Who Told You to Use Your Power Like That?

Chapter 313: Distant relatives are not as good as close neighbors. Except for being a step slower, t

Wang Linchi was about to enter the room with the slime skeleton when he heard crackling noises and frightened screams coming from the three rooms where three players had just entered.

"As the saying goes, distant relatives are not as good as close neighbors. If I encounter injustice, I must stand up." Wang Linchi felt that he had 3 more points of mental power... No, there was another good deed to do good deeds. He was doing this to his detriment. You have made a lot of money, so it’s time to accumulate some merit.

Therefore, without hesitation, he threw the slime skeleton into the room and let the Holy Master roast it first while he went to catch the sin of the mistake.

He kicked the door of the room closest to him, and after violently breaking the door open, he saw a huge, strange black mantis-like creature pounced on a strong man.

The strong man did not put up any resistance. When he looked again, he saw that his head had been decapitated by the master of decapitation. His body was still a little intact, and his head was chewing in the mouth of this evil creature.

"If you come a step too late, you won't be able to live up to your expectations." Wang Linchi hated the fact that iron cannot become steel.

The black mantis swallowed the head in one gulp and rushed towards Wang Linchi. Normally, it would not affect others. However, Wang Linchi's appearance broke its eating rules, so it also used Wang Linchi as food.

The sharp blade passed by and Wang Linchi grabbed it with one hand.

"This thing should be just like a lobster. It has meat inside." Wang Linchi grabbed the insect's arthropods that resembled sharp blades and suppressed the black mantis tightly.

The black mantis struggled wildly in Wang Linchi's hand, and the strength was really quite strong.

"This thing is very wild." Wang Linchi suddenly hit his head directly on the black mantis's small head.

Wang Linchi's physical strength is poor, and this difference is compared to his tens of millions of mental powers, not really poor.

With just one blow, Black Mantis' little head exploded.

"Well, the Soul Seed Page of Indestructible King Kong is quite good." Wang Linchi couldn't help but be very satisfied.

The headless black mantis is not dead, and its head is recovering bit by bit.

The Evil of Mistakes cannot be killed through normal channels, so let alone losing its head, even if it was crushed into foam during its heyday, it can still recover.

But it doesn't matter, Wang Linchi just needs it to recover.

Dragging the huge black mantis directly back to his room, he threw it to the Holy Master and asked him to roast the black mantis and the slime skeleton together.

Then he hurried to another room.

"Oh, each of you can't live for a few more minutes. Even if I want to save you, I have to take time." Wang Linchi kicked the door open and took down another Sin of Mistake, which was bigger than the previous player. Unfortunately, the whole body is gone.

With the efficiency of digesting the evil of mistakes, it can basically be declared gone.

The three of them died very quickly, no more than thirty seconds. No matter how fast Wang Linchi was, he couldn't really save them wholeheartedly.

The man still had to save himself.

If he had really listened to Wang Linchi and gone to the right room, this kind of thing wouldn't have happened.

In the last room, Wang Linchi found no mistake after entering, but the body was very intact, but his face was full of fear.

The way this person died was different from the way the previous two died. He was frightened to death.

"You must be the most unlucky one."

Being scared to death means that even if you are resurrected, your spirit may collapse. The game system can resurrect the player, but if the player goes crazy, it may not be saved, so it is very likely that even if he is resurrected, he will become a madman.

"It's a pity that it ran away." Wang Linchi looked around and found no trace of the evil creature.

Some wrong sins will eat after killing people, but not all wrong sins are like this. Some wrong sins only kill but do not eat.

There are also some parts that do not eat but can be collected, like the limb-swallowing shadow, which will store various parts of the victim in its body and use them as part of itself to form certain special effects.

"There are no traces. It is most likely intangible and qualityless. I don't know how it tastes. It won't be the same as eating air." Wang Linchi returned to the room with some regret, closed the door and started to take the Holy Master's hand that had helped him The roasted black slime skeleton was stuffed into his mouth.

"I never expected that the burnt flavor would be the most delicious flavor in it." Wang Linchi looked a little awkward.

When he entered the mouth, he had already prepared the taste to be unreasonably unpleasant, but the result was beyond his expectations and caught him off guard.

"It tastes so sticky to the teeth. I must have eaten it wrong." Wang Linchi chewed big mouthfuls. The soft clay bones were like rice cakes, and they kept sticking to his mouth, giving him the feeling of It wants to take root and sprout, and you can’t even swallow it.

After chewing for a long time, Wang Linchi had no choice but to reach out and take it out from his mouth. Finally, he rolled it into a ball and stuffed it into his throat.

This time he stopped chewing it. He didn't believe that this thing could turn the world upside down.

As the thinking force field forced it into the stomach, it was successfully digested and absorbed.

"No, it doesn't matter. It doesn't taste good. I can grit my teeth and it can go down smoothly, but it's hard to eat it with difficulty." Wang Linchi looked at the slime skeleton. He just stuffed a third of it into his stomach. The location of the skull, in addition to two-thirds of the skull, are the limbs and trunk.

It is not an easy task to stuff such a large area into the stomach.

You can't just roll it into a ball and stuff it down your throat every time.

"It's really hard to make money and eat shit..."

This is 1 point of mental power. After eating it, it can keep him idle for a long time.

Another one is that one third of the skull has been eaten. If he didn't eat all of it, wouldn't the sin be in vain?

"That's not right. If you don't eat, you will suffer in vain. If you eat, you will continue to suffer. It's not easy to move forward or retreat." Wang Linchi's face darkened.

In the end, he could only silently pick off the head of the slime skull and forcefully shape it into a round bead.

The reason why it is not so sticky on his hand is because Wang Linchi's hand is wrapped with a thinking force field, a heart light shield and a soul barrier, so if it really sticks, he can just cut it out.

After repeating the cycle several times, the whole ooze skeleton was eaten up.

"The appetite for the Book of Souls has also become bigger. At present, I can eat about three more." Wang Linchi estimated the capacity of the Book of Souls and felt that it was quite good.

"The digestion speed is also much faster. If you plan your time properly, you can keep eating."

The Book of Souls is not a single thread that can only be eaten but cannot be digested.

The remaining black mantis and the other evil creature are not as difficult to deal with as the slime skeleton, especially the black mantis. Although the outer shell of the black mantis is still hard after roasting, it feels like eating crispy rice crackers with his teeth. , but the taste inside is really not good.

"If the last one didn't run away, it should be full by now." Wang Linchi felt forced and panicked.

It was obviously just right, but it was missing a corner.

Let Wang Linchi think about it or catch another one to eat, like the evil in the stairs.

Looking outside again, the night could not be darker.

"If we follow the routine, now might be the time for those evil sins to wander around."

"Normal logic must be that you can't go out. If you go out, you will die."

Normal logic must be followed by normal people, and he is not very normal, so he definitely does not need to follow it.

In Wang Linchi's eyes, this was not a meeting of ghosts, it was simply a self-help meeting.

If it really looks like the Hundred Demons Nightwalk, then he can just catch whatever he wants without worrying about catching something like a slime skeleton that is both unpalatable and laborious to eat.

As a result, when the door was opened, the entire corridor was quiet, with no one around.

This made him a little overwhelmed for a moment.

The big crisis that was promised was all gone.

"It seems that we can only catch the mistake in the stairwell first, and then eat the front desk as well."

Wang Linchi didn't care about how many bugs there were in the stairs. He was more concerned about the smell at the front desk. As a human chrysalis, as long as the outer layer of human skin is peeled off, it will turn into a chrysalis. It should have a smell similar to that of a cicada monkey. .

Unless this thing turned into a caterpillar.

But even if he is a caterpillar, Wang Linchi will eat him.

As soon as he arrived at the safe passage and before he could open the door, Wang Linchi heard a thick sound.

It sounded a bit like an air raid siren. Looking at the time, it was just past twelve o'clock.

A burst of blood surged out, covering the corridor, ceiling, door, etc.

"What? Silent Hill for reference?" Wang Linchi withdrew his hand, wanting to see what was going on in this dark night hotel.

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