Who Told You to Use Your Power Like That?

Chapter 216 Corruption·Black Wind Village, the master of the abyss

"Add a layer of DEBUFF called corruption to me every ten minutes?" After Wang Linchi stepped into Qingfeng Village, he looked a little unhappy, mainly because the corruption was too strong.

[Corruption: In the demonized field, one layer is stacked every 10 minutes. After reaching 20 layers, each stack has a probability of causing an instant death effect. One layer of corruption reduces all attributes by 5%, and each layer of corruption causes 0.5% of the upper limit of life per second. harm】

This is still the effect after being reduced by half by Jade·Four Gentlemen. If there is no reduction, it will be stacked one layer after 5 minutes. If you start stacking after 10 layers, there is a probability of death, and the reduction of all attributes is 10% and it will cause 1% life per second. It's worth the upper limit of damage. With such difficulty, I'm afraid even a guild wouldn't be able to defeat it.

What's more important is that this corruption has a debuff effect on him. If it is placed on the demonized gangsters in Heifeng Village, it will be a gain effect. After reversing it, one will increase and the other will decrease, and he is no match at all.

"The battle must be fought quickly, otherwise the longer the time drags on, the stronger the enemy will become."

You know, there is no upper limit for the effect of corruption. Every ten minutes, the enemy can be strengthened by 20%. With such an increase in intensity, Wang Linchi feels a little cowardly. Or should he just quit the dungeon?

But thinking about it, the Holy Lord has already started killing people.

With five mission items, four wine states, and all twelve Holy Lord spells activated, this group of mobs basically had no chance of winning.

"Huh? Why didn't the level increase?"

Killing all the way up the mountain, the third master was torn alive by the Holy Lord. After all, the number of corruption layers had just been stacked one level, and for the third master, the increase was not big.

But Wang Linchi also discovered why he still only had one level of corruption.

Then he reacted instantly.

"It's Lan!" Only then did Wang Linchi remember that Lan, the wise man in the world, could purify a negative state from demonized enemies every second, and Corruption happened to be that.

It's just that Wang Linchi is in the demonized field. He was purified one second and reappeared the next second. After being purified, time will naturally be reset, so he is always stuck on the first level and cannot be superimposed.

Coupled with the Jade·Four Gentlemen, the negative effect of corruption can be suppressed by half.

In just a blink of an eye, they were halfway up the mountain, and the second master was also killed by the Holy Lord.

The opponent had two layers of buffs superimposed on it, but it was of no use. It just made the Holy Master a little harder to tear apart.

As for the minions, whether they are big minions, small minions or the leader of the minions, they are almost like paper in front of the Holy Lord.

Wang Linchi was picking up the abyss crystals lightly from behind.

After fighting all the way to the top of the mountain, the gate of Black Wind Village could not stop the Holy Lord's huge force, and was directly knocked out of a big hole.

It was already fifteen minutes at this time, and the enemy's corruption buff had been superimposed to three levels, with an overall enhancement of 30%.

Fortunately, the BOSS has been killed before this, and only the mobs and elite monsters are left. However, let alone 30% enhancement of these two, even if it is 300%, it is not as good as the BOSS.

Therefore, after the Holy Lord entered the stronghold, he naturally killed them randomly, and the blood flowed like a river.

This situation did not make Wang Linchi feel happy at all, but instead he became more solemn.

Until now, the leader has not come forward. Wang Linchi is not sure whether the other party is preparing for a big move or trying to show off.

After the last minion was crushed to death by the Holy Lord, the entire Black Wind Village was empty.

Wang Linchi also searched, but could not find the location of the boss.

"How could it be possible?" Wang Linchi was a little confused.

There is no life left in the entire Black Wind Village.

Tick ​​tock~

While Wang Linchi was thinking about it, it started to rain in the sky. When he reached out and touched it, it turned out to be blood red.

This made him subconsciously look up.

I saw a huge eyeball hanging in the sky, with special nerve endings made of countless scarlet crystals at the end of the eyeball.

The eyeball was falling towards Black Wind Village. Unfortunately, the opponent still had a health bar.

[BOSS·Abyss Monster (evolving)·Big Boss LV20, health value (???)]

"Sorry!!!" Wang Linchi never expected that the master would directly turn into a monster, and because the level gap between the two sides was so large, Wang Linchi couldn't even see how much health the other party had.

Naturally, low-level people cannot peek into high-level people. Being able to know the template, title, and name is already very good. Wang Linchi suspected that if the opponent were one level higher, all he would see would be a string of question marks.

Seeing this, Wang Linchi gave the other party a random shot.

The next moment, the boss exploded into a firework in the sky.

"What's going on?" Wang Linchi didn't even react. Normally, wouldn't it only be 1 point of damage?


The eyeball that turned into a fireball smashed into the Juyi Hall not far away.

"Damn it, how dare you attack me while I'm performing a ceremony!!!" An angry roar came.

Wang Linchi felt that his luck must have taken effect, otherwise how could the big boss be so unlucky.

Who would have thought that falling from the sky is a ritual. He thought that it was normal to take action in advance. He couldn't just watch the BOSS read the message. It was not impossible to move because of the CG.

The Juyi Hall was immediately smashed into rubble, and a figure stood up from it.

Apparently the ritual failed and he returned to his human form.

The good news is that the other party's information has finally changed.

[BOSS·The Abyssal Master LV20, health value (250000/500000)]

"You've lost all your health, Holy Lord, come on!" Wang Linchi commanded the Holy Lord to attack without hesitation, and also gave the master a strategic plan to damage the lives of perhaps 250,000 people. It's a drop in the bucket in terms of value, but you can kill as many as you want.

Although the boss at this time did not look like a big eyeball, but when he looked at it again, his body had changed back to a human being, and his head had not changed. It was still an eyeball. The difference was that the nerve tip of the eyeball turned into a large external mouth. This was exactly what he was talking about just now.

The Holy Lord and the Headmaster fought together immediately. Although they were not as big as the Holy Lord, their strength was real.

He has been suppressing the Holy Master, but the difference in attributes puts the Holy Master directly at a disadvantage.

But the embarrassing thing is that it can only knock out 5% of the Holy Lord's health at most at one time, and then recover instantly.

This made the boss angrier and angrier.

"Damn it, I shouldn't have kept Master Bamboo if I had known that!" The headmaster immediately thought of Master Bamboo's help. Otherwise, the Holy Master would have died long ago.

Without the bamboo layman, Wang Linchi would not be able to collect the four plants of plum, orchid, bamboo and chrysanthemum. With his damage and such a strong attack, the holy master would have been seriously injured and died.

Wang Linchi, on the other hand, was unhurriedly brushing up on strategies.

Just think of it as a way to brush up on skill proficiency. Anyway, being idle is just idle.

And sometimes if you are lucky, you will cast spells twice, which not only does not consume mana, but also allows you to gain 1 more proficiency point in the civil war strategy.

The boss didn't even think about killing Wang Linchi. The reason was very simple. He couldn't kill Wang Linchi instantly. He could only hit 5% of his health at most.

Of course, if he successfully completes the ritual and evolves into the Eye of the Abyss, he will be able to directly kill both Wang Linchi and the Holy Master, not to mention that the maximum damage at one time is 5% of his health, even up to 1%.

As long as he couldn't kill Wang Linchi, the Holy Master would be able to arrive and attack him immediately.

The two sides tortured each other like this. In the end, the half-crippled leader was still inferior to the Holy Master, and his health points had dropped below 100,000. However, the Holy Master was still full of health and mana, and so was Wang Linchi. His level of civil war strategy was Keep improving.

It's about to reach full level.

"You all deserve to die!" the boss roared, entering the second stage.

The whole body is covered with a large number of scarlet nerve endings. Looking at it this way, it looks more like a standing big eyeball.

Subsequently, the attack and defense were greatly improved, and the frequency of attacks also increased.

This time he was actually able to knock out 30% of the Holy Lord's health in one second, which was equivalent to six attacks in one second.

It's simply a big improvement.

There is also a long-range attack, which can release some kind of laser from the head that turns into an eyeball, and hit Wang Linchi directly.

The damage is still 5%. After all, it is limited to the upper limit. However, after being hit, this thing can give 10 layers of corruption effect.

Fortunately, he has Jade·Four Gentlemen. Without this reduction effect, plus the number of layers on his body, he can directly reach the 11th layer, and then he will be able to trigger instant death. This effect ignores the maximum 5% health damage of Mei Gaojie. Effect.

Fortunately, no matter how many layers are stacked, it will only be considered a negative effect. It will be directly purified in the next moment, and then another layer will be superimposed.

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