Who Told You to Use Your Power Like That?

Chapter 199 Luck has changed and a new protagonist can travel between two worlds!

After returning home, he successfully read the clone's memory.

The clones and even Shang Shi Bureau actually only noticed some clues. Because they were too low-level, they didn't notice much.

The King of Hell didn't come to see him either, but he probably investigated the clones and saw that he was living a peaceful life, so he didn't bother him. Now the two of them can be said to be completely different from each other.

Dong dong dong~

Not half an hour after Wang Linchi finished absorbing the memory, he heard a knock on the door.

"Here he is, who is it?" Wang Linchi knew who it was.

It was that mysterious neighbor whom he had allowed the clone to get in touch with before, and through some communication and the things Wang Linchi left behind, he successfully got along with him.

I should have invited him to drink when I came over in the evening.

"Brother Wang, you must have been too busy today. As I said yesterday, I brought several jars of good wine from my hometown. Please come back drunk tonight." came the message from outside the door. sound.

Wang Linchi opened the door and saw the handsome young man, and then said: "Look at my brain, I am indeed a little dizzy from being busy. Please forgive me, Brother Zhu."

The opponent's name is Zhu Tian, ​​whom I haven't seen for a while. His strength has actually reached the orichalcum level, and his progress is extremely fast.

But unlike King Yama, he is not a cultivator, but a person who enjoys himself and doesn't care about the appearance of the ruins at all.

Wang Linchi briefly reviewed and found many doubts about Zhu Tian.

For example, various materials appear for no reason, and disappear for a period of time, saying that they are doing business in other places.

This felt like a cover to Wang Linchi.

However, in the eyes of the clone, there is no problem, as if the bug has been fixed.

Of course, in addition to these things, there are also some behaviors, items, etc. that even Wang Linchi can't understand. In short, they are very mysterious.

"It's good to think about it, but I'll have to wait until you are alone, brother." Zhu Tian didn't suspect anything. The clone was originally a derivative of Wang Linchi, but it just lacked some secrets.

"Wait a minute, I bought some small wine that can only be drunk by combat-type awakened people. I got a bargain, and I just used it to make amends today."

Wang Linchi said, regardless of Zhu Tian's obstruction, he went into the house and went down to the basement and brought out a jar of wine.

This can be regarded as a type of heavenly material and earthly treasure. Wang Linchi had obtained it in the secret realm before, and it was very intoxicating.

Seeing this, Zhu Tian's eyes flashed with surprise when he saw the vat of wine. This was not a small wine. He was afraid that he had given away all his capital.

But he didn't say anything, as long as Wang Linchi was willing.

The two went to Zhu Tian's home arm in arm, and then they drank and drank each other.

The number of people is indeed greater than before, and it is not as extreme as the King of Hell. They are all women, about 40 to 60%. Of course, not all women are Zhu Tian’s confidante, some are also friends. The number of confidante is actually a bit less.

Probably more heroines than studs.

‘It seems to have the ability to calm people’s hearts? ’ Wang Linchi couldn’t help but think of this.

There was such a fuss that even in the middle of the night, everyone seemed drunk. Wang Linchi also went back dizzy, while the others were drunk at Zhu Tian's house.

However, after returning, Wang Linchi recovered instantly.

He was not drunk at all, and even among the people present before, there were not many who were drunk. Most of them were easily immune to alcohol. Even Wang Linchi's jar of wine, how could he get a group of Mithril-level people drunk?

Only a few people who were truly ordinary people got drunk.

‘Interesting structure. ’

Regarding Zhu Tian, ​​he actually had some guesses. He might have obtained some kind of good Horcrux, which was why he had such an opportunity.

Wang Linchi naturally didn't think about plundering it, it was pointless.

Even if you get it, so what? You can still hide in the ruins.

After another half hour or so, those who pretended to be drunk left, and the family members who were really drunk came to pick them up.

"There are no white people coming and going, this is really..." Wang Linchi thought that there were really ordinary people, but he didn't expect that none of them were ordinary people, they were all with status.

‘This good fortune is indeed enviable. ’

Wang Linchi doesn't sleep anymore because he has evolved corresponding effect entries due to staying up late and staying up all night for a long time, allowing him to stay energetic even if he doesn't sleep. The only drawback is that it requires a consumption of mental or physical energy. cost.

Then, due to the cost of consuming mental and physical energy, corresponding effect entries also evolved.

There are so many entries about the effects of Dragon Soul and Holy Lord that Wang Linchi cannot display them on one page. He has to fold them up. Then he creates a search bar and fuzzy search, and monitors them through multi-threaded thinking mirror. Otherwise, it is not necessarily possible. Can keep up.

As more and more effect entries are evolved, there are not only environmental factors, but also own selection, completion, etc.

Just like staying up late, you have evolved the effect of not being afraid of staying up late, and because it consumes physical energy, you need to eat to consume energy, accelerate digestion and absorption, etc., it can extend to a lot of effect terms.

In addition, there are some elemental resistances, such as high temperature resistance when the temperature is too high, fire element resistance when being stirred by fire, etc. Wang Linchi unlocked a lot of resistances by committing suicide. However, the full resistance should not be collected.

After the people in Zhu Tian's family dispersed, they soon fell into silence, and his family was the most noisy around.

The main reason is that most people don't have as much fun as Zhu Tian, ​​let alone have such a wide range of friends.

As the night got darker, Wang Linchi suddenly felt a strange feeling, which was like a sudden impulse.

"Opportunity?!" Wang Linchi couldn't help but be shocked. This time it was the double agitation of the substitute Holy Lord and the Panlong Holy Lord, and it was very terrifying. It was like a straw for a dying person. He reminded Wang Linchi crazily. You must seize it, otherwise you will be doomed if you miss the opportunity.

At this moment, Wang Linchi naturally obeyed the instructions honestly, and the four soul seeds began to operate crazily.

It covers all the surrounding areas, and even the slightest disturbance cannot be hidden from him.

"This...this is!!!"

In his perception, Zhu Tian just disappeared.

But with his perception, he also captured something completely new.

The other party ran something before leaving, and the other party disappeared directly into this world. Before being cut off, he could detect that the other party was a new world, not a secret realm.

"No wonder, no wonder..."

"Mythical blessings and luck actually gave me a chance of life. This is really... outrageous."

"I did find clues before, but I just didn't have the right opportunity and I wasn't ready yet, so I helped me in such a subtle way."

Without enough adaptability, would he still be able to survive even if he went to another world? I'm afraid it won't work. Others have the protection of a treasure, but he has nothing.

He would be acclimated to any other place, and in another world, he wouldn't be sure whether his soul phase or even his soul seed would be able to take effect?

It's different now. With Dragon Soul Holy Lord's adaptive evolution, as long as he doesn't die immediately, he can slowly adapt and adjust in the new world.

Wang Linchi was extremely excited.

This can also explain why Zhu Tian didn't care about the big ruins and was able to bring out various things for nothing.

Because they are not from this world and have a world as a back-up, they are naturally not afraid of these things, so they can enjoy themselves here.

"Then, I have to find a way to get him down first."

As for saying that he and Zhu Tian had no grievances, that was true, but Wang Linchi wanted to live.

He will not state that the other party has a problem in a high-sounding way. He stands on the moral high ground and says that the things should belong to him.

Wang Linchi just wanted to find a way out for himself, and was not so righteous.

"His friends are easy to deal with, but he is difficult to deal with."

With the speed at which the other party moved the treasure, it would only take a moment to return to his original world.

Therefore, he must first control Zhu Tian from leaving.

Of course, Zhu Tian would not reveal this secret if it was not necessary, but when it came to a life-and-death situation, Zhu Tian naturally could not care about so many things.

"In this case, the other party must also be a protagonist."

"The clone doesn't have my unique soul and ability to control luck, so I didn't find anything unreasonable."

"Others should be in the same situation, subconsciously ignoring many issues."

Just like when Wang Linchi went to Tianshangjing through regular channels with the black market manager, he relied on the halo effect of this low-end version of the protagonist.

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