Who Told You to Use Your Power Like That?

Chapter 270 The Coming Crisis Era

Wang Linchi's blood pressure is a bit high. Who are these people? They can't understand anything they say.

On him, you can’t use the Destiny, but the Destiny Demon can. Between the fakes and the real ones, you don’t have to think twice to know that you must choose the real ones.

When Ye Tian heard this, he smiled angrily.

"It's unlikely. Isn't it better to choose you? Taking over your body can directly rob me of my luck." Ye Tian still gave a reasonable explanation.

"Then why don't you think differently. For example, he can't take over my body and will only deliver food to me. After all, I can rob my luck, but you can't."

"And it takes possession of you directly, eliminating the need for plundering."

"Besides, you are much weaker than me. Who would you choose?" Wang Linchi complained. Ye Tian had a good opinion of himself, but it seemed that his blind spot was a bit big.

"Hiss~ What you said makes sense." Ye Tian suddenly realized, and then asked: "How to solve it?"

"I don't know." Wang Linchi gave a good answer.


"I really don't know. I can cheat for a while in the game, but this cheat is given by the game system. In reality, I'm just an ordinary person." Wang Linchi spread his hands: "I can't even find it in the game system. What can I do."

What he said was true. He really couldn't deal with the Destiny Demon, but don't worry, even if the Destiny Demon successfully sneaked into reality, he would be suppressed to the limit.

After all, in the current situation, those with high EQ are called a ray of remnant soul, while those with low EQ are simply a string of luck. Even if it can take effect, there is no environment for it to take effect, so it can only cause trouble on Ye Tian.

"You mean I have to rely on myself?" Ye Tian's eyes widened.

"Yes, you work hard. You are the protagonist anyway. You may not die if you jump off the building, let alone be parasitized." Wang Linchi spoke to comfort him.

"But... the one who parasitized me is also a protagonist. How about you return my luck to me. When I get through this disaster, I will not only give it back to you, but also give it to the Destiny Demon God." Ye. Tian said with a shy face.

"Ah... you have to go to the Holy Master for this matter. I can't do anything about it. Besides, have you ever seen the effect of sucking blood and blue and making people spit it back after sucking it?" What Wang Linchi means is that you, kid, are In a whimsical way.

It's simply impossible to make him spit out the thing that's in his hand.

Ye Tian's face fell, this matter was really difficult to handle.

He doesn't feel bad about his protagonist's luck. The main thing is that if he can have this luck, he can go from being just about the same to being better than him, and his chances of winning will be greater.

But when Wang Linchi said he couldn't spit it out, there was nothing he could do.

In his eyes, the Holy Master sucking his luck is indeed the same as what Wang Linchi said. It has the same effect as sucking blood. His attacks also suck blood, and when it is sucked, it becomes his health. How can it be returned to others? .

"No, if the Holy Lord's attacks can bring luck, then the Fate Demon God has been beaten so many times by the Holy Lord, and his luck must be lower than mine!" Ye Tian quickly realized.

"Well... that's indeed the case, but it won't be much lower than yours, at most one thousandth lower, because except for the first time when the opponent was caught off guard and was robbed a lot, when he was prepared later, everything was broken. Not much."

"It's like you gave it to me voluntarily before, that's why you gave 0.1. If you don't want to now, I won't get much luck even if I beat you to death." Wang Linchi said, don't be happy too early.

"Every extra point counts, so the requirements are not high." Ye Tian didn't care too much about this, as long as he had an advantage.

"What are your plans next? Will you continue doing activities?" Ye Tian asked again.

"Well, continue to do activities, but after this time, the quality of activities should drop significantly, and there should even be much fewer dungeons." Wang Linchi did not think about going to the abyss dungeon with level 70 difficulty now.

He is now level 63, and he has the most experience to reach this level thanks to the help of the Destiny Demon God.

The death of the Destiny Demon God was determined to be killed by Wang Linchi and Ye Tian. As a descendant of the Abyss, he naturally had a lot of experience. Of course, there were also Abyss Crystals and so on.

After the event is over, you can cash out your rewards and it’s not too late to go again.

"The activities should change. It is estimated that a level 20 abyss dungeon will be added as a supplement. And the training of players will most likely not be as gentle as before, and a lot of mandatory measures will be added." Ye Tian said based on experience.

It was like this in the previous life. When the game integrated virtuality, many mandatory measures were gradually updated to indirectly remind and urge everyone to become stronger.

However, the difference is that no such vicious event occurred at this time in the previous life, so it is common sense for the game system to take corresponding mandatory measures in advance to deal with it.

"These coercive measures have nothing to do with us. They will only affect the middle and lower levels." Wang Linchi also speculated, but he believed that these coercive actions would not fall on high-end players like them.

"Okay, there's no point in talking about this now. I'm going to log off and take a rest. This battle has left me exhausted." Ye Tian is actually tired. To say that he is the most stressed person here, he must be It's him who not only has to tackle tough problems, but also manages, coordinates and other actions.

It would be a lie to say that I am not tired, it is mainly due to mental fatigue.

Ye Tian went off the assembly line very decisively, without any hesitation, but Wang Linchi was wondering whether this was Ye Tian's own idea or the interference of the Demon God of Destiny.

"Forget it, there's no way to solve it. I'm the only one left. Please log off. I'll just check it out myself."

Although Wang Linchi felt that the Demon God of Destiny was in Ye Tian's body, he couldn't guarantee that the other party would come up with a counter-trick.

As for being unable to detect it, it's unlikely. The three forms of Holy Lord, soul phase, soul seed, etc. on him are all weakened versions and cannot exert their true power.

If it's outside the body, he really can't interfere, but if it's inside the body, basically don't even think about escaping from Wang Linchi's Wuzhishan.

He remembered that the Demon God of Destiny once said that his wandering mind was a rule-based ability.

The mind, ape, and horse are just derivatives of the Book of Soul Aspects and Records. In this way, the pages of the three-form Holy Lord, the four mythical soul species, and other soul species are also rule-based abilities.

Judging from his tone, this ability must be extraordinary, otherwise it would be impossible to say that he could possess it.

Although the development of the soul phase world is slow, the soul phase and the abilities derived from it seem to have great potential, but they were ruined by the Great King Dynasty themselves.

As long as you enter the extraordinary stage, you will be at the regular level per person. How can you not be strong?

The fact that the soul phase can evolve alone means that there is no waste soul phase. It may indeed be worse in the early stage, but it may not really be worse in the later stage.

Unfortunately, from the beginning, this type of ability did not meet the needs of the superiors and was abandoned.

"The power of the abyss is really incredible." An old man felt the long-lost vitality. Since he took control of the power, his youth gradually left him, and his lifespan disappeared with it.

But he was unwilling to give in. It was clear that he had only gained power not long ago, but when he fell ill, he couldn't play with women and couldn't touch food. So what was the point of having power?

Until that day, he heard the whisper of the abyss.

As long as he can use his own power to reduce a main game city into an abyss crack area, then he will be able to obtain the immortality he wants.

He did know some inside stories about "God-Given World", but in the face of immortality, he chose to betray Wanxuan City without hesitation.

As for what the consequences will be, what does it have to do with him? Killing some aboriginal people or causing Chen State to lose its advantage in the game and lose a lot of profits are just trivial matters to him. Selling Chen State to gain profits is not something he is willing to do. It’s my first time doing this, and it’s just commonplace to cooperate with other countries to attack political opponents.

He is a politician, not a loyal minister, and interests are everything.

"When this time is over, continue to contact the Abyss. If I can exchange several other main game cities for strength and wealth, I will immigrate directly..."

While he was having a sweet dream, a prompt box suddenly appeared in front of his eyes, which surprised him.

[The power of chaos has been detected, the traitor has successfully anchored, and the erasure program is being executed...]

"No, no, no, wait, this is a misunderstanding, and I had no choice but to listen to my explanation..."

It's a pity that before he finished speaking, the whole person collapsed. He had connections and connections, and many legitimate reasons to avoid the law.

However, the game system does not require evidence, nor does it care about favors or reasons. As long as you collude with the abyss, it will be executed directly without any discussion.

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