Who Told You to Use Your Power Like That?

Chapter 316 The remaining value of grain reserves

In the corridor on the second floor, there was a pile of mistakes, and Wang Linchi was chewing one in his hand.

"The quality is average, only the fine ones."

"The current mainstream mistakes should be around the excellent level."

Although the faults on the second floor are all sophisticated, their quality is very average.

If the limit value of the sophisticated level is 10, then so many excellent levels on the second floor are basically below 5, which is a lower-middle level.

"The big BOSS of the entire dungeon is the Night Hotel itself, so these on the second floor are considered small BOSSs."

It is indeed below average in the elite level, but there is already a huge gap between the excellent level and the ordinary level in this hotel. It is estimated that players of Ye Tian's level will have to solve it.

The Sin of Mistake has inherited certain characteristics of the soul seed, so the gap between the excellent level and the fine level is naturally a fixed value and percentage.

Wang Linchi felt a little satisfied after having eaten a fine-level bug.

"3 points of mental strength. Look, this is the difference." Wang Linchi finished chewing one of the Mistakes, his eyes almost lit up, and he quickly grabbed another one to chew on.

The disadvantage is also obvious, that is, the digestion speed is a bit slow.

At the excellent level, he can chew five or six books of records before he is full, but at the excellent level, he can only eat two or three at most.

This is already very good. When he ate the limb-swallowing shadow, which was also an excellent grade, he ate it over three days.

"The hot chicken soul has ruined my youth." Wang Linchi cursed a little, why is this soul so unsatisfactory at all?

Fortunately, Wang Linchi continued to scold him, so he really didn't dare to push Hun Xiang to death.

If this thing evolves two or three more times, it should be... somewhat useful.

"Let's go back to the fourth floor. You drag all these things back and put them in the room." After Wang Linchi finished chewing the evil on his hand, he couldn't eat anymore. After all, there was already a safety escape indicator light when he came here. The sins of my mistakes are almost full now.

Then he instructed the Holy Master to put the remaining food reserves back into his room. Wang Linchi could fly, but flying was difficult, so it was best to let the Holy Master go.

If he said that, he would go back and wait for the Holy Lord to pick him up. He would lie in the room these days and eat the sins of mistakes when he was hungry. With practice, his strength would be able to improve by leaps and bounds.

It doesn't matter if you have finished eating the evil of mistakes. There are still three levels, three, four, and five. When the time comes, let the Holy Master catch them one by one to ensure that they can be caught.

What Wang Linchi actually wanted more was the Night Hotel, an epic mistake, but he couldn't find the core unless the entire hotel was demolished.

It wasn't that he didn't want to dismantle it, but that he couldn't forcibly dismantle it after trying it.

Not only is the Dark Night Hotel's own power, but it seems that even the game system protects the hotel to a certain extent, making the damage caused by the Holy Lord's attack on the Dark Night Hotel very minimal.

So Wang Linchi gave up this idea.

If he could eat the Night Hotel and extract all the chaos and order from its body, he would be able to obtain at least about one percent of the chaos he needed.

The Holy Master quickly piled all the sins of mistakes into room 402 before coming to pick up Wang Linchi.

For some minor reasons, Wang Linchi opened up both 401 and 403, and the room he lives in now is much wider.

"External walls cannot be destroyed, but internal walls do not have this restriction."

"Then what will happen if I connect all five floors into one?"

Wang Linchi looked at the pile of mistakes in room 402, and his mind suddenly twitched, as if he had discovered some kind of blind spot.

He had asked the Holy Lord to demolish the hotel before, so of course he would smash the outer wall. Normally, the wall would disappear with one punch. However, when he hit the outer wall, a punch mark was left behind. This showed that the Dark Night Hotel could not withstand the damage. Hold all your strength.

"Holy Lord, I don't think the room is big enough. I'll destroy it all. I want only one room on the fourth floor!" Wang Linchi gave the order without hesitation.

The Holy Master didn't hesitate at all, and his huge body directly hit 410 from 402.

Then he very diligently threw all the construction waste down from the fourth floor.

There must be laws for things like throwing objects from high altitudes. There are no people here, only wrongdoers. As a human being, Wang Linchi bullied these wrongdoers into silence.

Of course, it would be better if someone who was wrong came to him to argue with him, and arrange it directly in the stomach room.

In just five minutes, the entire 4th floor was opened, except for some pillars that looked a bit unsightly.

The reason why it is not demolished is because there is something called a load-bearing wall.

Even if they want to demolish it, they have to wait until Wang Linchi has eaten up all the mistakes in the hotel before starting. This is called making the best use of everything.

The outer wall couldn't be demolished, so he could demolish the load-bearing wall. The load-bearing wall was not protected, probably because the Night Inn didn't understand.

How Wang Linchi knew was very simple. He had dismantled one, and a large piece of it was cracked on the outside, so he didn't dare to continue, for fear that the crack would get bigger and the whole hotel would collapse.

After all, he had to survive here for ten days, and it was only the second day.

There are two conditions for completing the dungeon. The other one is to let the two Evils of Mistakes die. Wang Linchi did not meet any of the conditions. After all, he had eaten the Evil of Mistakes and did not let the Evils of Mistakes die. How could he complete the task.

"It should be done within five days." Wang Linchi felt a little hungry, so he reached out and grabbed a Mistake and gnawed it. As long as the book of records was a little free, he started to gnaw it. When I have some leisure time with books.

While thinking about it, his mind was constantly deducing the progress of the fifth soul seed.

With data and actual materials, he was actually very dissatisfied with the progress of obtaining chaotic materials.

The epic evil of error can only provide him with 1%. If he wants to get it done at once, he has to find the legendary evil of error. However, at this level, he may not be able to successfully kill Wang Linchi.

Of course, using the mythical level is definitely the safest, but the only known evil of mythical level mistakes is the game system, which is simply not something he can deal with.

‘Unless you use the egg technology of heirs. ’ Wang Linchi narrowed his eyes.

If he doesn't want the children of the Abyss or the game players, there is actually another target for harm.

That's right, after the game merges with reality, the group of NPC natives in "God's Gift World" were created by the game system. They are no different from living people, and they also materialize when they merge into reality.

This is naturally a nutrient for cultivating players.

At this stage, most players are still improving by completing tasks and fighting monsters, and then entering a dungeon once a month to complete their task quota. The current tasks are different from the previous killing and killing in the abyss difficulty, and have been changed to strategy and puzzle solving. Yes, the threshold is higher.

‘If I use NPC to cultivate a descendant of the abyss, I only need one-tenth of the chaos in him. ’

It was easy not to cultivate him before, and the cost was high. The only thing he had that could be used as training material was two-fifths of the protagonist's luck, which was the fate of the Destiny Demon God. How could he be willing to take out this thing.

But after eating so many mistakes, I also extracted a little bit of the power of chaotic rules. The quantity is not large, but it is more than enough to be used as training materials.

As long as it succeeds, Wang Linchi won't have to worry about the power of chaotic rules at all, and maybe some NPCs will be awakened.

Of course, the greater possibility is that it will directly turn into a mistake.

After all, NPCs are essentially humanoid creatures built with order, and they are derivatives of the game system. They already have their own faults. Coupled with the alienation of the descendants of the abyss, the power of the chaos rules has been combined, and it is very likely to increase the price. inherent error.

The data in Wang Linchi's mind quickly deduced a result.

"Is there a sin of self-mistake?"

The final data he obtained pointed to the fact that NPCs are likely to become similar to the game system, with their own wrong rules, and then there is a high probability of getting rid of the game system and forming a virus-like existence.

This had nothing to do with Wang Linchi. He wanted to know whether he could successfully obtain the chaotic rules he needed.

After some calculations, I can get it, and the quantity and quality are up to standard, but there is a problem.

That is, the other party may not be willing to give. After all, after you have yourself, desire will also appear. Who is willing to give one-tenth or even more of his flesh and blood to others for no reason.

‘Take your time first, don’t rush. ’ Wang Linchi thought.

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