Who Told You to Use Your Power Like That?

Chapter 220: One turn, advanced·Miaobi scholar

[You have completed the advanced task, and your profession has been upgraded from scholar to scholar of wonderful pen]

[Your root +5, spiritual power +5, understanding +5]

[You have gained new skills: Active·Rebuke Fang Qiu, Active·Magnificent, Passive·Abundant Knowledge, Passive·Thoughtful Thoughts]

[You get exclusive skills: wonderful pens and flowers]

[Your level limit has been increased from level 10 to level 30]

In the academy in Taisu City, Wang Linchi successfully completed the advanced mission, and the effect was very good. In addition to the four new skills, there was also a more unique exclusive skill. Wang Linchi was a little confused for a while.

But it doesn’t matter, as long as it’s useful.

[Active·Rebuke Fang Qiu LV1 (0/1000)]

[Skill introduction: Use Wenqi to launch attacks to improve the physical and magical defense of teammates in the area]

[Active·Magnificent LV1 (0/1000)]

[Skill introduction: Use Wenqi to launch an attack, causing fixed damage to enemies within the range and reducing their attack power]

The two active skills are actually mainly auxiliary. The magnificent wave can barely be regarded as a group attack skill, but the damage is too low, only 100 points, neither more nor less. There is no way to improve it through spiritual power and root bones.

Fortunately, the increases are all percentages, not fixed values, so you don't have to worry about them becoming outdated, and they can also be stacked with other types of gains and debuffs.

[Passive·Full knowledge LV1 (0/1000)]

[Experience gain increased by +10%]

[Passive·Thoughtful LV1 (0/1000)]

[Skill consumption-1%]

The two passives are quite good, but they must be fully charged. The calligraphy skill in his hand has not yet been fully charged.

As for professional-specific skills, there is no level for this one, but it is directly at full level, which makes him worry a lot.

[Exclusive·Wonderful writing]

[When using a pen weapon to release attack skills, it will cause a fixed damage of (bone × level + health value) + (spiritual power × level + mana value) to the enemy]

[When using pen weapons to release debuff skills, the debuff duration will be increased to the enemy by (root bone × level + health value) + (spiritual power × level + mana value)]

[When using a pen weapon to release buff skills, it will form a shield effect of (root bone × level + health value) + (spiritual power × level + mana value) for yourself and your teammates]

"It's a bit useless. First of all, it must be of high level, and then it must have high spiritual strength."

It would definitely be very useful on other people, but Wang Linchi is different. His level may not provide much increase.

But Wang Linchi doesn't worry about this. The second effect is very good, but he doesn't know whether the duration is seconds or minutes. Of course, it may not be either.

After completing the advancement, a special task appeared again, but this time it was relatively simple, just to let him simply reach level 20.

As a reward, it becomes a level 20 scholar career suit.

Obviously after getting through the novice stage, the rewards start to decrease, and tasks will not be released frequently and generous rewards will not be given all the time.

Then he left the academy, rented a stall, hung up all the things he didn't need, and then went to see what Abyss Crystals could be exchanged for in the main city of Taisu City.

He was just selling something, so he didn't have to watch it himself. The price was set anyway. He was not the kind of person who set prices casually. Instead, he referred to the prices on the forum, which were basically market prices.

[Skill Proficiency Crystal: Abyss Crystal × 1]

The first thing that can be redeemed is the skill proficiency crystal that Wang Linchi needs. One crystal can gain 1,000 skill proficiency points.

What's more important is that there is no exchange limit. Wang Linchi did not hesitate to get a thousand coins in seconds, and then used them all to max out all his skills.

Then the second one is the prestige crystal, which is not cheap. 10 abyss crystals are exchanged for 1 prestige crystal, and 1 prestige crystal can only increase the prestige of Taisu City by 1 point. Yes, it is just the prestige of Taisu City.

The 100 reputation points from the Kirin suit on Wang Linchi's body are the reputation of the whole game and can be used everywhere.

He jumped directly to this, and his reputation was of little use for the time being.

The third one is a level 1 enhancement scroll, which can be used to enhance equipment below 10% with 100% success.

This is also ignored. The Kirin suit is not suitable for strengthening, and it is very expensive. 1,000 abyss crystals can be exchanged for one.

Then there are a series of materials such as wing essence, pet potion, mount fruit, etc., which are naturally used as materials to improve the functions of wings, pets, mounts, etc. This is not as expensive as a level 1 enhancement scroll, but it is still a one-for-one replacement. .

And the price is getting more and more outrageous. Abyss crystals have almost the same properties as diamonds from krypton gold.

These things are in unlimited supply. Wang Linchi didn't know what to say for a moment. It was like a bottomless pit.

He also saw gems used to inlay on equipment, magic stones that can refine equipment entries, magic stone locks that lock equipment entries, effect charms that add equipment effects, divine stones that refine equipment effects, divine stone locks that lock effects, etc. Matryoshka stuff.

Wang Linchi looked at it with lingering fear. This was definitely an improvement method taken from a web game.

Obtaining equipment, pets, wings and other things is just the beginning. If you want to become stronger, you need endless energy.

You may not be able to clear the Abyss level difficulty dungeon, but you can go in and fight a wave of mobs to repeatedly spawn monsters to obtain abyss crystals.

It doesn't matter if you die, the Abyss Crystal can be taken away, and it can further weaken the Abyss difficulty dungeon.

Vaguely, Wang Linchi felt a little liver pain.

‘The mindless way to become stronger is not suitable for me. ’ Wang Linchi felt that he couldn’t be so arrogant all the time.

In fact, many guidance tasks appeared in his taskbar, which all appeared after his career was upgraded from scholar to scholar of wonderful pen.

You probably just go to various places in Taisu City to get mounts, pets, wings and other things. Of course, what you get are the lowest ones. If you want to upgrade, you need to exchange abyss crystals here, or they are also produced in dungeons and missions, but The quantity is relatively rare.

This forces players to work in the abyss level difficulty dungeon.

"Go and get it. It's a reward anyway..." Wang Linchi went to get the mount first. With the mount, he will move much faster.

If you have wings, you will be able to fly in the future, but if you get them now, they are probably just decorations to increase attributes.

Pets are even more useless, and the ones given are the lowest ones. If you want better ones, no problem, you can buy them with abyss crystals, and they are all of the highest quality.

Wang Linchi ran all over the city and got a donkey, which can be fed with pet fruits to evolve into bad horses, and then fed to sacred beasts. He also got a chicken wing, which increased health and mana by 10 points, and can turn the wings into Evolves into larger chicken wings, adding more health and mana.

There was a lot of mess, which gave Wang Linchi a headache.

The amount of Abyss crystals required to fill these things is simply astronomical. Fortunately, there are many dungeons. There are thousands of level 20 dungeons alone. Each one has Abyss difficulty, and the reward is probably from Black Wind Village. Ten times or even a hundred times, the difficulty also increases accordingly.

"It's extremely scary."

Wang Linchi returned to his stall and found that the items on it had been sold out. When he opened it, it seemed that some powerful force had purchased the items in bulk.

There was no such thing as a big force threatening Wang Linchi to give him a discount or surrounding the stall to prevent him from selling.

What he listed for sale was at market price. If he couldn't even afford it, there was no need to threaten him. This meant that the other party had internal economic problems, and the first ones who would not let them go were the powerful shareholders.

The forces in the game are essentially here for profit, not for real dreams or friendship.

Close the stall, leave, and then log off directly to leave.

Wang Linchi is ready to turn all his experience into his own strength.

Then go to the level 20 dungeon and take a look. If you want to improve the strength of the game character, completing tasks or killing wild monsters is not the fastest. The highest efficiency is the dungeon with the difficulty of entering the abyss. Not only can you gain high experience, but you can also Obtain abyss crystals and get rich rewards after clearing the level.

The purpose of "God's Gift World" is to let players solve the abyss difficulty dungeon, and the rest are probably just minutiae.

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