Who Told You to Use Your Power Like That?

Chapter 292 The living soul seed of great supplement, start to dazzle

"The taste is not good." Wang Linchi said with a grimace and took a big mouthful of the Shadow of Swallowing Limbs. It tasted very good and was ice-cold, but the taste was really unflattering.

A strange smell.

On the seventh day after he obtained the limb-swallowing shadow, he was finally done with his research.

He can indeed eat this food. After eating it, he will take a lot of tonic, which can directly increase his mental power. It is limited to mental power and does not increase his physical strength.

Of course, it was not him who ate it, but the Book of Records.

At most, he is just a transit point.

After entering the Book of Souls, it is directly broken down into pure spiritual power, and then absorbed to enhance its own strength.

The loss rate is extremely low and the conversion efficiency is also very fast. Basically, it can be completely converted within thirty minutes after eating it.

It's just that his record book is too useless. He will be full after eating one bowl. He can only eat breakfast, lunch and dinner plus a midnight snack and afternoon tea in a day.

"It's just that the quantity is too small. I can only eat it for three days." Wang Linchi was a little regretful. He was thinking of going hunting, but the problem was that there was no place to look for it.

He was able to catch the limb-swallowing shadow thanks to the help of the two protagonists. If it were him, it wouldn't be certain when he would meet him.

"If I can make five wrong-type living soul seeds a day, I can be sure to complete the first-turn golden elixir within three months, the nine-turn golden elixir within half a year, and the mental power limit of seven to one within a year."

The effect is really great, so no matter how bad the taste is, Wang Linchi will eat five meals a day without stopping.

"This is just a sophisticated living soul species. If it is a higher epic or legend, the effect will definitely be better."

"In this case, I'm a little overwhelmed."

Wang Linchi wants both a living soul species and a game character. There is definitely no way to develop both ways.

After all, there is no way to be compatible if one is online and the other is offline. There is only one other person and it is impossible to do both at the same time.

Therefore, one must come first.

As for finding someone to help capture the living soul seeds? This is a bit whimsical.

He studied the limb-swallowing shadows for seven days and discovered something very serious, that is, he was able to deal with these wrong-type living soul species so easily because he had the soul image and record book.

From the previous mouth of the Destiny Demon God, he could learn that his power was called the Rule System, including all derived powers.

Coupled with the special characteristics of the soul phase system itself, it can deal with limb-eating shadows similar to soul seeds, so it can be so easy.

The analogy is that Wang Linchi is a tiger and the limb-swallowing shadow is a deer. There is a predatory relationship between the two.

The people in this world are like grass.

Tigers are not vegetarians, so they don't care about grass. The shadow of limb-eating kills people just like deer eating grass, and people have no ability to resist.

However, although the limb-swallowing shadow and its kind cannot defeat Wang Linchi, they can still escape if they are lucky.

This forms a simple food chain.

As for how the limb-swallowing shadow killed people, Wang Linchi didn't know. The opponent was so overcome by him that he couldn't even use his abilities and ran away.

However, people killed by the limb-eating shadow will not only be swallowed into the body and become part of a large pile of humanoid limbs, but even their existence in the real world will disappear.

Everyone has forgotten that there is such a person, so if he dies, no one will investigate him. At most, memory bugs and cognitive impairment will only occur.

It is precisely because of this situation that there is no news about serial disappearances or murders after so many people died.

But seven days ago, the matter exploded.

After all, a huge pile of meat made of various human body parts suddenly appeared on the street, and it also gave off a rancid smell. How could he just ignore it?

And because these human body parts left the body of the limb-swallowing shadow, the existence that was originally imposed disappeared and was restored, so the people who reported the crime soon began to come to Roshan to claim the bodies.

Wang Linchi didn't know the specific situation, but the security force in his community had been increased a lot in the past few days, apparently to deal with this incident.

It's just that this matter was quickly blocked by Chen Kingdom officials, mainly because it was too scary.

Some people also tried to give feedback to the game system and asked about the actual reasons. The answer given by the game system was also very official, which meant that it was being investigated.

Wang Linchi felt that the game system must know something, otherwise it would be impossible to arrange for Ye Tian to go there, and it might be the first to know.

‘It can be seen from this that the game system intends for me to be the main force in solving foreign troubles, while Ye Tian is changed to be the candidate to fight against internal troubles. ’

Wang Linchi couldn't help but think.

Ye Tian came back the day he caught the limb-swallowing shadow, and has now entered the game to continue leveling up.

Five days ago, I cleared a level 40 Abyss difficulty dungeon and became the second player to successfully climb the Abyss list.

At present, I should be clearing the level 50 Abyss difficulty dungeon, and it should not be released in the short term.

Wang Linchi didn't care too much, and he wouldn't think that he couldn't keep him just because he was on the list, and then kill him. What's the point?

‘If it goes so well, will the Demon God of Destiny be incorporated? ’ Wang Linchi suddenly thought of this possibility.

In the past, cooperation was forced, but now it is no longer necessary.

Thinking about these things in his mind, his mouth was constantly stuffed with limb-swallowing shadow jelly.

"Next, I'll go through the level 110 Abyss difficulty dungeon first and complete the fourth round to fully unleash my strength."

Wang Linchi definitely wants other wrong-type living soul seeds, but even if he can't find them, the most urgent thing is to fully unlock his own strength.

Such drastic changes have occurred in the real world. Wrong-type living soul species are hunting humans. They have special abilities that allow humans to ignore the people they are hunting. In this way, Wang Linchi wants to locate and track these wrong-type living souls. Soul seeding is very difficult.

The world is so big, unless these erroneous living soul species enter a certain range of his perception, they will not be found at all.

However, after this incident, Chen State will definitely notice the matter of the wrong living soul species, otherwise how could it be blocked... Well, it is also possible that some local people do not want to ruin their political careers because of this kind of thing. There is a stain, but it is unlikely.

It's not a big scene, let alone a cross-district incident. If you want to suppress it, officials in other districts may not be willing. After all, it is a stain for you, but for them it is called merit.

After a lot of fussing, Wang Linchi lay down in the game cabin and turned on the timer.

These three days, Wang Linchi does not plan to enter the Abyss dungeon, but mainly farm monsters, mainly because he has not finished eating the limb-swallowing shadow. If he stays in the dungeon for a month, then he will have to break it. So it’s not too late to wait until you finish eating before entering the dungeon to level up.

Just take a break, lest you tense up too much and make yourself mentally ill.

Wang Linchi has always been under great pressure, but when faced with the pressure of world destruction, it would be greater for anyone else.

"Linchi Xueshu hasn't been online for almost a week. He won't be sent out on a mission like me." Ye Tian glanced at the friends column. Most of them were online. Only Linchi Xueshu showed that they were online seven days ago.

'Who knows, but his speed is really fast, and he has knocked you down a lot of lists, especially the equipment list. The first seventy-two items are all his, and they are still level 1,000 suits. ’ After the Destiny Demon God merged with Ye Tian’s Destiny Luck, he saved his life and was also turned into Ye Tian’s new talent by the game system.

This is considered completely tied to death.

"This is actually not the point. The point is how he cleared the level 70 abyss difficulty dungeon. Did he rely solely on equipment to crush him?" Ye Tian was also a little helpless.

The level 1,000 graduation set is indeed very powerful.

Wang Linchi has even given one-third of the seventy-two graduation suits with god-level gems.

The gems range from one to nine, and then there is the god level. There are ten levels in total. One piece of equipment can be inlaid with five gems. The opponent smashed a lot of abyss crystals into it. It would cost hundreds of millions at least. If you want to fill them all with god level gems , I guess I want more.

‘It’s unlikely. Judging from the previous situation, the equipment is only auxiliary at best. ’ Destiny Demon God recalled Wang Linchi’s situation with lingering fears. The opponent was really a player outside the specifications.

"Okay, don't think about anything else. I have to clear the dungeon as soon as possible and become stronger. I don't want to climb out of the game cabin next time and encounter a bug." Ye Tian said, in the game cabin, there is the protection of the game system , which can prevent the sin of mistakes from finding him to the greatest extent.

After all, his fusion with the Destiny Demon God has double luck, and he is extremely attracted to the evil of mistakes. This kind of thing can't be avoided in the first grade of junior high school, but not in the fifteenth grade. He can't hide in the game cabin all his life. After all, the game merges with reality. It will come sooner or later.

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