Who Told You to Use Your Power Like That?

Chapter 238 The Curse of the Wish Demon·Blessings and Longevity

Jifu Temple is located ten miles north of Ji City. Incense is still at its peak. Most of the people who come to offer incense are dignitaries in the city, so there are not many people on the road.

However, they are taking the high-end route, and they don’t care about the mud-legged money.

The last time the dignitaries went to the temple, the sesame oil money provided was enough for them to enjoy themselves for a whole year.

Wang Linchi didn't care about this, but looked at a silver needle in his hand. This was the mission item he obtained, something that could target the evil person this time.

【Plague·Silver Needle】

[Type: Mission Item]

[Stored in the inventory, attacking demonized enemies will cause a plague effect on them. The plague effect will cause infection when the same demonized enemies come into contact, and will locate all demonized enemies infected with the plague]

This thing is aimed at evil people who have the ability to infect. As long as the evil people are infected with the plague, then one will infect two people, and the effect will be really great.

The plague effect does not deduct health points, but directly deducts the upper limit of health points.

The disadvantage is also obvious, that is, the speed is too slow, and the previous 10% will be deducted every day. At first glance, it seems that an abyss monster can die in ten days, but that is not the calculation. Today's 100 life points The upper limit of 10% is 10 points, and there are only 90 points left the next day. The 10% is 9 points, instead of being deducted according to the previous 10 points.

What's more important is that this mission only lasts for ten days and can only be used as an assistant. It is simply fantastic to think of using this mission item to complete the mission.

The purpose of this mission item is actually to locate evil people.

It's just a bit useless. If you can find evil people and kill them directly, it's still useful...

Wait, it seems to be really useful.

Wang Linchi suddenly remembered something. Killing ten evil people is just ten elite monsters, how many abyss crystals can be obtained.

But if you kill a hundred or even a thousand evil people, the number of abyss crystals will be very abundant. If you replace it with a city of evil people, then...

‘Hey guys, I think I found the right way to open it. ’

First, an evil person is affected by the plague through a silver needle, and then he is allowed to continuously infect other people to become evil people and infected with the plague at the same time. Wang Linchi only needs to follow and kill him.

You can even use this method to uncover other evildoers.

It is really fun to farm abyss crystals like this, but there is a big prerequisite, that is, you must have the power to easily kill evil people.

The evil man is not weak, the Holy Lord can easily crush him, but Wang Linchi can't. Although Gua Sha is not enough, it still takes a lot of time to kill an evil man, mainly because the attack is too low. All are fixed damage.

"Master, Jifu Temple has arrived." The coachman reminded Wang Linchi.

Wang Linchi temporarily suppressed the evil plan in his mind for the whole city. The benefits were huge, but he couldn't defeat so many evil people, and the Holy Master couldn't kill that many either.

So I can only put it aside for now.

It's a pity that the pace of the Jicheng Rebellion is too fast. The players have only just dug out one quest item, the Silver Needle. They have not yet come into contact with the other items. There may also be players who have come into contact with it, but they have not included the guide. Put it on the forum.

Not all players will think of turning their experiences into guides and then posting them on the forum to contribute.

"Okay, I understand. You go back first. I'll go back by myself later." Wang Linchi sent the coachman away.

Looking at the weather, it would be too slow to take a carriage back home. It would be better to just let the Holy Lord take him back.

When I arrived, I had to take a carriage because I didn’t know the way.

Otherwise, we really have to leave the city and go north. Since north is so big, what should we do if we miss it?

If you get lost, you have to find it yourself. It’s so troublesome, so it’s better to get it done once and for all.

"This...is the mage." The coachman hesitated for a moment, but finally chose to follow Wang Linchi's order.

A magician who came to Jifu Temple was definitely not there to offer incense. He was not even afraid of evil spirits, so what else could he be afraid of? Therefore, he could only be here to suppress evil spirits.

Entering Jifu Temple, a group of lay disciples were doing daily work in the temple, such as sweeping the floor, chopping firewood, carrying water, etc.

This temple is not as splendid as Wang Linchi imagined. Instead, it is very low-key, with a simple appearance, and it gives people a thrifty look.

It's not like those coquettish bitches who are about to write "I am rich" on a plaque.

It's a contrast.

"Donor, did you come to the temple to pray for blessings?" When the temple's priest saw Wang Linchi, he hurried over to greet him.

People are different, just like Wang Linchi. He has tender skin and tender flesh, but also wears clothes that look expensive. Coupled with his youthful appearance, he is definitely an unworldly young man. As long as he adds a little Bluffing, it must be another huge sum of money for sesame oil.

"Well, everything I do is going well recently, so I came here to pray for a while." Wang Linchi said.

"It's not going well lately, is that true... eh? Donor, you mean it's not going well, right?" Temple Blessing didn't react a bit, why do you still come here to pray for blessings? That's called a wish.

"No, everything goes smoothly." Wang Linchi corrected him.

This was true. Apart from the Abyss invasion, he was indeed living a comfortable life.

These words made Miao Zhu a little speechless, and then he hurriedly handed Wang Linchi, the big benefactor, a step: "Donor, what you want to say is that you are here to fulfill your wishes, not to pray for blessings."

"Yes, yes, that's what it means. I couldn't react just now." Wang Linchi also walked down the slope.

Hearing this, Miao Zhu's speechlessness suddenly disappeared. This is a good thing. It seems easy to fool him at first glance.

"Then you have come to the right place. Our God of Fortune in Jifu Temple is the most effective in Ji City. If you don't believe me, just ask. Even the wife of the city lord came to us to pray for blessings in the past few days." Temple Zhu looked proud. said.

The two of them headed towards the Temple of Fortune. On the way, the temple blessings were chattering without stopping. Wang Linchi thought of donating some sesame oil money. It would be a pity to leave such eloquent temple blessings here. If he went to sell goods, he would definitely be A top-notch anchor who can make several small goals every day.

The Temple of Fortune is very large inside, and is different from the simplicity outside. It is inlaid with gold and silver, and even the statue of the God of Fortune is embellished with precious stones.

Wang Linchi didn't find anything wrong with the God of Fortune. This so-called God of Fortune was just a statue and had no function.

He was also a little regretful. It would have been nice if this was a mission item. Such a large item must have extraordinary effects.

Generally, the more the temple blessings are sold, the more energetic they become. When Wang Linchi saw this, he could only throw a banknote into the merit box, with a face value of one thousand taels. The temple blessings made his eyes go straight. He was trying so hard to provide Wang Linchi with emotional value. , with big returns.

"The donor is generous, and the God of Fortune will bless you with good fortune and longevity." The temple wishes these nice words to be sprinkled out like those who don't need money.

Wang Linchi discovered something was wrong. Just after he put in the sesame oil money and received the blessing from the temple, he gained a state.

[The Curse of the Wish Demon·Blessings and Longevity: You will fulfill your wishes in a twisted way and get twisted results]

"..." Wang Linchi glanced at Miao Zhu strangely.

He finally understood why the city lord's wife was in this situation. She came to Jifu Temple to ask for a child, so the twisted method and twisted results created this situation.

If it is not resolved, then the city lord's wife will become pregnant with a demon fetus and give birth to an abyss demon.

As for his blessings and longevity, who knows what he will look like when he mutates.

The best way is to kill this so-called wish demon first.

As long as the demon dies, the curse will be broken.

‘This wishing demon’s curse doesn’t seem to be a negative state? Or is it that the level is too high and my card Lan cannot be removed? ’

Wang Linchi, who has Card Lan, can purify a negative state every second. This time, he did not purify it. It may have been purified, and then appeared again the next second, but the speed was too fast for Wang Linchi to detect it.

"Well, I'll accept Miao Zhu's good wishes." Wang Linchi remained calm on the surface, and then said: "It's just that I have a little difficulty now, and I want Miao Zhu to help me, and I hope Miao Zhu will not hesitate to help."

Miao Zhu didn't think too much, but asked: "Do you want to copy the Vow Sutra or do you want us to go down the mountain to help with something?"

Looking at the face of the one thousand taels of silver notes, Miao Zhu naturally thought that it must be related to some of their business.

"No, I just want to borrow Miao Zhu's head." Wang Linchi said quietly.

"What?!" Miao Zhu was also frightened. He didn't expect that Wang Linchi actually wanted his life.

Miao Zhu turned around and ran away. He could see that Wang Linchi was not joking. However, the figure of the Holy Master slowly appeared, and then the dust fell to the ground.

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