Who Told You to Use Your Power Like That?

Chapter 260 Five Legions, a beheading operation with a worrying future

Three hours later, the self-destruction module was successfully loaded, and the numb expressions of all the punishing players finally showed a slightly different look.

"Damn, this is going to push us to death!!!"

"Take it off, take it off for me quickly!"

"I want to log off, I want to log off."

Wails, anger and other sounds came and went.

The self-destruction module is naturally not loaded on the player, but on the legion's equipment.

Wang Linchi also looked at the attributes. Needless to say, the effect was still very good.

Then he directly gives the attack order. You can cry slowly and howl slowly, but the legion equipment will lead you to self-destruct.

As for why we don’t use self-destructing robots, but let players do it, it’s naturally because the cost of players is relatively low. In addition, maybe the game system needs certain characteristics of players to help fight against the abyss. Otherwise, if there is no need for any players, just the game system itself The great power does not need a group of humans to hold it back.

Therefore, in the process of self-destruction, some kind of power of the player is also used. Combined with the power of self-destruction, it results in high damage. Coupled with the fast resurrection, the only limit is the player's movement speed.

Wang Linchi scratched his head. He really had no way to solve this problem. He couldn't use mental power to resurrect one by one and throw them over. He could indeed do this, and the consumption would be lower than self-destruction.

But he has no way to accurately control the explosion. If the player runs over by himself or is controlled to run over, it will explode after meeting the enemy. However, he throws it too fast and there is no way to control the explosion. He may land directly. Then the health value returns to zero.

"Forget it, just slow down, just take your time." Wang Linchi finally gave up on punishing the players for speeding up their self-destruction.

"A BOSS can die after being exposed to a thousand self-destructions, while an elite monster's health bar will return to zero after a hundred times. This strength is indeed high." Wang Linchi estimated the situation and couldn't help but smile. It's not like explosions can only be made. Blow up not one, but a range.

"But it seems to be a bit harmful to players."

Such high damage is actually caused by some kind of player's power. Otherwise, according to normal data, even if all the attributes of this group of players are added up, such high damage will not be achieved.

Wang Linchi suspected that even if this group of players survived, there would be many sequelae, such as mental illness caused by excessive overdraft, irreversible brain damage, etc.

Do you really think that the game system cannot interfere with reality? If you can't interfere, where do so many game cabins and game helmets come from?

But most of the time, the game system focuses on fighting against the abyss. Even if you are holding back, your invisible contribution will be silently deducted, resulting in a certain reduction in the weight of the explosion rate, mission triggering probability, etc.

However, when the game system cannot withstand it, there is no other choice but to use you group of laggards as a buffer.

"After this incident, there will be another storm in reality." Wang Linchi said.

This emergency mission, in addition to punishing players, also recruited 500 players, and Wang Linchi was one of them.

Not all recruited players can obtain temporary legion permissions. It is estimated that only top players can obtain it. In addition to him, Ye Tian should also obtain it.

With the remaining three, he wasn't sure.

Therefore, the matter of punishing players who become cannon fodder must not be hidden.

However, the game system won't care about these things. At worst, it will force everyone into the game and force them to face the abyss.

Reasoning with the game system? People don't pay attention to these things about you.

"As soon as I thought about it, I knew that you were the only one who could make such a noise." Ye Tian walked across the battlefield and saw Wang Linchi fishing.

On the surface Wang Linchi was fishing, but in fact he was taking advantage of this opportunity to continuously collect data about his game character so that he could take it away later.

The game character he worked so hard to develop will definitely not be left to the game system if he leaves this world.

"Who are you? The leader of the first legion?" Wang Linchi was not surprised that Ye Tian would come looking for him. Anyone who was not deaf or blind could see the movement caused by his previous burst of bombardment.

"Well, but what's going on with the people under your hands? They look like they're being tortured." Ye Tian asked curiously.

"These people are the ones who guide public opinion on the forum. They have been targeting me. Now they are in my hands. Can I let them get away with it?" Wang Linchi didn't lie. There is no need to hide this kind of thing.

Ye Tian couldn't help being silent for a moment, and then said: "A small punishment or a big warning is enough, there is no need..."

"Don't persuade others to do good things without their suffering." Wang Linchi interrupted him directly, and then said: "The Qiu Bearded Family has not been online these days. You don't think they are really busy, do you?"

"Their family doesn't have the nerves like you and me to ignore these words."

The Qiu Bearded Family had already tried their best to deal with their son's illness, but as a result, many people deliberately insulted and insulted him by adding friends, not thinking about what would happen if the living dead couldn't get over it.

Wang Linchi was not familiar with this young man, the Living Dead. He was very silent, and they had only known each other for a short time, but there was nothing serious wrong with him. He was just an ordinary person.

"When things are done, you should take responsibility instead of showing small punishments or big warnings." Wang Linchi said slowly, completely refusing to accept Ye Tian's suggestion.

Ye Tian did not try to persuade him anymore. Wang Linchi was the commander of the third legion. He was from the first legion and had no right to interfere.

So the topic was quickly changed: "Are you sure that Wanxuan City will be recovered this time?"

"Are you sure? No." Wang Linchi answered directly.

"With this kind of advantage, you are not sure?" Ye Tian looked at the progress of the third legion. He never expected that Wang Linchi would answer like this.

The progress of his First Army Corps was not that fast at all, not even one-tenth of Wang Linchi's.

"There are a total of four legions in the east, west, south and north. Judging from your situation, it is estimated that the first, second, third and fourth are all in the four directions of clearing Wanxuan City."

"Then who do you think the fifth legion will be composed of, and where are they?" Wang Linchi asked.

Ye Tian spit out four words in an instant: "Beheading operation!"

"Yes, they are in the city, so whether we succeed this time or not, we are not the key, they are."

"The biggest role of our four legions should be to hold back these demonized creatures and abyss monsters so that they do not escape from the occupied area, so as not to cause greater impact. The fifth legion should recruit all players, and It’s not like the punishment players we have are using them as cannon fodder.”

Wang Linchi had already had this suspicion, but he didn't know whether it was the First Army or the Fifth Army. After seeing Ye Tian's arrival, he was sure it was the Fifth Army.

After all, it's either the head or the tail, and he didn't go to the middle, so it couldn't be the second and third legions.

Ye Tian did not consider these things, but said: "What if they fail?"

"We have to take this group of useless cannon fodder into the city."

"Otherwise, reality will be jeopardized." Wang Linchi said while looking at the punishing players advancing in the distance.

"How did you know?!" Ye Tian was shocked this time.

"From the fact that the game system can erase players, we can deduce many things. For example, you know these things before me. Otherwise, you would not have asked me what would happen if these monsters appeared in reality."

"I won't go into where you know it from. I can only say that we have to fight a tough battle next. The people of the Fifth Army will definitely not be able to complete the beheading operation."

Wang Linchi didn't know why the game system didn't include him and Ye Tian in it. After all, in terms of combat power, he and Ye Tian were definitely the top players.

If you let them go, the winning rate will be much higher.

"After this matter is completed, let's have a good chat." Ye Tian said calmly.

Now that Wang Linchi had guessed part of the truth, he felt that he was very capable. At least when he faced the abyss in the future, he would have such a reliable companion.

"Okay." Wang Linchi nodded and agreed. Maybe he could get some inside information through Ye Tian, ​​who was suspected of being a reborn person.

"If you are at ease, you can give me the authority of the legion. You have not brought out their efficiency at all." Ye Tian added.

When Wang Linchi heard this, he couldn't help but joke: "You are ready to seize power as soon as you come."

With that said, Wang Linchi directly gave the authority to the other party. He was also the protagonist after all, and he must be in better control than himself. The third legion in his hands was nothing more than a burden. At most, he could vent his anger.

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