Who Told You to Use Your Power Like That?

Chapter 247 The Source of Evil LV35

"It's quite laborious, but we finally got it together." Wang Linchi looked at the three temporary slaves of different shapes behind him.

Unlike real abyss monsters, when reawakened after death, they do not have a physical body, and they look very sluggish and not flexible at all.

His strength has also dropped by half, but fortunately his abilities are still there.

This should be a puppet created by the game system through these abyss monsters. It is not a real slave to the abyss monsters. The game system does not seem to have this ability.

"It's true that this thing can only be used as cannon fodder." Wang Linchi sighed.

The three temporary slaves can only carry out some simple instructions, such as attacking, protecting, retreating, following, etc. Any more will not be able to understand and respond, which is much worse than the Holy Master.

Although the Holy Master has no brain, his ability to understand instructions is three stories higher than this temporary slave.

Only Wang Linchi can be so extravagant. If it were another player, he would definitely use him as a trump card.

Then he took the Holy Lord and the three puppets of Greed, Anger and Crazy and quickly arrived at the City Lord's Mansion.

The source of evil is in the city lord's palace. The former magician came to the city lord's palace not to inquire about information or to guard Wang Linchi, but to release the source of evil that has been dormant for a long time.

In fact, some settings of the other party's story are true, but the content is false.

For example, the matter of subduing the wish demon and the source of evil people was originally made up by the other party. In fact, it was his father and his ancestors who supported the abyss monsters. This time he came to invite these two abyss monsters to join him. Lord of the Demon Alliance.

"Thinking about it, the self-proclaimed magician who suppresses the world has been many years ago." Wang Linchi couldn't help but think of this matter.

According to his estimation, it would take at least a hundred years for the Demon Suppressing Alliance to fall to this day.

For such a long time, they have not been able to eliminate the scourge of mankind. It can only be said that the monsters of the abyss really know how to develop sustainably, rather than just eating havoc.

In the city lord's mansion, after another day of heavy rain and thick fog, many evil people were already dying.

The rainwater has already flooded the roof beams. If you are not careful, the evil person may come into contact with the water. In this case, few abyss evil spirits can hold on for a long time.

The Abyss Demon is strong, but it does not have endless physical strength. More importantly, it has not eaten yet. If it were really energetic, it would not be trapped here and it would have escaped long ago.

It was precisely because he was tortured that he no longer had the strength to resist, so he was dying.

Wang Linchi didn't care about these things at all, but began to look for the so-called invisible place, which is the special space where the source of evil sleeps.

The reason why the source of evil is sleeping is not because of injury or anything, but because he has eaten too much and is resting and evolving.

"This kid is really an honest man. He didn't lie to me." Wang Linchi followed the guidance of the young magician who was aging prematurely and quickly opened the invisible land.

The location is in the garden of the City Lord's Mansion. I don't know whether the other party's ancestors planted the mine before the City Lord's Mansion was built, or whether the City Lord built his own City Lord's Mansion on the mine.

As the invisible land is opened, a vortex forms in the water garden, and a large amount of water is sucked into it.

The Holy Master led Wang Linchi to run fast and was not affected.

"Hey, this is the first time I've seen someone seeking death like this." Wang Linchi laughed, mainly because the water was extremely effective against demonized enemies.


As soon as the inhuman roar sounded, he choked on the water.

The source of evil also reacted very quickly. After encountering the attack, he naturally rushed out of the water immediately. As a result, the oncoming heavy rain and thick fog gave the opponent another blow.

[BOSS·Abyss Monster·Source of Evil LV35,? ? ? 】

"No, why can't I see your HP when you are at level 35?" Wang Linchi complained. This thing is a bit ridiculously strong, and it actually ignores the damage caused by heavy rain and dense fog.

It was a huge mountain of flesh, and one could vaguely see the appearance of a human being, with some kind of fat flowing from all kinds of fat on the body.

It is this layer of grease that effectively resists the erosion of water and fog.

"Now I understand another use of Qingshuang Ancient Sword, a mission item." Wang Linchi narrowed his eyes.

That 1 point of forced health damage is not only used to kill the Wish Demon, but also used to break the defense and DEBUFF the source of evil.

The rain clouds he created did not have the function of forcibly breaking the defense, so after being blocked, they would naturally be ineffective.

The other party seemed to have noticed that Wang Linchi was the only living person. His huge body stood firmly on the water without sinking at all.

"Are you the one who killed my slave?" A deafening voice came out of the evil source's mouth, but at this volume, it sounded like a roar to Wang Linchi's ears.

Wang Linchi asked the Holy Master to answer this question with his fists.

A punch landed on the opponent's weak points such as the throat, eyeballs, etc., but the damage caused by the attack was very limited, and the dropped health points were quickly recovered.

The three cannon fodder also attacked with the Holy Lord. The damage was not as good as the Holy Lord, but at least it was much higher than Wang Linchi.

The source of evil was also caught off guard by a sneak attack, so he fought back angrily.

As a large evil man, Wang Linchi also found that the opponent seemed to have only rough skin and thick flesh. He didn't have many other methods. His attack power was not bad. If he fell on the Holy Lord, he could kill 5% of the total. Unfortunately, the attack frequency was too low. When the second attack landed, the Holy Lord's health had already been restored.

However, the opponent is also disgusting. The Holy Lord's attack falls on the opponent, and every time the HP is reduced, it will be restored again. It can be called mutual torture.

Wang Linchi couldn't see the specific amount of the opponent's health, but he could see the rise and fall of the percentage of the health bar.

"No, you are stealing my origin!!!" The source of evil did not notice it at first, but as time passed, he finally discovered something was wrong, because his recovery ability actually began to decline.

The Holy Lord's soul-sucking devouring is the key to victory. Under the ebb and flow of one another, how can the opponent win? Even a little bit of grinding can make the opponent fail little by little.

With the help of small assistants, Soul Devouring is naturally no longer limited to blood-sucking and blue-sucking, but has restored its original function.

Although the intensity is still not high, it is still there.

"Go to hell, go to hell!" The fat on the evil man's body was trembling continuously. Wang Linchi didn't know what the other party wanted to do, but he was sure of one thing, that was, he seemed to be going berserk.

As soon as his idea came up, it was confirmed.

A large number of arms penetrated from the body of the source of evil. At first glance, it looked like a hundred-armed giant.

The arm moved towards the Holy Lord. After grabbing the Holy Lord, he didn't care about the damage caused by the Holy Lord to the arm, and forcefully pulled the Holy Lord and stuffed it into his body.

If you can't kill the Holy Lord, then eat the Holy Lord.

The opponent seems to have the ability to digest quickly, using this as multiple bursts of damage.

But the Holy Lord is not a vegetarian either. The flames burned directly, and a stench filled the air in the rain.

It's also thanks to the fact that the fire breathed out by the Holy Lord is not an ordinary flame.

In fact, it is a special flame formed from the spirit, heart, soul, thinking and fire elements. If Wang Linchi puts it together, he might be able to make a guest appearance as the Sixth Divine Fire.

The flames not only burn the physical body, but also cause damage to corresponding attributes.


The source of evil roared again.

‘Isn’t this the source of evil just giving birth to spiritual wisdom? ’ Wang Linchi looked at the performance of the source of evil and was a little confused.

For example, Wish Demon, the opponent is much more stable. If the copy Wang Linchi and the Holy Master had not been tricked, his mentality would be too bad, otherwise it would be impossible to lose his composure.

It doesn't look like the source of evil, but more like a giant baby.

‘Is it because of the difference in exposure? ’ Wang Linchi guessed.

Wish the Demon stayed in Jifu Temple, he saw a lot of overt and covert fights and intrigues, so he had enough experience and self-esteem in the process of growing up. However, the source of evil people is different. He has always stayed in the invisible place. In a special space, there is no growth.

The only people he came into contact with were probably the magicians who treated him with respect. They didn't even have time to offer him sacrifices. How could he possibly teach the source of evil a lesson?

And as the advantage gradually shifted to the Holy Lord, the source of evil began to be unable to resist.

"Ant, ant, ant!!!" The curse system of Evil Man's Origin is a bit lacking. It just comes and goes with just a few words. It was obviously taught by some people, but this does not affect Evil Man's Origin entering the second stage. .

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