Who Told You to Use Your Power Like That?

Chapter 289 Three turns, a sudden sense of urgency

For settlement and advancement, Wang Linchi directly completed the one-stop service.

Wang Linchi didn't attach much importance to the profession of scholar. What he valued was the process of advancement.

The fourth-level mission also appeared. Like the third-level mission, he chose the highest level of abyss difficulty as an option.

"Next is the level 110 abyss difficulty dungeon." Wang Linchi did not go offline immediately, but first turned all the resources at hand into strength.

That's right, it's about improving the liver point.

On one side, I turned on the assistant and browsed, and on the other side, I looked at the forum.

The situation in the forum is much better now, at least the original rhythmic posts have disappeared. It is obvious that the control of the game system during this period has frightened everyone.

How could anyone be so stupid as to test the bottom line of a game that can interfere with reality and control their lives?

While browsing, I suddenly found a somewhat strange post.

"Have you seen a monster in the real world?!" Wang Linchi clicked on it and saw that most of the people were teasing the poster about whether he had drunk too much.

However, some people were keenly aware that something was wrong and asked the poster to continue searching.

"With the strength of the game system at this stage, it is unlikely that monsters will leak into reality, but we can't handle it just in case."

Wang Linchi narrowed his eyes. If an abyssal monster really entered the real world, it would definitely be a huge disaster.

Unfortunately, the person who posted the post only had one paragraph and no other clues, and it has not been online since. It seems a bit like sensationalism.

"It's not online... could he be dead?" Wang Linchi carefully read the post from beginning to end, and there was indeed no follow-up.

There was a sense of confusion. If Wang Linchi hadn't happened to see it, in another half hour, it might have sunk to the bottom and disappeared.

"I have to be more careful lately." Wang Linchi took a look at the charging level of his reincarnation residual seal. Now it has reached 70%.

Thanks to the help of the game system, otherwise Wang Linchi might not be able to save money so quickly.

After the game system interferes with reality, the status of the virtual reality online game "God's World" is getting higher and higher around the world.

As Wang Linchi is the only name on the Abyss list in the global list, the communication efficiency is naturally faster.

Things like level lists and pet lists are divided according to their own servers and are not universal.

What's more important is that Wang Linchi's star rating on the Abyss list has reached 7 stars, which means that Wang Linchi has passed the level 70 Abyss difficulty dungeon.

This incident naturally aroused heated discussions on the forum, but Wang Linchi blocked them all to see if his information was interesting. His previous reputation seemed to have improved, and it seemed that the authorities had begun to clarify and win over.

Otherwise, if you mess around with such a large combat power, wouldn't it be terrible if the game and reality really merge in the future?

But not everyone can tolerate being insulted and targeted every day by the outside world, and then they will defend these people. If I don't kill you, it will be considered a good thing.

Even to the extreme, when the time comes, other countries will solicit them, and even invite them with a very low profile. Then compare the attitude of your own country, and you don't have to choose which side to go to.

Wang Linchi didn't care much about these things, but he had a better impression of Chen Guo. At least he had a brain, and these measures also accelerated the charging effect of the residual seal of reincarnation.

‘In about three months at most, the residual seal of reincarnation will be fully charged. I don’t know how long it will take to search other worlds this time. ’

There are traces of the charging progress of the Samsara Remnant Seal, but searching for other worlds is not that easy.

It is an uncertain situation to begin with, and there is no guarantee that no matter how long you search, you are guaranteed to find a world.

The complete protagonist's treasure, the Seal of Reincarnation, has this function. Unfortunately, Wang Linchi's hand has been dismantled into his own remnant seal of reincarnation, so this function is gone.

It was because he removed too many unusable components, causing them to be directly damaged, so he uninstalled them all.

He can't use it without uninstalling it, because this function requires the help of a world. In other words, the world gives money to speed it up.

If he wants, Wang Linchi can assemble it himself in the future. The principle is not difficult.

‘There is a sense of urgency. ’ Wang Linchi scratched his head. He always felt like something was going to happen recently.

I didn't see it in the Abyss difficulty dungeon before, but I feel it now.

‘It’s not Ye Tian’s problem. ’ Something like this suddenly came to Wang Linchi’s mind.

Otherwise, there is really no way to explain why.

It's normal to feel this way. After all, he has 20% of the protagonist's aura as Ye Tian, ​​so it's normal to feel a little sensitive.

Of course, this induction may also be from the Destiny Demon God, but these two people are now one, and if there is a problem, it must be together, not alone.

‘If this is the case, wouldn’t it be worse? ’

Even the double protagonist has a problem, which indirectly shows that there is a problem in the world, otherwise how could he not even be able to save the protagonist.

‘Calm down, there is still a chance. ’ Wang Linchi couldn’t help but think of the abyss monsters that appeared in the real world. With his luck, he could see this message, maybe it was some kind of warning, so the matter was not dangerous to this extent.

Wang Linchi looked at the progress of the assistant's idle liver point, and found that it was already halfway through.

As for logging off now, there is no point. Ye Tian has not come back yet, and he is definitely not at home.

How to tell is very simple, just open the friends bar, Wang Linchi saw that Ye Tian was online sixteen days ago, which means that he has never been online since he left home.

He didn't go home during this period. If he really wanted to go home, he would have already entered the game.

There is definitely no way to go online from outside. After all, you need to log in from the game cabin, otherwise you cannot log in out of thin air.

For example, the previous forced recruitment of players to perform daily activities and so on was only done once, once as a warning to the monkeys, and the second time they were required to log in using their own devices.

There is no need to worry about equipment issues. The game system directly sends each of them a basic gaming helmet. If you want a more advanced gaming cabin, you must buy it yourself.

If you don't go, you will default to failing the daily mission and accept the punishment.

'But these people are really useless. Ye Tian hasn't logged in for half a month, but as a result, he is still number one on some lists. ’ Wang Linchi complained.

‘If this continues, I will be the number one on the list. ’

Wang Linchi took a look at the list, and he pushed up a few more lists, mainly because he smashed so many abyss crystals into it. If he still couldn't get to the first place, the support of the game system would be in vain.

It was this support that made Wang Linchi feel a little helpless. After all, rights and responsibilities were bound, and he might be caught to fill the hole next.

"Gan, what kind of monster is this? Why can't it be killed?" Ye Tian was galloping all the way, with many injuries on his body.

Now he is one step ahead of others and has synchronized the strength of his game character into reality. This can be regarded as a reward from the game system for completing his tasks these days.

‘It is the evil of error, an error formed by the conflict between the two forces of chaos and order. ’ In my mind, the Destiny Demon God was almost scared to death.

"To put it bluntly, how can I kill this thing? If I hadn't synchronized my strength in the game now, I would have died just now." Ye Tian watched his health recover rapidly. If he hadn't locked himself once There is no chance of blood, otherwise it will be gone on the spot.

'If your world is one person, and order and chaos are two completely different ideas, when the two ideas collide with each other, they will lead people into a dead end from which they cannot get out, and this dead end is the source of mistakes. evil. ’

'They are errors of law, possessing the two properties of order and chaos, and instinctively devouring both properties as a complement. ’

‘And the best way to devour them is to use their own wrong rules to kill us and devour them directly. ’

‘As for killing them, that’s even more nonsense. Can you kill things like air, breath, language? ’

Listening to the words of the Destiny Demon God, Ye Tian's heart felt cold.

"What should we do?" Ye Tian could only ask while running away.

‘Using other wrong rules to entangle two wrong rules, there is a certain probability that the other party will make wrong hedging, causing it to fall into a state of panic. ’

‘However, there are no other wrong rules around. ’ The Demon God of Destiny knows quite a lot, and he is also a descendant of the Abyss.

"Wait, you mean this thing is still available?!" Ye Tian was shocked.

‘They are like viruses. The appearance of one means that more mistakes will be born. ’ The Destiny Demon God expressed his affirmation.

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