Who Told You to Use Your Power Like That?

Chapter 207 Virtual Online Game·

"With your efficiency, I won the prize with the front foot, and you installed the back foot for me."

"I'm sorry to bother you, Master." Wang Linchi couldn't help but sigh. As expected of a global company and a government platform in various countries, the efficiency is different.

"That's right, brother, please give me a good review." The master who installed the game cabin also said enthusiastically.

"Definitely, definitely." Wang Linchi said, and immediately gave him a good review. This service attitude and work quality must be praised.

After a few more polite words, the other party left in a hurry. After all, there was still work to be done, and it wasn't just Wang Linchi and his family who were installed.

This efficiency is enough.

"The server will open in an hour, but you can go in and preview it in advance."

Wang Linchi locked the door and didn't have to worry about anyone coming in. The community where he lived had professional security and a safe security system. Outsiders couldn't come in at all. Whether it was the community entrance or the floor entrance, there were corresponding facial recognition or It's a password or something.

After lying in, I started logging in quickly.

Wang Linchi felt his consciousness rising.

Then he entered a pure white strange space.

"Damn it, this technique..." Wang Linchi couldn't help but sigh. With his 660,000 mental power plus the blessings of Soul Seed and Soul Seed Page, he could actually capture his consciousness silently. Walking or falling into hallucinations is simply amazing.

[Welcome to "God-Given World", please enter your citizen identity code to check and register and log in]

[Please note that this game cabin is a limited game cabin. It has been bound to citizen: Wang Linchi and cannot be transferred. Non-bound citizens please do not enter, otherwise it will be communicated to the police department through the alarm device as soon as possible]

"Interesting, I didn't expect to be able to guard against scalpers." Wang Linchi couldn't help but marveled.

A total of one million units of the limited edition game cabin were released, which may seem like a lot, but in a population of nearly 20 billion, it can only be regarded as a drop in the bucket.

Wang Linchi quickly entered the citizen identity code, then performed a face check, and finally successfully registered.

The moment he successfully registered, he found that his body seemed to be scanned, which made him feel something was not right.

Vigilance is vigilance, but the scanning is not in-depth, it is more like recording.

[Registration and login successful, there are still 55 minutes and 12 seconds left before the server starts]

A countdown appeared in front of Wang Linchi, but he didn't care because the second one soon appeared.

[Dear citizen Mr. Wang Linchi, you can create a character in advance and open a limited gift pack, or browse the forum and watch videos to kill time]

"It's quite humane."

"Let me create the characters first." After Wang Linchi said that, three statues appeared in the pure white space.

On the side, there is also a big gift package, which is a limited gift package.

The big gift package can provide special professions, rare talents, growth equipment, companion pets, and other rewards that can follow the player to the final level.

As for the three statues, they represent three professions, knight, doctor, and alchemist.

Of course, this is the profession of the Chen Kingdom. The Chen Kingdom belongs to the ancient country of the East. If you replace those from the West, they are warriors, priests, and mages.

These are basic professions, and they can continue to change professions in the future. Knights can advance to rangers and swordsmen, and doctors can become doctors, poison masters, etc.

This is also the case with Western war magic and animal husbandry.

You can also not choose a profession, enter "God-given World" without a profession, and then trigger and find hidden professions or other basic professions by yourself.

It’s not that the three basic professions are the most rubbish. On the contrary, the three basic professions are the easiest to get started with and have the most numerous subsequent advancements.

And even if you obtain three basic professions, you can still change them after entering the game.

Wang Linchi did not choose a career immediately, but opened the limited gift package first.

[You have received a reward: choose one of three special professions]

After a prompt flashed before his eyes, in addition to the knight, doctor, and alchemist, three more statues appeared.

"Scholars, merchants and soldiers?"

Wang Linchi checked it and felt a little strange.

"Aren't these three basic professions? Why did they become special professions?" Wang Linchi couldn't help but ask.

If you enter the game without a profession, you can also obtain these three professions.

[To ensure fairness in the early stage, special occupations will be distributed in the form of tasks]

"In other words, I am equivalent to receiving a special mission. Are other rewards the same?"

[Yes, other rewards in the limited gift pack are also distributed in the form of task rewards]

"If the mission fails..." Wang Linchi asked.

[After the mission fails, the task will automatically skip the ring and enter the next ring. It will be automatically issued one year after the game is launched or when the player is below world level 50]

[And after completing the task, there will be additional rewards]

Seeing this, the other party is still being reasonable. It's not that they really won't give it to you, but to ensure fairness. Otherwise, if they really give you an incredible reward at the beginning of the game, then there is no fairness at all.

Additional rewards for completing tasks are fair compensation.

And if you really can't complete the task, it will be given to you after one year, or if your upgrade is too slow to keep up with the large army, and it no longer affects the fairness of the players, it will also be given to you if it can speed up your leveling.

"That's it, that's really good."

Wang Linchi naturally gave up the basic three professions without special rewards.

Merchants were not among his considerations. The main reason was that he had no talent for doing business. All skills were related to his own wealth. The higher the wealth, the higher the damage caused. It was best to use those big forces.

So there are only soldiers and scholars left. Personally, I prefer soldiers. When playing games, it can generally be summarized into two points, that is, where to go and who to kill.

"In my case, it's more suitable for a scholar."

Scholar is a profession that integrates attack, control, assistance, and treatment. It seems to be very versatile, but as a game, there must be a balance. Before obtaining a special profession, the offense and defense are not as good as those of soldiers and knights, and the control is not as good as those of soldiers and knights. Fang Shi's assistance and treatment are not as good as those of doctors.

It is understandable that there is no balance for special professions, but there must be some for basic professions.

"Let's just be the scholar. I'm just here to be arrogant, not really here to fight every day, but also to fight in close combat." Wang Linchi quickly chose the scholar.

If merchant skills were not linked to wealth, Wang Linchi would really want to choose merchants.

It is true that he is lucky, but doing business requires more than just good luck. If he still has the aura of being the temporary protagonist, he would indeed be more suitable as a merchant.

After choosing the scholar, Wang Linchi began to fill in the four words "Linchi Xue Shu" casually.

"Studying calligraphy near a pond, using water as ink, is an allusion to Zhang Zhi, a herbalist of the Eastern Han Dynasty."

[Special talent detected, loading into character panel...]

Hearing this, Wang Linchi couldn't help but frown, wondering what special talent he could have.

[The character panel is generated]

[Player: Linchi Xueshu]

[LV1: (0/100)]

[Occupation: Scholar]


[Health value: 100]

[Mana value: 100]

【Root bone: 1】

[Spiritual power: 1]

[Comprehension: 1]


[Strong Luck: Fortune +100%]


[Active·Civil War Strategy LV1 (0/100)]

[Skill introduction: Use Wenqi to launch an attack, causing fixed damage to the enemy]

Currently there is only one skill, but the talent is actually strong luck. He thought it would be the Book of Records, but he was relieved.

‘The God-Given World is indeed extraordinary. It can even detect my strong luck. Maybe it can come into contact with some extraordinary beings. ’

‘Maybe it can help me continue to become stronger. ’

Wang Linchi didn't care whether he became stronger or not, but becoming stronger could extend his life, which was very tempting.

'It can't be the kind of game that integrates reality, it shouldn't be so bloody...' Such an idea suddenly appeared in Wang Linchi's mind.

Then I took a look at the attributes. The one used by the Chen Kingdom was Root Bone Spiritual Power and Comprehension. The ones used by other countries were different, but the attributes were the same.

Root bone is the main point of the physical profession, spiritual power is the magic profession, and comprehension is needed for both but cannot be added with attribute points. Improving comprehension can reduce the proficiency required for skills.

In addition, there are skill points and attribute points. You will get one point every time you level up. Skill points can directly upgrade a skill by one level regardless of proficiency. Attribute points are the most intuitive, improving two attributes: root bone and spiritual power. Yes, comprehension cannot be improved with attribute points. It can only be improved through props, mission rewards or other channels. It is a rare attribute.

Blessings are hidden attributes that are not displayed directly. In Western countries, they are called luck.

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