Who Told You to Use Your Power Like That?

Chapter 241 Demon Fetus, Greedy Toad

"The order of the tasks was reversed, and I came back too late..." Wang Linchi looked helpless at the miserable state of the City Lord's Mansion.

But it's not that there is no good news. It was not the evil people who did it, but the demon fetus. The three evil people who were imprisoned in the city lord's mansion were also disemboweled and died.

The real order should be to first deal with the demon fetus in the belly of the city lord's wife, and then go to Jifu Temple. Wang Linchi may have ignored some clues, so he was skipped this step. It is also possible that he came back late. After all, I spent too long in Jifu Temple.

But now that it has happened, Wang Linchi will not regret it, so what else can he do, just keep going.

The strength of the magic fetus should not be very strong. The upper limit is estimated to be elite monsters, and a small number of them may become BOSS.

Another thing, it is actually very easy to locate. It is not like evil people can hide the devil fetus. Wherever it goes, it will inevitably cause killings.

As long as you follow the traces, you can find it in half an hour at most.

Under the vision of the soul, Wang Linchi soon found the traces of the demon fetus, which was a line of small footprints.

At first glance, it does look like a baby's footprints, but if you look closely, you can see that there are subtle differences between them and human footprints.

"Let's go." Wang Linchi greeted, and the Holy Master emerged, leading the way.

They just followed the traces all the way.

If we want to fight, we must let the Holy Lord take the lead. Why not let Wang Linchi take the lead? This doesn't make sense.

After all, the strength of the demon fetus is unknown, so it needs a shield.

Before he could catch up, he heard a faint scream, and Wang Linchi's eyes were fixed on a large mansion not far away.

"Don't tell me, this devil fetus is really particular about eating people and even rich people." Wang Linchi complained.

The devil fetus eats human hearts, so it needs to be disembowelled.

The Holy Master took the lead and broke through the courtyard wall. Then he saw a small, half-human, half-lizard monster in scale armor, lying on a living person, disemboweling him, and using his claw-like hands. Pulling a heart.

The demon fetus was also attracted by the silence, and looked back at the Holy Master in a daze.

But he soon ignored it, and instead tore out the heart, stuffed it into a mouth that was not suitable for the body, and chewed it. For a moment, the flesh and blood burst out, and all the servants and maids in the yard were frightened.

After all, there were two monsters, one big and one small, how could they not be afraid.

However, the Holy Lord was not used to the devil fetus. He took action in an instant and easily grasped the devil fetus with his big hands. He seemed to want to kill him on the spot. However, the devil fetus was slippery and broke away from the Holy Master's hand in an instant. After getting down, he climbed up to the back of the Holy Master's neck with his backhand, preparing to give the Holy Master a bite.

The Holy Master reacts faster, activates the monkey charm, and shrinks in an instant. Facing such a nimble enemy, his large size is sometimes a burden.

This situation immediately put the demon fetus out of control, but the Holy Master grabbed the demon fetus again without hesitation and stretched out his hand to break its neck.

The battle lasted only ten seconds, and it ended so easily.

Wang Linchi had just arrived when he saw the demon fetus with its head and body separated.

"You are too violent. Look, you scare people." Wang Linchi looked at the Holy Master walking towards him. At this time, he had returned to his normal size and was also a giant.

"Are you... the magician invited by the city lord?"

Seeing Wang Linchi's arrival, a man who looked like a housekeeper hurried over to greet him.

As a wealthy family, they must have heard about some of the city lord's actions.

"Exactly. It's a pity that this evil demon is cunning and blooming everywhere. When I came today, I went to Jifu Temple to investigate. I just got rid of an evil demon in Jifu Temple. I never thought that this evil demon actually had a back-up plan waiting for me to catch it. When I come back, alas~" Wang Linchi didn't finish his words, but everyone understood what he meant.

When everyone heard this, they couldn't help but be horrified. Everyone in the City Lord's Mansion was dead, so what should they do next?

The most important thing is that there are evil spirits in Jifu Temple. As a wealthy family, they must have been there. If they were entangled by evil spirits, they would be dead.

"Master, you must save my master, my master..." The butler has been an old servant for many years, and he must be loyal to his master. It is a rare case of a rebellious butler.

"Save your master? I'm not a doctor. It's not advisable to come to me when you're sick." Wang Linchi declined politely.

Wang Linchi looked at the abyss crystal in his hand. This time it was a 0.1-level concentration abyss crystal that could be transformed into ten thousand abyss crystals.

It seems that after level 30, the abyss crystals dropped by BOSS and elite monsters will become concentrated abyss crystals, making it easier for players to pick them up. As for ordinary mobs, Wang Linchi has not encountered them yet.

The Demon Fetus is an elite monster, so he knows.

"No, my husband went to Jifu Temple to pray for blessings a few days ago. Now he must have encountered bad luck, and he asked the mage to help him get rid of it." The housekeeper hurried over and handed Wang Linchi a piece of silver with great discernment. ticket.

Wang Linchi took a closer look and saw that the denomination was quite large, five hundred taels.

"This is not a matter of money. I have killed all the evil spirits. Even if there is any bad luck, it is gone." Wang Linchi accepted the money but didn't want to do anything yet.

"You hurried back from Jifu Temple. You must be hungry at this time. It's not too late if the Master stays and fills your stomach first before leaving." The housekeeper didn't care that he had lost five hundred taels. Instead, he wanted to save Wang Linchi first. stay.

This was someone with real talent and knowledge. He watched with his own eyes the Holy Master tearing off the Demon Fetus's head, and the Holy Master was controlled by Wang Linchi. At least he stayed to make tonight easier and stabilize people's hearts.

Otherwise this reputation will be ruined.

"You're too polite. Let's just forget about eating. I have something to do first. Please wait..." Seeing this, Wang Linchi also refused directly. He had nothing to eat.

But before he could finish his words, he was interrupted.

"It's not good, Master... Master, something happened to him." A maid ran out crying, with a look of panic.

This made the housekeeper stunned. Why did something happen? So he quickly stopped the maid and asked, "Sir, what happened to him?"

"It changed. He turned into like a toad. He also ate Xiaohong in one bite." The maid was frightened.

"Is the color golden?" Wang Linchi asked curiously.

"Yes, it's golden. He also..." The maid didn't expect Wang Linchi to know.

"That thing is called Golden Toad, and they are serious people... Bah, then why are you still standing there? Run away and wait for death." Wang Linchi complained. He suspected that the other master might have promised wealth. The relevant wishes were finally distorted by the wish demon.

It might not have happened so quickly, but Wang Linchi killed the wishing demon, causing the curse on him to start prematurely.

As for the curse on Wang Linchi, it had long been removed.

The curse could not be removed before because the wish demon is still alive and may continue to curse, that is, just after you purify it, it will appear again the next second.

Once the demon dies, the curse will no longer have its roots, and it will naturally be purified by Ka Lan.

Lonely and widowed~

Just as he was thinking about it, a big toad jumped out of the house. His back was covered with pimples and pustules, which looked extremely oozing.

If you look carefully, you can also see a vague human face on the toad's head, which is obviously the gentleman.

[Elite·Abyss Monster·Greedy Toad LV20, (500000/500000)】

As soon as the Greedy Toad appeared, he opened his mouth and rolled his tongue around someone. He didn't even chew it and just swallowed it.

After the level and health increased, Wang Linchi was a little strange. What was the pattern of the health of this abyss monster? Why were they different? Is it because the races were different, so the attributes were also different?

Seeing this, the Holy Master immediately took action, and the other people in the mansion naturally scattered.

Wang Linchi's expression became solemn at this time. He didn't take it seriously even if it was just a greedy toad, but the problem was that anyone who went to Jifu Temple to make wishes and pray would turn into an abyss monster after the death of the wish monster. , then there will be chaos.

The threat of evil people will be reduced to a minimum, and the abyss monsters created by wishes will begin to wreak havoc.

Especially these abyss monsters will become stronger by eating.

Compared with the Greedy Toad and the Demon Fetus, there are still many gaps. The Demon Fetus had to eat an entire city lord's manor to reach the level 30 elite monster. Even if it ate another three to five hundred people, it might be able to Transform into a BOSS.

The Greedy Toad has just been born, and it can only eat people from the inner courtyard at most, so it is only level 20 and is in a state of just development.

The Holy Master breathed out flames with the Dragon Talisman, and Greedy Toad had no way to resist. In three seconds, its health points were completely cleared and turned into a piece of coke.

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