Who Told You to Use Your Power Like That?

Chapter 258 The punishment for negative contribution players, obliteration!

[It has been detected that this activity has insufficient contribution and has caused adverse effects. You have been locked by the punishment mission and have been selected as a member of the third legion]

Zheng Yuan was constantly trolling people on the forum, but a reminder suddenly appeared in front of him, which caught him off guard.

"What rubbish? It also punishes tasks and delays my making money." Zheng Yuan didn't care at all. The sponsor paid for him to lead the rhythm and spray those high-level players. The more rhythm he led, the more he earned.

It's a pity that the forum can only be held in the game. Otherwise, it would be more efficient if he used a script. But the other party gave him too much and he couldn't handle it.

[The offline function, forum function, friend function and other corresponding functions have been closed]

Zheng Yuan couldn't help being stunned, and then saw his forum page blacking out and disappearing. When he looked again, he saw that the offline function had been turned off. He quickly clicked on other panels to see that it was gone.

"You are violating the law. I am going to sue you." Zheng Yuan was indeed panicked this time. He did not expect that the game could prevent him from leaving.

【Recapture Wanxuan City】

[Reward: Unlock the penalty and restore game functions]

[You are classified as the third legion in this mission. Please follow the orders of the commander of the third legion and do not act privately, otherwise the corresponding contribution will be deducted]

[If the task fails or the contribution is negative during settlement, it will be erased]

Zheng Yuan's scalp started to feel numb when he saw the word "obliterate".

"You are killing people. Let me go quickly. I don't want to carry out any punishment mission."

Only then did Zheng Yuan realize that the game system was real.

【Your contribution:-19610】

It's a pity that the game system ignored him at all. Instead, a clear number appeared in his field of vision, his contribution points.

At first he thought it was nearly 20,000 points, but when he looked at it again, it turned out to be a negative number. What should he do?

[Tip: Please do not be passive, deliberately delay, betray the legion, etc., your contribution will be deducted, or your contribution will be directly wiped out]

[Transmission will begin in three seconds, 3...2...1...]

Zheng Yuan was not given any reaction process at all. The countdown ended quickly. When he turned around, Zheng Yuan was shocked to find that he was actually on the battlefield.

In addition to him, there were a large number of people around, all of whom were in broken spirits and cursing the game system.

However, this had no effect at all. Their equipment was replaced with legion equipment.

Not to mention the added attributes, the really scary thing is the control.

If they are disobedient, the legion equipment on them will make them obedient, such as turning into puppets to charge into battle. However, doing so will not make them gain contributions. Instead, they will be judged as inactive and their contribution points will be deducted.

It's literally killing them.

"Hey, you guys look familiar." A voice suddenly rang.

Zheng Yuan looked up and saw a player standing on a huge thing. The name of the character above his head made him shrink his eyes.

Linchi learns books.

She was one of his rhythmic partners, and then she couldn't help but feel a little gloating about her misfortune, "Aren't you capable?" It's not like the contribution is negative. Come and die with them.

"I didn't expect that you would allocate it to me. I remember you scolding me so fiercely on the forum. Tsk, the lowest contribution was more than 10,000 points, and the highest was 70,000 points. You guys are really What on earth did a bunch of crouching dragons and phoenix chicks do to be able to shoulder so much?"

"Just wait, all of them will be used as cannon fodder for me. I will ensure that none of the three thousand of you can leave the Third Army alive. They will all be wiped out for you."

As soon as these words came out, Zheng Yuan's gloating stopped for a moment. The other party was not taking a punishment mission.

"Don't worry, it doesn't matter if you die. I can still recruit people here. As long as the contribution value is negative by more than 1,000, you can come."

"By the way, remember one thing. Don't contribute more than 100,000, or you will be directly wiped out. Don't die too many times in the process. Every time you die and are resurrected, a little contribution will be deducted from you."

"A little contribution is not much, but you have died a lot."

This time, the other person's voice was laced with schadenfreude.

"That's right, I set it up because I like to see your helpless expressions when you want to kill me."

Hearing this, Zheng Yuan couldn't help but grit his teeth. How could there be such a person? There were three thousand people.

‘When I get out alive, I must make this murderer and this killing game pay the price! ! ! ’ Zheng Yuan kept roaring in his heart.

"I hope you can complete the punishment mission alive despite my difficulties, instead of dying in the mission, hahahaha." The other party laughed wildly, but Zheng Yuan was extremely angry.

He felt vaguely regretful. He would not have accepted the task if he had known it earlier. Now that he thought about it, there must be something wrong with the sponsor who gave him the task, otherwise he would be implicated.

[Legion mission released...]

【Kill enemies】

[Killing ordinary monsters ×1 contribution point, killing elite monsters ×100 contribution points, killing BOSS ×1000 contribution points]

[Tip: After the contribution points are positive, you can pay 100,000 contribution points to end the punishment mission early and leave Wanxuan City]

Zheng Yuan looked at the mission reward and his face was distorted. Is this something he can do?

With his strength, he couldn't defeat that group of demonized creatures. As a result, killing one of them only contributed 1 point, which would cost him his life.

What's more important is that if you want to end it early, you have to pay 100,000 contribution points, which is simply not something that humans can accomplish.

[The task has begun, please act as soon as possible to avoid punishments such as slacking off, deliberate delay, etc.]

The entire punishment mission and legion mission were simply cruel. They were not treated as players at all, but used as cannon fodder.

"I don't believe it. You really dare to kill me." Next to Zheng Yuan, a player sneered disdainfully, obviously not believing it.

As a result, as soon as he finished speaking, he was judged as being passive and sabotaged, and his body took action on its own, rushing towards a large group of demonized creatures.

He was beaten to pieces on the spot.

"Ugh~" Zheng Yuan couldn't stop retching when he saw this scene.

"Corpse...corpse!!!" There was horror in his expression.

In the past, there were harmonious patches, so the corpse was not scary, but now, it is a real corpse.

Then the player's body dissipated and resurrected next to him.

"Wait, I don't want to go, I will die!!!"

This time, the other party was no longer arrogant, but had a look of horror on his face.

Zheng Yuan didn't understand why at first, but he didn't find out the truth until he got there.

The enemy's attack hurts, very painful.

"Damn it, there is no shielding of pain!!!" Zheng Yuan had just roared out when he saw a sharp claw constantly appearing in front of his eyes. The next moment, severe pain accompanied the death of consciousness.

When he woke up again, he had been resurrected on the same spot. At this time, he had the same panic on his face as the arrogant player.

What's more important is that because of his resurrection, his contribution was deducted.

Fear continued to spread, but nothing could be stopped by him. After not moving for ten seconds, his body started to move on its own and he rushed towards the enemy.

Although the legion's equipment can control them, its intelligence is extremely poor. With their strength, it is basically as good as death.

"Wait, I'll do it myself, I'll do it myself!!!" Zheng Yuan howled, but the legion equipment did not have a stop function. Unless you die and then resurrect, this function will be turned off, but you will still be there after ten seconds. No action will be taken and it will start again.


After Zheng Yuan stabbed the enemy, causing -1 damage, he died again, and then resurrected.

This time, he did not dare to remain in a daze. Instead, he held the knife and rushed forward very honestly. The other players who came for the punishment mission also rushed into the battle with faces of fear and collapse. Whether they were willing or forced, It won't stop on the way.

"Damn it, damn it!!!" Zheng Yuan roared crazily while being killed instantly, looking extremely miserable.

‘Don’t let me find a chance, otherwise I will make you pay the price. ’

Zheng Yuan, who was resurrected again, kept roaring in his heart, but fear drove him to continue moving towards the enemy.

Given the current intensity, perhaps the vast majority of players who accepted the punishment mission would collapse early due to multiple deaths, mental stress, etc. before being wiped out.

If Wanxuan City had not fallen, the punishment mission for this group of players would not have been so harsh. Unfortunately, whoever allowed them to catch up with this unfortunate incident can only blame themselves. If they did not do anything to hold them back, how could they turn their contribution into something? If the score is minus 10,000, 99% of the players' contributions will be positive.

Only these players who deliberately cause trouble and want to destroy the "God-Given World" to resist the abyss will suffer so much.

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