Who Told You to Use Your Power Like That?

Chapter 294 Abyss Dungeon·Battle of Xuanzhou

"Interesting, I don't know how to solve my identity as a town magician." Wang Linchi thought of an interesting thing after entering the dungeon of the Battle of Xuanzhou.

That is, Xuanzhou is the territory of the demon-slaying army, and it has always been at odds with the Demon-Suppressing Alliance. When a magician-suppressing man enters Xuanzhou, how can he turn his reputation into respect? It will be very difficult if he is not captured by the other party to sacrifice the flag. Not bad.

In theory, this status would not be a convenience, only a drag.

But Wang Linchi wanted to give it a try and see how the game system could help him rationalize his identity.

This time he did not appear at the city gate, but inside the city, but it was not far from the city gate. He could clearly hear the movement at the city gate. The abyss monsters had already arrived at the city, and the fighting began, but most of them Xuanzhou is occupied by monsters from the abyss, and now his city is the last line of defense.

Once the city is defeated, there will be no armed forces in the rear that can resist the abyss monsters.

"Master Wang, I've been looking forward to seeing you for a long time. We're really looking forward to seeing you." A strong man with a slightly tired look cheered up when he saw Wang Linchi and came over.

"I just came here, so I'm a little confused." Wang Linchi said truthfully.

"Well, I'm also confused about this situation. Let's talk while walking." The strong man said and began to introduce himself. His name is Changsun Kui. He is the third person in the Demon Slayer Army. He is currently in charge of all affairs in Xuanzhou. He is also a good person. Not too arrogant, but just like ordinary people.

Then he briefly introduced the situation to Wang Linchi. This morning, abyss monsters from various places arrived one after another. They had not launched attacks at this stage, and seemed to be waiting for a certain abyss monster with status to come and take charge of the overall situation.

If we estimate, we may have to start before tonight.

This situation made Wang Linchi a little nervous. This start was a dead end.

In addition, Wang Linchi also inquired about his situation.

It is true that he is a Suppressing Magician, but his identity is not a Suppressing Magician who sacrifices humans for demons, but a wild Suppressing Magician from a remote area who has not joined the Demon Suppressing Alliance.

This time I came here to support Xuanzhou.

Being accepted was also due to Wang Linchi's own deeds. He killed the real magician in the Nanling Mountains, slaughtered the Demon Suppressing Alliance branch in Qingzhou, and killed the Ten Industry Demons. There were many other achievements, large and small, to name a few. , As for Black Wind Village, its impact is relatively small, so no one knows about it, so it is not included in the background setting.

Therefore, although Wang Linchi is now the Suppressing Magician, he is on the wanted list of the Demon Suppressing Alliance, and he is among the ones with the highest reward.

The Demon Slayer Army also confirmed Wang Linchi's record, and with the help coming from thousands of miles away, there was no doubt.

After all, this place has become a magical cave that even the magicians dare not approach. If there is a fight, it is not impossible for the abyss monsters to grab you and stuff them into your mouth, regardless of whether you are a slave or not.

"I have a general understanding of the situation. The gap between the enemy and ourselves is too big. Once a battle of this scale breaks out, our city may..." Wang Linchi didn't say anything, and Changsun Kui continued.

"We can hold out for an hour at most, and there is nothing we can do for more. In fact, our Demon Slayer Army was no match for the Demon Suppressing Alliance and the Demons from the beginning, but we have to hold on for at least seven days before the Demon Slayer Army can move the other survivors of Xuanzhou. Let's go." Changsun Kui knew that this was impossible, but he tried his best.

"So I have something to trouble you, Master Wang. I'm sorry that I couldn't give you a grand welcome banquet. If I survive this time, I will make it up to you, Master Wang." Changsun Kui went straight to the point.

"You don't want me to carry out the beheading operation." Wang Linchi immediately understood Changsun Kui's thoughts.

Otherwise, what else can I do?

In Changsun Kui's eyes, Wang Linchi's combat power was astonishing, but no matter how powerful he was, there was only one way to die if he fell into the endless wave of abyssal monsters.

The best way is to let Wang Linchi intercept and kill the leader of the abyss monsters that may exist and is coming, so as to weaken the abyss monsters to the greatest extent.

"Yes, that's what I think." Changsun Kui said.

"The idea is very good, and I can follow it. The question is where should I find it?" Wang Linchi would not refuse. This is a branch line, and when completed, it will be of great help to the main line.

"We have roughly determined the location through some means. The suspected leader of the abyss monster will arrive at the Antelope Valley in the west in about three hours. It is easy to defend and difficult to attack. If the operation is good, only ten people will be needed. It can block a thousand people." As he spoke, Changsun Kui waved his hand, and a member of the Demon Slayer Army took out a map.

Then he pointed to the special terrain called Antelope Valley and began to introduce it to Wang Linchi.

Wang Linchi's heart grew colder when he heard this. He knew this news without even thinking about it. It must have been given by the game system, but it was just rationalized. Otherwise, how could the Demon Slayer Army get such timely information?

He suspected that the so-called leader of the abyss monsters was probably a descendant of the abyss. As for whether it was fully developed, Wang Linchi was not sure.

If it were an ordinary abyss monster, Wang Linchi's equipment, plus the ability to hack it, and the cooperation with the game system, would give him a chance of winning.

However, facing the Children of the Abyss, Wang Linchi had to work hard to deal with them. If he was not careful, he might overturn.

"So your plan is for me to lead people to intercept and kill. How sure are you?" Wang Linchi asked.

"70% sure, if you can win, the abyss monsters will be able to delay their attack until at least tomorrow morning." It was Changsun Kui who said this, but it was conveyed to the game system.

"Okay, then I'll set off immediately!" When Wang Linchi heard this, although it had only been delayed for less than twelve hours, it was enough.

At his speed, it would take at most an hour and a half to get to Antelope Canyon, and it would take at most about five hours before and after.

It's not that Wang Linchi has to waste time, but because he has to collect the mission items as soon as possible, otherwise he will really be killed in the fight.

Moreover, such a huge amount is far beyond what he can solve alone. Now he can only hope that the mission items given by the game system are powerful enough, otherwise, he will only be wronged by the Holy Lord and the assistants.

"Wait a minute, it's too dangerous for you to go alone. I'll give you ten people as helpers. Less is a bit less, but we can't spare more people now, and if there are more people, it's easy to be discovered on the way there. ." Changsun Kui was also shocked when he heard that Wang Linchi was going alone.

"No, it's best for me alone. If you really want to support me, you can use someone else." Wang Linchi didn't want to be a burden, so he might as well see if he could get the mission props from the Demon Slayer Army in advance.

"Isn't this... too dangerous?" Changsun Kui hesitated. This matter was too important, and Wang Linchi's behavior was indeed a bit childish.

"It's so difficult for the demon-slaying army to even extract ten people. The situation is no longer optimistic. I'm going to take a gamble. It's far better than having a few more people die together."

"One more person can delay the situation for a longer period of time." Wang Linchi said with a solemn expression.

Hearing this, Changsun Kui also had a guilty look on his face: "Alas, the Demon Slayer Army is not developing well and is dragging down Master Wang."

"What about being a drag? When I came here, I never thought about going back alive." Wang Linchi said righteously.

At this time, a little chicken soup to cheer up is still somewhat effective.

"Master is indeed a righteous man. In this case, I cannot let you down, Master."

"I won't send you any manpower. There is a magic-suppressing weapon in the demon-slaying army that was taken from the Demon-Suppressing Alliance, which is just for you to use, master." Changsun Kui said directly.

Originally this thing was reserved for use when defending the city, but after Wang Linchi's words, he understood that if Wang Linchi succeeded, he would have more time.

Staying in this city can't delay it for long, so it's better to give Wang Linchi a chance to increase the success rate.

Hearing this, Wang Linchi felt relieved. He finally got it, otherwise he would have no confidence in fighting.

"Thank you." Wang Linchi thanked him naturally, and then asked: "General, please go and get it quickly. I will rush over. The leader of the abyss monster must be unfathomable. I need to arrange it."

"I will send someone to get it right away." Changsun Kui quickly arranged for someone to go get the item, and then said: "This item has an extraordinary origin. Master must be careful when using it to avoid being backlashed by it."

"Backlash? It doesn't matter. As long as you can win, let it backfire." Wang Linchi said proudly. In fact, he didn't care at all. He had the ability to backfire the game system.

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