Who Told You to Use Your Power Like That?

Chapter 249 If it’s valuable, someone will care about it

"The Demon-Suppressing Master's Demon-Suppressing Waist Card is not among the only rewards for the first pass, and it is not a card but a prop?" Wang Linchi couldn't help but frown, he discovered such a clue.

Among the first-pass rewards, there are only Silver Needle, Crane Crown Red and Qingshuang Ancient Sword. The waist card for killing abyss monsters and creating temporary slaves is among the ordinary rewards, which shows that nightmare-level difficulty dungeons can also be dropped, which is not the only one. rewards.

"This is interesting."

Wang Linchi felt that this should also be a measure against the Demon Suppression Alliance, but the explosion rate of this item was probably relatively low.

After Wang Linchi exchanged the items, he didn't stay long. The main reason was that there weren't many things to buy. He had no shortage of equipment and only one skill. After buying enough, he couldn't even check out the rest.

"Special missions are indeed very rewarding. The set of equipment alone has saved me a lot of abyss crystals."

He is already level 30, and he only needs to complete the advanced mission to get another set of level 30 equipment, so he doesn't have to worry about himself at all.

In addition, his third announcement reward has also arrived. As expected, it is a universal passive for all professions called Accessory Mastery, which allows him to directly equip it regardless of the level of the accessory.

Wang Linchi also learned directly. Unfortunately, the rewards for the first pass of the Abyss dungeon are only these three times, and they will not be available in the future. I don’t know if this Abyss list has any benefits.

Otherwise, it would just be used to recharge his reincarnation residual seal, which would seem to stretch the crotch.

Wang Linchi thought as he went to hand in the advanced task.


A large list of mission prompts appeared, and Wang Linchi didn't even intend to look at them. The attributes and skills of the game characters were becoming less and less helpful to him.

The masterful scholar became the pen-wielding scholar, and then gained two more active skills and two passive skills.

As for the title of Navigator, it is a high-level title belonging to the supernova. The effect is doubled, and other things remain unchanged.

The level 30 set equipment is also an enhanced version of the White Tiger Set he wears. The prefix is ​​changed to Suzaku, and the set effect is also increased by one.

[2-piece set: Reputation +500]

[3-piece set: 30% off the price for items purchased in the store]

[4-piece set: experience gained is 4 times]

[5-piece set: Root +3, Spiritual Power +3, Comprehension +3]

[6-piece set: fixed damage +1000, fixed defense +1000]

[7-piece set: 5% probability of not consuming mana when releasing skills]

The effect is indeed getting stronger and stronger, and the number of pieces in the suit is also increasing, but overall it is still inseparable from the three major categories of weapons, armor, and accessories.

"Now, the missions are becoming more and more perfunctory. There was a transitional mission at level 20 before, but now it has become a third-level mission for me at level 70."

After choosing the most difficult third-turn mission, Wang Linchi stopped paying attention.

The reward has not changed, a set of level 70 suits, the most advanced advanced certificate plus a title.

Obviously, most of the value began to be realized in his profession, so the mission rewards began to decrease.

It was originally meant as compensation to support you in the early stage so that you would not be unable to keep up with the level of most people due to being balanced. Under the current situation, Wang Linchi's level has risen very quickly.

If you don't mention Ye Tian and his Tianshen Palace, most of the players are currently in their early forties. Wang Linchi has cleared his experience twice and can still catch up.

Even Ye Tian, ​​who is number one on the level list, is only level 55.

Of course, they are not leveling up in the Abyss difficulty dungeon, but using orthodox upgrade methods, so they are so slow.

Wang Linchi was thinking, should the next dungeon go directly to level 70 Abyss difficulty?

That high amount of experience will definitely allow him to upgrade from level 1 to level 70.

As for why it is level 1, it is very simple. He plans to go back and clear out all the experience points and turn them into his own strength.

By absorbing experience points after advancing, you will not only gain strength, but you can also further unlock your own power to provide yourself with sufficient strength.

But this time he didn't take away the evil king's body fragments, mainly because he was really afraid.

The true magicians back then were all at the Huiyue level, but today's Evil King must be even more terrifying in strength. Even a fragment of his body, and perhaps the remaining power, can cause huge problems, so it's better to be honest.

After all, he doesn't need it anymore. Unless he wants to follow the path of the abyss monsters, there is no need to study it in depth, and he should focus on his own system.

Even before going offline, he had to exchange all the abyss crystals into materials for advanced wings and mounts.

"This time, the basic level should be able to be maxed out." Wang Linchi thought about this.

After reaching the basic level, the rest... can only be saved slowly.

Otherwise, what else can we do? Do you really think that the reskinned web game will have no other difficulty even if the krypton gold points are removed?

The exchange is relatively fast, but after the exchange is completed, it needs to be used in the corresponding interface. This thing is more time-consuming. Wang Linchi directly turned on the small assistant and started to use it automatically.

He opened the forum. It was good to browse the forum if he had nothing to do.

On the forum, there were a large number of posts related to Wang Linchi, after all, Abyss was on the list.

Naturally, there are mixed opinions on this matter. Some people say that he is cheating, while others say that he is lucky. However, most people think that Wang Linchi relies on his strength. After all, you can rely on luck once to pass, and you can rely on luck three times. This is a bit insulting to people's intelligence.

In addition, there were olive branches offered by various gaming forces, but Wang Linchi simply ignored them.

"Huh? This post..." Wang Linchi suddenly found a popular post, which was related to him and accused him of killing innocent people indiscriminately.

"Oh, the player who was killed by the anti-obscenity system." Wang Linchi took a look at the process. The opponent first used spring and autumn brushwork, and then reversed right and wrong. He quickly portrayed Wang Linchi as a arrogant person who looked down on other players. , and he was just a little white flower. Because he had a few words of admiration in the past, he was killed by Wang Linchi and dropped one level.

"I remember he was a man. How come this short essay is so popular?" Wang Linchi felt something was wrong.

If you take a closer look, there is a high probability that there are some people behind the scenes plotting against him, otherwise this situation would not be possible.

He had no value before, so naturally no one plotted against him. Now that he has value, careerists will definitely want to squeeze the corresponding value out of Wang Linchi.

But Wang Linchi was very calm and didn't care at all.

To open the box, they need to go through the game system of "God's Gift World" first. If they have this ability, they will not be able to beat the Abyss difficulty dungeon.

The pressure from public opinion was even more hilarious. They couldn't even find anyone. Wang Linchi was not from their world and had no ability to empathize. He even thought their behavior was funny.

"The Abyss is about to invade, and this is the result. The scene is deformed, so this world should belong to capital." Wang Linchi couldn't help but smile, hoping that the monsters of the Abyss would be overwhelmed by their public opinion in the future.

After the opponent's move, Wang Linchi has indeed gained a bad reputation on the forum. Maybe he won't be able to form teammates when he downloads the dungeon, but for Wang Linchi, there is no need for teammates at all.

Those who have interests entangled with him have never been this group of players, but "God's World" and the game system itself. They have never found the point.

This situation made Wang Linchi have the same disdainful mentality as those in the Dajing Palace who looked at King Yama. He thought he could control others, but in the end he was just a clown. Many things pale in front of absolute force.

Especially when Wang Linchi is shameless.

"Don't say it, if you think about it again, not only will you not be angry, but you will also find it funny." Wang Linchi felt like a group of ants criticizing an elephant.

There is a helpless sense of superiority.

The reason why he was helpless was because he knew the truth, and he couldn't solve the invasion of the abyss.

"Speaking of which, notoriety can also be charged, right?" Wang Linchi looked at the remnant seal of reincarnation. After analyzing it, he was sure that he could also get energy. This made him even happier, as he could earn twice as much energy at once.

The name in fame and wealth required for recharging power only needs to be famous, and it doesn't matter whether it is good or bad.

"But having said that, what is the principle of this thing?" Wang Linchi happened to take the time to look at the residual seal of reincarnation, wondering if this thing could have a bug?

Wang Linchi thought of taking a shortcut, mainly to run fast, because he didn't know how long "God's World" could suppress the abyss monsters. He had cleared the abyss difficulty dungeon three times, but this was just a drop in the bucket. Otherwise, there is no need to train so many players to help. Because the enemy is too strong, everyone needs to be an army.

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