Who Told You to Use Your Power Like That?

Chapter 222 Abyss Difficulty Dungeon·Suspicious Clouds in Nanling Village

"This really doesn't leave any bugs for me."

Wang Linchi looked at his level that had returned to zero. The only equipment left on him was the main weapon Kirin Pen and the secondary weapon Kirin Fan. As for the other equipment, all the other equipment had been removed and stored in the inventory.

Experience becomes actual strength and is immediately cleared.

Fortunately, this game has a harmonious setting. Without equipment, only the default professional appearance will be displayed, and there will be no naked situation.

"Next, let's download the dungeon and level up."

Wang Linchi casually put on all his level 1 equipment.

When he sold equipment before, he had already reserved two levels of scholar professional equipment, level 1 and level 5.

As for the level 10 one, isn't it my own Kirin suit?

Riding on his horse and taking the random pet with him, Wang Linchi planned to go to the dungeon to level up.

There are three initial pets, namely tiger cubs, lion cubs and elephant cubs. Wang Linchi randomly picked up a cub cub. Its attributes are almost the same, and its skill only has a claw strike. When it causes damage, there is a 10% chance of causing 1 layer of damage to the enemy. Bleeding condition.

There is no way to get Wang Linchi's blessing, for example, the most important ones are the increase of the four cards of Plum, Orchid, Bamboo, Chrysanthemum and Jade, and there is no way to get the increase of Four Gentlemen Wine.

There is a dungeon entrance at the gate of Taisu City. Players who want to enter the dungeon will come to the city gate and choose directly.

Wang Linchi's arrival did not attract anyone's attention. They either entered the dungeon in a hurry or just came out of the dungeon.

As for calling people to download the dungeon together, most of them have already formed a team in the city, and they rarely come to the door of the dungeon to shout.

Wang Linchi selected the level 10 dungeon and quickly found a more favorable dungeon.

"The Suspense in Nanling Village prefers puzzle-solving dungeons." Wang Linchi searched for related dungeon briefs on the forum and only chose to look at the Abyss difficulty level.

"There are two routes?"

The content of the copy is probably about sealing or killing the evil spirits at the bottom of the village.

It must be completed within three days. As time goes by, the villagers in the village will be affected by the evil spirit, and eventually become possessed one by one.

This is a relatively easy copy. Many players have completed the seal, entered the settlement, and achieved pseudo-clearance.

The reason why it is a pseudo-clearance is that you can enter the redemption interface to redeem some things, but you will get very few abyss crystals, and there are no real rewards for clearing the level, not even for the first pass.

It was said that it was cleared, but in fact it was still a failure. It was just a face-saving victory.

If you want to truly clear the level, you can only kill the demon that is about to break out of the village.

As for other ways to clear the level, basically don’t even think about it.

Precisely because of the ability to fake a level pass, it has become a place for many players to obtain abyss crystals. If you speed pass, you can complete a copy in an hour.

This is much faster than other copies.

Therefore, most of the content on the forum is a fake guide to clearing the level.

Wang Linchi chose the Abyss difficulty without hesitation and entered the Suspense Cloud in Nanling Village.

There was no ridicule or disdain. Who knows what dungeon you entered and what difficulty you chose. As this kind of thing is private, "God's World" will not publish it at all, and there is no need.

After entering, Wang Linchi appeared at the entrance of the village.

"This environment is much better than the previous Black Wind Village."

Back in Heifeng Village, the overall environment was very depressing, but in Nanling Village, the sun was shining brightly and the air was pretty good.

"Young man? What are you here for?" asked someone enjoying the cool weather at the entrance of the village.

"I'm here..." Wang Linchi was thinking about how to make it up. There were corresponding strategies on the forum, but there were too many strategies, which could easily affect him.

His purpose is not to fake the level, but to kill the demon.

"Wait a minute, the eyebrows look a bit like those days..." The other party said something to himself.

"Ah, you misunderstood, I'm here to fulfill the agreement." Wang Linchi said.

"Promise? What agreement?" The other party was stunned and did not respond.

"I have to talk to the village chief about this. I can't tell you." Wang Linchi naturally couldn't be so stupid as to say everything.

He does not intend to follow the identity strategy on the forum, but plans to take another path.

Since you want to kill evil spirits, you must be well prepared. Just like the Black Wind Village before, there is something similar in this Nanling Village.

In response to this, Wang Linchi couldn't help but sigh, "The more players it is, the better. You can clearly touch everything in the dungeon."

Especially the longer the time goes by, the more complete the various strategies become.

The reason why I haven't cleared the level yet is naturally because the demons in the underground are too strong and are far beyond what players can deal with at this stage. They can only be used to farm abyss crystals.

"Well, that's the village chief's house. Go there yourself." The other party directly gave Wang Linchi directions.

When Wang Linchi saw this, he nodded, raised his legs and left.

After knocking on the door, a man in his fifties opened the door. The man was also stunned when he saw Wang Linchi.

"Who are you?" As the village chief, Nanling Village is not big and everyone knows him. A stranger suddenly appeared, and he had to ask who he was.

"My ancestors left a legacy and asked me to come to Nanling Village this year to suppress the evil spirits. They said that the time has come and the evil spirits' seal will be broken." Wang Linchi said bluntly.

That's right, Wang Linchi pretended to be the descendant of the man who suppressed the evil spirits.

"Evil? What evil?" The village chief was confused. Their village had good weather, so how could there be any evil?

"You haven't handed down such an important thing from your village!" Wang Linchi looked shocked.

This is indeed not passed down. As for why it was interrupted, Wang Linchi didn't know about it. No one went to investigate because most players were speedrunning to get rewards.

"No, you're not lying to me."

"Young man, if you don't have enough money, I can give you some. Don't do such immoral things." The village chief looked suspicious, suspecting that Wang Linchi was a liar.

This is a normal reaction. After all, if someone comes out and tells you that the World-Destroying Demon King is sealed at your door, they will only think you are crazy.

"How about you go to the ancestral hall in the village to check? Maybe there is some information." Wang Linchi raised his eyebrows and said.

The information about the evil spirit is indeed in the ancestral hall. This was also investigated by the players, so Wang Linchi can use it as evidence.

"Go, go, stop making trouble. I still don't know what's in the ancestral hall." The village chief's face darkened when he heard this. As the village chief, no one can stay in the ancestral hall longer than him. So what Wang Linchi said made him a little angry.

It was just beating around the bush and calling him stupid.

"Okay, then I'll leave first. By the way, the seal has begun to leak. The whole village will be devoured by evil spirits within three days. If possible, it is best to arrange for the evacuation of people." Wang Linchi did not continue to insist. .

This is just like a goddess, it cannot be licked.

So Wang Linchi planned to let them lick him, otherwise how could he cooperate with his subsequent plans.

As he said that, he took out a piece of gold: "But according to the agreement, I have to get back my ancestor's things. This will be regarded as the storage fee for these years."

"Your ancestor's thing? What is it? Don't tell me it's the land deed in the village." The village chief's eyes lit up when he saw the gold in Wang Linchi's hand.

"No, it's a copper coin sword, probably..."

Wang Linchi gave a brief description, and the village chief immediately realized that this was the magic sword hanging at the entrance of their ancestral hall. It was indeed worthless, but it had been hanging there for a long time. When he was a child, he had Here we are.

But at this moment, his passion for gold was extinguished. What if what Wang Linchi said was true?

Of course, we need to get the gold first.

"This is our village's house sword. We can't give it to you. We can't give it to you." The village chief wanted to test it out to see if he could increase the price.

"That's okay." Wang Linchi collected the gold and then said, "I'll go to the nearest town and wait for three days. After three days when you're all dead, I'll come back to get it, and then I'll pay you for the storage fees."

Wang Linchi guessed that the other party wanted more after taking out the gold, in order to induce the saying that you will die within three days.

Seeing Wang Linchi turn around and leave, the village chief was also shocked. He never expected Wang Linchi to be so decisive.

"Wait, it's easy to discuss, it's easy to discuss."

"You said there are evil spirits under our Nanling Village, and the evidence is still in the ancestral hall. How about we go take a look?"

"By the way, let's take a look at our village's house-protecting magic sword." The village chief quickly stopped Wang Linchi. Of course, it would be useless to keep this copper coin sword. It would be more economical to turn it into gold.

"Okay, but I'll give you half an hour at most." It's naturally impossible for Wang Linchi to really leave. How can he get the abyss crystal if he leaves.

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