Who Told You to Use Your Power Like That?

Chapter 245 The Demon-Suppressing Alliance, the Suppressing Magician who uses humans as sacrifices f

"Old sir, where were you rescued by the mage from?" A crowd of people gathered around.

Many people were a little dissatisfied with Wang Linchi's rescue. After all, one more person meant more rations, especially an old man who was not related to them.

Nowadays, people's hearts are already in a state of confusion. Otherwise, how would anyone dare to jump out and ask Wang Linchi to do this or that in the morning?

If it were a young man, he would still be a labor force, and the old man would naturally become a burden.

"Well, it's a long story, so I might as well not talk about it." The old man also noticed that some people were dissatisfied with him, so he didn't say too much.

After struggling for a while, no one dared to take action or secretly ridiculed him. The main reason was that Wang Linchi had just established his authority in the morning and had to spend the night before making trouble tomorrow.

When the old man saw this, a glimmer of light flashed in his eyes, and the corners of his mouth curved in an insignificant arc.

However, the next second, the smile froze.

He saw a figure running quickly towards the crowd.

Before he could speak, someone shouted: "Oh no, the evil guy is coming!!!"

At this moment, the entire shelter area was in chaos.

‘Damn it, how could there be evil people here! ’ The old man turned around and ran away without hesitation. He roared in his heart that it was impossible, but the figure of Wang Linchi appeared in his mind.

For a moment, he felt that hatred in his heart, but he didn't expect that the other party had already seen through him.

The evil person takes action immediately, seizes a person, directly infects and assimilates it, and becomes another evil person.

Then, two turned into four, four turned into eight, and the number of survivors was decreasing crazily.

The old man's expression became increasingly gloomy. He never expected that this man would be so ruthless and abandon the survivors just to expose himself.

"It's a pity, you still missed a trick." Looking at more and more evil people, although the old man looked ugly, he still had his own trump card and was not afraid of Wang Linchi's plan at all.

"Come out, nightmare!"

As soon as he finished speaking, he could see that a fantasy dream gradually turned into a ball of colorful glaze in his mind.

"Give me the town!"

With a loud shout, the body of the nightmare was scattered with dots. All the evil people were swaying in an instant, and their faces were bleary-eyed, looking like they were about to fall asleep.

After the old man shouted these words and used the power of the nightmare, his figure became three points more stooped, and his appearance became much older.

He might have been around sixty years old before, but he looks eighty now.

"Come out, I know you are waiting for me to reveal my fault." The old man said in a calm tone, but he was a little out of breath when he said it. It seems that the Nightmare of the Royal Envoy is not that simple, and the overdraft is very serious.

Wang Linchi did not come out obediently, but the Holy Master came out first.

The enemy's nightmare is a level 30 elite monster.

To be honest, there is still a big gap between the other party and the suppressing magician who transformed into a real magician.

After all, a man who can easily control the dwarf monster and the alienated dwarf demon king has no cost in controlling this abyss monster, but the old man pays with his life.

The appearance of the Holy Lord made the old man couldn't help but compare it to his own nightmare. The protector gods of the Suppressing Magician were actually evil spirits, but they were just evil spirits enshrined by them.

Of course, there is a price to pay for worshiping demons.

"It is not the behavior of a gentleman to hide one's head and show one's tail. Come out and see me!" The old man was a little angry when he saw that Wang Linchi did not come. It was only the Holy Lord who came. Who are these people? There is a need to be so cautious.

Wang Linchi said nothing, and the Holy Master took action directly.


With one punch, Nightmare's whole body cracked, and luminous liquid flowed out of the light. The old man was also severely injured. He obviously paid an unfair price in order to control Nightmare.

"Hateful, I have never seen such a rude person like you."

"First you destroyed the wish demon that my father worked so hard to cultivate, and then you coveted the source of the evil people that my ancestors suppressed back then. I'm here to ask for an explanation, but you still want to kill me."

"When I go to the Demon Suppression Alliance to sue you, your soul will be driven to pieces!!!" The old man outputted frantically.

The Holy Master ignored it and directly output physical power and spells, only to beat Nightmare to death on the spot. The old man's eyes bulged out, and his expression was frightened.

"You...how dare you kill my nightmare, this is the Demon Suppression Alliance..."

Before he finished speaking, the Holy Master gave him a hard slap.

Then he became honest.

The old man was so dizzy that he dared not speak. Where did this ruthless man come from, and he could actually kill evil spirits.

The reason why they are called Suppressing Magicians is that they can only suppress the sealed evil spirits. Not many people can kill the evil spirits at all. Otherwise, wouldn't it be more majestic if they were changed to slaying demons and exterminating demons?

After the Holy Lord saw that the other party was honest, he began to kill the evil people one by one. Thanks to the abyss monster, Nightmare, in the old man's hand, all the evil people fell into sleep. Otherwise, if the Holy Lord wanted to kill him, he would really have to kill them. It takes some time, just crush it to death now.

The old man looked increasingly horrified at this scene.

After the Holy Master killed all the evildoers, he escorted Wang Linchi over.

Then he squatted down and looked at the old man who fell to the ground, and asked calmly: "What's going on with the Demon Suppression Alliance?"

Wang Linchi looked at the other person carefully and could be sure of one thing, that is, the old man's actual age may not be very old, maybe only about twenty years old.

The reason why it became like this must be due to excessive use of the power of the abyss monster, the nightmare.

"This... you don't know?" The other party hesitated: "You don't even know the Demon Suppressing Alliance, how did you become the Magic Suppressing Master?"

"In other words, the Suppressing Magician needs the approval of the Demon Suppressing Alliance?"

"Does the Demon Suppression Alliance know that your family used Ji City to cultivate the source of wishing demons and evil people?" Wang Linchi asked two questions in a row.

The other party's expression became increasingly weird.

"I understand, it requires the approval of the Demon Suppressing Alliance, and the Demon Suppressing Alliance also acquiesces in your behavior." Wang Linchi read the answer he wanted from the other party's expression.

"So you are not here to suppress the wish demon and the source of evil people. Instead, you are here to provide support to these two evil demons. In the Demon Suppression Alliance, this kind of thing is common." Wang Linchi realized it at this time, and even The best magicians in the world have transformed themselves into abyss creatures, and some of the other magicians are good ones.

I'm afraid he has already fallen.

"You're dead, you're dead, hahaha." The other party started to laugh wildly: "You actually dare to become a magician without the consent of the Demon Suppressing Alliance. The Demon Suppressing Alliance will fight you until death!!!"

Wang Linchi frowned when he heard this. Does this count as excluding dissenters?

Then he quickly raised his brows and said with a sneer: "What kind of thing is the Demon Suppressing Alliance? You need to be certified to be a Suppressing Magician? Hehe, you group of Suppressing Magicians who have not been certified by the game system are about to die. Really I thought your Demon Suppressing Alliance was powerful, but it turns out you can’t even control a demon, and you have to rely on your life to control it.”

As soon as these words came out, the other party's laughter seemed to be pinched by a big hand.

It seems like I really have become a clown...

Look at how people who exorcise evil spirits are not only obedient but also have no side effects, and then look at my own demon-suppressing alliance, he is only twenty-one years old, but he has already reached the age of eighty, and he has only a few years to live.

Look at the opponent again. He has fine skin and tender flesh and is dressed in decent clothes. No matter what, it seems that the opponent's force is stronger than the Demon Suppressing Alliance.

Then, he panicked, because in this case, he would not be able to use the Demon Suppressing Alliance to make the opponent surrender, but instead he would be crushed by the opponent.

"This...this...this is a misunderstanding." He showed a forced smile.

"Well, it's indeed a misunderstanding." Wang Linchi showed a bright smile: "Do you think I believe it?"

He also went to the Demon Suppressing Alliance to sue him. Wang Linchi finally figured it out. The Demon Suppressing Alliance was very likely to fight internally and externally. If it had the ability to attack the monsters in the abyss, it turned out that it had to do this. matter.

"I am very interested in the Demon Suppressing Alliance, and the forces behind me are even more interested in the Demon Suppressing Alliance, so I hope you can give me some advice." Wang Linchi said with a smile.

He was certain that this so-called Demon-Suppressing Alliance must be on the blacklist of the "God-Given World" game system.

The method of suppressing demons is to use humans as sacrifices for demons, in order to increase the strength of the abyss demons, and to go against the tone set by the game system against the abyss. If you don’t die, who will die?

In the future, it may be possible to free up the cage and change the bird, allowing players to form a new Suppressing Magician. This easily obtained identity item, Suppressing Magic, is one of the evidences. I am afraid that more Suppressing Magic will be opened in each copy in the future. Teacher identity props to clean up the door and reverse the decline.

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