Who Told You to Use Your Power Like That?

Chapter 29 The protagonist is so diligent and helped take out the trash before leaving.

Just as the dean guessed, Wang Linchi's application for the fourth-level subsidy failed and the state government did not approve it for him.

After reaching the third level, it is not only the affairs of the academy, but also the scheduling of the city and state capitals. After all, it is related to the elite soul seeds.

However, it is estimated that this kind of subsidy will not appear once in more than ten years, so Wang Linchi's time is special.

Wang Linchi didn't care too much. Except for the awakened people who specialized in combat, who were superior to others, most of the other awakened people were actually similar to those working in the handicraft industry in the Ming Dynasty, with low status and low income.

Even if Wang Linchi develops these soul skills, people won't care and just treat you as a weird and obscene skill.

Just like the Hongyi Cannon, it also left a strong mark in the Ming Dynasty. The result is that it only records who used this cannon to defeat the enemy and how majestic it was. Who knows the name of the builder.

After all, the ones who can fight are not craftsmen, but generals.

Therefore, without enough help, Wang Linchi basically can't even think about applying for the fourth-level subsidy.

He knew that the dean of Qinghe College was not an ordinary person, and there should be a huge faction or family behind him, so he needed to use its power to help him apply.

Otherwise, if he were to apply for it on his own, he would only be able to get a second-level subsidy at most, and it would be impossible for him to go beyond that in his lifetime.

Fortunately, there is a huge gap in resources now, and it is not that easy to get them all at once.

This makes it useless to rush.

"The King of Hell is gone, and the whole Qinghe City suddenly became quiet." Wang Linchi couldn't help but sigh.

King Yama left Qinghe City yesterday. He did not go to see her off, but the other party made a lot of noise when he left and took his confidante with him.

Because he graduated early, thinking about it, how could such a person waste five years in a small college.

And his die-hard younger brothers all began to retreat after King Yama left, in order to break through the orichalcum level and then follow this big brother.

As a result, the all-powerful Pluto Fighting Group in Qinghe College suddenly became an empty frame.

The top management doesn't care about anything, the middle management just messes around, and the bottom management doesn't care, they get paid anyway.

In the past, all power was concentrated in the hands of the top management. As a result, the top management no longer cares about it, and the middle management does not have enough strength, so it suddenly collapsed.

It's about to disband.

Wang Linchi suspected that it was caused by the loss of the halo of the protagonist.

After all, only with the presence of Hades can the entire Pluto battle group show a high degree of cohesion and explode with powerful combat power.

As for taking away the Pluto Fighting Group, this is simply impossible. First of all, the Pluto Fighting Group itself is a big force, and many of them are students from the academy. The King of Hell does not support them. Most of them are white porcelain. If he really has the strength of level 1 and black iron level and leaves with him, he will definitely become a drag on King Hades when he gets there.

Switching to a new map with an average level of black iron level, a group of white porcelain level forces sneaked in. King Yama had just arrived and had not yet established a firm foothold. There was also a halo of intelligence and a halo of ridicule. When he survived, the whole If the Pluto Chapter survives even one tenth, it is considered strong.

"But as soon as he left, the security of Qinghe City was restored."

Wang Linchi glanced at the news reports on TV. The Dragon Worship Cult is now active in the capital of Yongzhou, and it should be led by the new Blood Dragon Envoy. The other party is under the banner of revenge for the previous Blood Dragon Envoy. Start making trouble.

This made him feel happy, finally the pain was over.

Once King Yama left, Trouble would naturally follow him instead of staying in Qinghe City where he was.

Qinghe City is a small map for the protagonist in the early stage. There is simply not enough space for him to show off his skills. He has to go to the state capital.

The new silver-badged head catcher also took office. The other party was originally a bronze-badged head catcher in the city, and the process of taking up the post was smooth without any problems.

Under the leadership of the other party, many cleanups were carried out in the city and surrounding counties and villages. The previous Yinzhang head catcher also found the body. It was said that it had been bitten by wild beasts and was beyond recognition. Even the investigation revealed how it was done. Even if you die, you can't do it. It's obviously a big thing and a small thing.

As for the Liu family, it is gone now.

Wang Linchi had just learned about this. All the aristocratic families in Qinghe City had also been liquidated, and it was King Yama who did it.

The big aristocratic family was severely beaten, and no one in two or three generations could recover. The small aristocratic family directly slaughtered and ate meat. Unfortunately, the Liu family was a small aristocratic family, and the entire family was slaughtered and eaten for meat.

Liu Shen could not escape either. After getting to Caishikou, his head and body were thrown into a mass grave outside the city.

He suspected that the dean should have taken care of it. After all, the Liu family had intercepted the Hu imperial court's soul skills before. Although they made up for it later and handed it in again, does it mean that you didn't do it if you made up for it?

All of a sudden, all the people or forces who had a grudge against Wang Linchi were gone in Qinghe City.

He even doubted whether he was gifted with strong luck or deep blessings, otherwise he would be so lucky.

But then I thought again, what does it have to do with him? This is the growth path of the protagonist Yama. If he doesn't kill a lot, how can he get the resources he needs for cultivation.

Although King Yama's progress is outrageous, every improvement in strength relies on his efforts. Regardless of resources or anything else, he has worked hard for it all.

Of course, it was also because he was the protagonist that he had so many troubles. If it were Wang Linchi, there wouldn't be any trouble and he would always be calm.

"When I go to work at the Soul Seed Division in the state capital, I hope King Yama will change the map again." Wang Linchi thought.

He still has three years to graduate, so it is unlikely that King Yama will stay in the capital of Yongzhou for three years...

Well, it is possible. After all, the more advanced the map, the longer the stay will definitely be. I have been on this map of Qinghe City for more than a year, so it is not a big deal to stay on a more advanced map for three years.

Thinking of this, Wang Linchi seemed to feel a little bad, because if he went to work in the state capital three years later, it would be the last period of King Yama's time in the state capital, and it would be such a mess that the entire state capital would turn into a pot of eight-treasure porridge, and he would be in trouble. If you go in, you'll be the unlucky guy.

‘Let’s consider this kind of thing after three years, in case they don’t accept me. ’

The Soul Seed Division didn't say that he could get in if he wanted to with a letter of recommendation.

Maybe it was because King Yama was killing people randomly in the state capital, and then the Soul Seed Division had a vacant position, and it was possible for him to join the job.

During the turmoil in Qinghe City, Wang Linchi hid well and did not involve the lower levels, so he did not see the process, but he saw the results.

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