion is low, and he doesn't have the halo of wisdom or ridicule.

But Wang Linchi felt that something was wrong. It gave him the feeling that this new neighbor was not born in the feudal society of the Dajing Dynasty, but from a modern society with better life and systems?

"Leave something for the clone to get in touch with the opponent more and see if you can catch anything." Wang Linchi was going to enter the secret realm next. The clone was the one who did this, so he didn't have to worry about it, so it didn't matter.

If we can investigate and find out something, that would be the best. If we can't, it doesn't matter. For such a good neighbor, it is just a favor.

He had a feeling that the clone had overlooked something, and he himself lacked clues. It was like the two luck-suppressing effects on him and the special soul of his traveler formed some kind of intuition.

For example, the glimmer of hope after the Great Ruins?

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