Who Told You to Use Your Power Like That?

Chapter 25 The Bronze Badge Headhunter Who Crashes into the Door and Seeks Death

The next day, King Yama came to the door on time.

The two of them exchanged what they needed in a tacit understanding, and they also chatted a few casual words during the process. The whole process went smoothly.

Wang Linchi had actually been worried about something happening midway.

After all, it was a deal with the protagonist, and it was common to encounter twists and turns. Even Wang Linchi was prepared for possible dangers.

It turned out to be smooth sailing, which made Wang Linchi a little doubtful about life.

But it's always a good thing.

"Next time if the fourth generation is successful, you can inform me and I will definitely give you a good price." This time, King Yama didn't mention joining the Pluto battle group or making any empty talk. He could tell that Wang Linchi was interested in him. Attitude.

"Easy to say, easy to say." Wang Linchi also said with a smile.

If you are lucky, there may not be a fourth generation. After all, Wang Linchi developed soul seed boiling to serve as a stepping stone for himself. Now that he has a stepping stone, he naturally doesn't need it.

When King Yama was about to say something, a sudden light flashed in his eyes, and then he said, "Have you offended someone recently?"

"No, I rarely interact with people." Wang Linchi was also a little confused. Several candidates flashed through his mind. One was Liu Shen from the Liu family, but he was guarding the secret realm and could not leave without an order.

The second is the bronze medal head catcher who investigated the Blood Dragon Envoy. The other party failed to find the Blood Dragon Envoy or the parts he found dissatisfied him, so he came to deal with him.

Finally, there were people in the Dragon Worship Cult itself, as well as in the college or the government office, who coveted his third-level subsidy.

"It seems they are looking for me." King Yama couldn't help but sneered, and then rushed out of Wang Linchi's house in an instant.

A few minutes later, the crackling sounds of fighting rang out.

"King Yama, don't think that you are lucky enough to have the Hades battle group gain a foothold in the city, so you dare to despise me, the bronze medal leader."

"I have to let you know today that there are differences between orichalcum levels!"

A strong voice yelled at King Yama with anger and surprise.

Wang Linchi recognized the voice at once. It was the Bronze Badge arrester who originally investigated the Blood Dragon Envoy, but he didn't know whether it was coming for him or King Yama.

From the words, he should also know Yama Pluto.

Presumably, it was when King Yama established his Pluto war group in Qinghe City that he dealt with this bronze-badged head catcher.

Three to five minutes later, Wang Linchi heard the sound again.

"Wait a minute, you can't kill me. My master is the head catcher with a silver seal. If you kill me, there will be no place for you in Qinghe City. You will definitely die without a complete body!!!"

In the end, the other party came with a threat. Wang Linchi didn't know what the bronze medal arrester was thinking. At this time, he just begged for mercy, but he still thought about the threat and even moved out of his backstage.

"Hmph, I'll kill you. I'll take care of your master as well. Don't think that I don't know about the little tricks you did during this period." After King Yama finished shouting these words, he heard a scream.

There was no movement after that.

Wang Linchi knew that the other party had directly killed him, and he was probably dead now.

‘The good news is that there is a high probability that no one will come to me about the Blood Dragon Envoy. ’

'The bad news is that I might be implicated...'

Who knows what this Yinzhang arrester was thinking. If he was unable to deal an effective blow to King Yama in the general situation, but instead attacked Wang Linchi, thinking of killing the chicken to scare the monkeys, wouldn't he be in a big loss?

The Yinzhang arrester was in charge of arresting thefts, suppressing bandits, etc. in a city, and he had great power.

If you want to deal with Wang Linchi, you only need a simple sentence, and he will go to jail for some non-existent crimes.

And if you pay more attention, you will even have evidence, and you can immediately complete the ironclad case.

He couldn't touch the King of Hell, and he couldn't touch an ordinary little weakling like Wang Linchi.

‘No, let’s hide in the academy for a while first. ’

Wang Linchi thought of the best way, which was to hide. He couldn't afford to offend him, but he could afford to hide.

After entering the college, with the dean there, if the other party wanted to vent their anger, they would not come to him.

Use him to threaten King Hades. To be honest, the other party should not have this idea in his mind.

If you want to take it, you have to take it from Yama Pluto's confidante, not him.

So when I entered the academy, with the dean, an awakened person at the fine gold level, he didn’t dare to be presumptuous even though he was a silver medal leader. He was only at the mithril level, how could he dare to fight with an awakened person who was stronger than him and had a higher position than him? Those who speak harshly or are confrontational.

In the Dajing court, if you want to be promoted, in addition to having enough merits, connections, and background, you must also have enough strength. And this strength is still a hard standard. Every official position requires matching strength. .

Unless you can be like the King of Hell and challenge a level as easily as eating and drinking, then you can receive an exceptional promotion, because the sign of strength is the ability to fight.

After a few minutes, King Yama apparently finished handling the follow-up and then left directly.

Wang Linchi looked over and saw that several police officers also carried away the bronze medal arrester whose name he didn't even know.

The opponent's throat was sealed by the King of Hell's sword. No matter how arrogant he shouted when he was alive, he would be so happy when he died.

‘Don’t be brave if you don’t have the ability. ’

‘Fortunately, there is no hidden danger, which is good news. ’

Generally speaking, the advantages outweigh the disadvantages. Although the silver medal catcher may use it to scare the monkeys, the other party is still within the rules and will definitely not take any action.

What's more, after offending the protagonist, this silver medal arrester is about to die.

In a month at most, the other party will be dead.

If the protagonist of Gou Daoliu is offended, the other party may still be able to tolerate it for ten chapters, but if the protagonist of Long Aotianliu is offended, if he survives for three chapters, it means that King Yama is not killing him fast enough.

According to the usual routine, the silver medal catcher is likely to use his own power to let some evil forces in Qinghe City kidnap the confidante of King Hades, and it just so happens that this force has recently had some friction with the Hades war group. Both sides wanted to beat each other to death.

Then through this line, and with the help of the noble people behind him, King Yama not only subdued or destroyed this evil force, but also successfully overthrew the Yinzhang head catcher.

Just think of this plot, Wang Linchi can think of it.

Of course, just because he can think of it doesn't mean he can do it. Without the blessing of the protagonist's halo, the halo of wisdom, and the halo of ridicule, if he went to do this, he would probably be noticed by the silver medal arrester as soon as he started, and then he would directly do it the next day. On the third day in prison, he either died of a sudden illness or committed suicide out of fear of crime.

‘Okay, hurry up and pack it up. Go hide in the academy for a month, just in time to complete the evolution of my inspirational vision soul seed. When I finish it, the dust will almost fall to the ground. ’

As for the problem that hasn't been solved after coming out, then just keep hiding. He still has a shallow meditation that he hasn't perfected yet.

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