Who Told You to Use Your Power Like That?

Chapter 20 Disaster comes from heaven

After all, the Blood Dragon user was not able to survive for three days, and died after only two days.

In the end, Wang Linchi had no choice but to seal it up and let it rot, then cut it up and threw it into the sewer using deodorization, dehydration and other means. By now, it should have floated into the moat outside the city.

Fortunately, the blood dragon user does not have the ability to mark the people around him after death, otherwise Wang Linchi would be unlucky.

"The meat is okay, but the bones have been soaked in strong acid for three days. I even cut them into pieces. Two electric saws couldn't cut them into small pieces. They could only cut them into large pieces from the weak points." Wang Linchi finished processing the blood dragon user. Finally, I finally breathed a sigh of relief.

The traces were cleaned several times and even renovated.

Fortunately, the money for each handicap was collected before, because each family only had more than 10,000 points, and the seniors who placed the handicap paid the money very readily.

Firstly, the money is not much, and secondly, you have to be honest.

Otherwise, if you are certain to lose but not sure to win, then who will be willing to place a bet with you next time?

And it's only a little over 10,000, which is heartbreaking. If it didn't even have this pattern, I'm afraid it would have been squeezed out of business by others.

The more than 10,000 yuan that Wang Linchi received was just a drop in the bucket compared to the money they earned themselves. They would not be jealous or unhappy and want to kill Wang Linchi or intercept him halfway just because of the more than 10,000 yuan.

On the contrary, they have very good senses about Wang Linchi, because if Wang Linchi really invested a thousand in before, it would definitely put them in a dilemma.

If the other party is so knowledgeable, it is impossible for them to really have trouble with Wang Linchi.

As for the mindless mockery that Wang Linchi lost a large amount of money, if he dared to say that, he would probably lose his reputation. In this business, being humane and worldly is very important.

"Thanks to the Blood Dragon Envoy who stayed with me for two days, I was able to save at least about 4,000 excellent soul seeds." Wang Linchi also said with emotion, this should be regarded as an opportunity.

The only pity is that there is nothing on the blood dragon user, and even if you touch the corpse, you can't find anything good.

Wang Linchi suspected that everything in this branch of the Dragon Worship Cult might be in the possession of the Blood Dragon Girl, which meant that it fell into the hands of the protagonist.

This means that the protagonist takes advantage of him and brings disaster to Chi Yu. If he hadn't turned waste into treasure, he might have really been trapped here this time.

Dong dong dong~

There was a knock on the door, and Wang Linchi was a little confused. He first looked through the peephole and saw an ordinary middle-aged man.

Nothing special, the door opened immediately.

"Hello, may I ask you..." Wang Linchi just started speaking, but before he could finish speaking, the middle-aged man suddenly got angry and knocked Wang Linchi to the ground.

Then several people who had disappeared around him immediately rushed in, with solemn and vigilant expressions on their faces, and they moved towards the house step by step.

After checking around, he came out.

The man holding Wang Linchi also let him go.

During this process, Wang Linchi did not yell or struggle. He could tell that these people were from the imperial court.

"Bronze Badge Capture, ordered to search for the remnants of the Blood Dragon." The other party showed his waist card.

"Oh, you mean the Blood Dragon Envoy, he's at my house?!" Wang Linchi looked nervous.

"I am asking you, not you asking me. Tell me honestly and you will suffer less." Tongzhang Captou looked at Wang Linchi with a scrutinizing gaze.

He was able to come here because he noticed the aura and tracked it all the way.

"I really don't know. Could it be that he secretly hid in my house while I wasn't paying attention." Wang Linchi said quickly. Judging from the other party's situation, it seemed that he was planning to catch a scapegoat?

If that were the case, he would be in bad luck.

A few minutes later, a police officer came over and whispered: "Boss, we found the traces and followed the sewer."

These words naturally made Wang Linchi's heart agitate. It was within his expectation that he could find the other party by following his breath. Just when he was about to speak according to the plan, the policeman spoke again.

"The aura is very weak, and he has just left not long ago, so his strength may have dropped to the orichalcum level."

When the bronze medal catcher heard this, a glimmer of light appeared in his eyes.

A scapegoat and a blood dragon envoy, naturally the latter's contribution and value are greater.

What's more, since the opponent's strength has now dropped to the orichalcum level, he is sure to catch the opponent.

If he could be captured alive, his position as a bronze medal might be moved to a silver medal.

"It seems that you are indeed unaware. The Blood Dragon user is so cunning that it is normal for him to be able to hide a level of white porcelain from you." After the conflict of interest was eliminated, the Bronze Badge Catcher did not think about really embarrassing Wang Linchi, and then very soon Decide this matter quickly.

"Master Catcher is very aware of everything. Only Master Catcher can catch such a vicious person." Wang Linchi quickly complimented.

The other party was very satisfied with Wang Linchi's compliment, and then quickly left with the people, chasing them all the way to the sewer.

Wang Linchi also breathed a sigh of relief.

‘This level is over. ’

He divided the Blood Dragon into several pieces and threw them into the sewer every day when the gate was opened, so there was no need to worry about it getting stuck in place, but that it would be washed away.

This results in the remaining breath being much lighter.

Therefore, the aura appeared to be declining, and because of their stay, they would only think that the Blood Dragon Envoy was hiding here to recover from his injuries. However, not only did his injuries not heal, but he became more and more serious, and finally they had to leave.

As for why Wang Linchi was okay, he also thought of the reason. It could be attributed to the fact that the Blood Dragon Envoy didn't want to cause trouble. It would be bad if he killed someone and Wang Linchi's disappearance led to an investigation.

Of course, if they don't believe it, that's another story.

"I have to go and submit the third-generation soul seed boiling in the afternoon to deepen my identity. Even if the high probability is still insignificant, at least it can give me a little more sense of security." Wang Linchi also felt aggrieved by this, but he was aggrieved. If it is useful, then why bother struggling?

"And when the subsidy is received, the experiment can be started again."

Wang Linchi knew what the third-level subsidies were, which were one hundred fine-level soul seeds and one million yuan in cash. At the third level, there was a huge difference between excellent-level soul seeds and excellent-level soul seeds.

It's a pity that he can't choose the elite soul seed by himself, he can only use whatever the superiors give him.

So the soul seed he was given would definitely not be very good, but it was okay, he had his own plan.

He just needs to worry about whether his subsidy will be intercepted along the way. One million cash is nothing, but a hundred fine-level soul seeds are of great value.

You must know that a high-quality soul seed is worth at least 1 million, so this batch of subsidies is worth 100 million for the soul seed alone.

For ordinary people, it is simply an astronomical figure.

However, for the combat awakeners, they no longer use money, but use higher-end soul seeds as currency.

However, greed does not distinguish between awakened people and ordinary people.

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