Who Told You to Use Your Power Like That?

Chapter 32 Soul Forging Method·Nine-turn Golden Pill

"It's already the New Year, why hasn't the dean come back yet?"

Wang Linchi complained and didn't know what to do.

Ever since he found out that someone in his family went in to search without losing any property, he decided to live in Qinghe Academy and improved the soul-forging method and practiced every day.

The effect is still very significant. With the accumulation of top-level resources, his mental power has reached 93 points, successfully reaching the late stage of White Porcelain Level, and he is about to reach the peak of White Porcelain Level.

During this period, he did not practice all the time, but transformed while practicing, integrating all the soul-forging techniques in his hands into one book, and now he has developed a new white porcelain-level soul-forging technique.

Yesterday, he just completed the transformation of the Soul Forging Technique at the White Porcelain Level. There is no need to change the training, because the "Shushan Xuehai Soul Forging Technique" is also one of them. It can be simply summarized that he has not completed the training.

When his mental power reaches 99 points, he can condense the effect of a golden elixir on the Book of Soul and Memory. This golden elixir can have a capacity of 100 points of mental power and can restore mental power independently.

After possessing this golden elixir, the upper limit of mental power will return to 1 point. At first glance, it seems that he has less mental power, but in fact he has 101 points of mental power, which is comparable to a being who has just entered the black iron level.

This is just the beginning. After his mental power limit reaches 99 points again, he will merge into the golden elixir again and add a line to it. At this time, the golden elixir's mental power limit will reach 200 points. Wang Linchi It is called a golden elixir.

After repeating it nine times, the golden elixir has nine lines, and the nine-turn golden elixir has a total mental power limit of 1,000 points.

At first glance, it seems like a loss. After all, you can have 1,000 points of mental power after reaching the Black Iron level, but this is not actually the calculation.

First of all, every time he rebuilds, it will be easier than the last time. Just like after condensing the golden elixir, the mental power has returned to 1, but the bottleneck is gone, and he can rebuild without relying too much on resources. According to Wang Linchi's estimation , he can complete the Nine Transformations Golden Elixir in three years at most.

Because the more times you re-repair, the faster each re-repair will take place.

There is no need to worry about others being able to tell the truth. With the soul barrier protection of Soul Seed and Soul Courtyard, it is unlikely that the other party will be able to tell the truth about oneself.

Once the white porcelain-level effect of the Nine-turn Golden Elixir successfully appears, he will have 1,100 points of mental power that breaks through the black iron level. The 1,000 points of the Nine-turn Golden Elixir's mental power will also be counted on him, plus the 100 points he himself has. The mental power is ten times higher than the normal black iron level.

There may be geniuses who are more outrageous than him, but for him, this is already very good. After all, he does not have the corresponding conditions to assist him.

More importantly, the Nine-turn Golden Elixir is a growable effect. If Wang Linchi further improves it after the Black Iron level, the capacity will also increase. The disadvantage is that it still has to be rebuilt ten times, and there is no bottleneck during the rebuilt. , the bottleneck only needs to be reviewed once.

As long as he succeeds in cultivation, he will be able to possess spiritual power that far exceeds the number of his peers.

In addition to the mental power that makes Wang Linchi far superior to his peers, the Nine-turn Golden Pill also has another very good point, and that is its restorative properties.

Even if Wang Linchi loses the upper limit of his mental power in the Nine-turn Golden Pill, the lost upper limit of his mental power will gradually recover. The time is not sure. It depends on his cultivation diligence. If he practices more, the recovery will be Fast, if you practice less, it will be slower.

This effect was naturally created by Wang Linchi for himself.

After all, his Book of Records consumes the upper limit of mental power. If he wants to conduct experiments, he must have the means to restore the upper limit of mental power.

The Nine Turns Golden Pill is very suitable.

The reason why he has not taken any action is because if he loses his mental power and wants to practice again, he will have to waste his strength. However, if he uses the Nine Turns Golden Pill to lose it, the impact on him is not that big. big.

And the upper limit of mental power is higher, the effect of his Soul Seed and Thought Palace will be better, unlike now, although it has been increased from 8 millimeters and 8 milligrams to 9 millimeters and 9 milligrams, it has been directly increased by one-eighth, that is Still of no great use.

As for using the thinking force field to interfere with atoms and molecules, not to mention that he can't observe them at all. Even if he can observe them, is he able to interfere with them?

If he really had this kind of ability, he would have no problem finding any kind of combat ability so that he could casually unleash nuclear explosions.

"The remaining 6 points of mental power are a bit difficult to deal with." Wang Linchi looked at the mental power value reflected in his thinking mirror, feeling a little helpless.

"Shushan still needs 1 point of mental power to successfully condense it, and the remaining 4 points are used to condense the sea of ​​​​xue."

"The difficulty is not the least bit small."

Wang Linchi's Nine-turn Golden Pill is naturally based on the effect of Shushanxuehai condensed from the "Shushanxuehai Soul Forging Method", otherwise how could it be born out of thin air.

This is not a transfer, but a completion. It is equivalent to adding Shushan Xuehai and other soul-forging methods to complete the Nine-turn Golden Pill.

This achievement is thanks to the mithril-level soul-forging method given by the dean. Otherwise, it may not be possible to succeed with the black iron-level and orichalcum-level methods.

"Wait for now. When the dean comes back, I'll see if I can get some special resources from the dean in addition to the fourth-level subsidy this time."

"It is best to have a treasure that can break through the upper limit of spiritual power at the white porcelain level."

"Precious is a little too precious, but the dean should be able to take it out."

After reaching 100 points of spiritual power, you can still break through the limit, which is good for breaking through to the black iron level.

This kind of thing is not difficult for the Adamantine level to get, it depends on whether the other party is willing to part with it.

The treasures of heaven, materials and earth cannot be used by oneself, but the heirs and disciples can certainly use them. Even if there are no heirs or disciples, it is still valuable in exchange. After all, other people also have heirs and disciples.

It's just that Wang Linchi doesn't know what the hospital director wants, so he's a little unsure.

Anyone who can reach the fine gold level and become the dean must have his own unique abilities. Wang Linchi naturally cannot guess what the other person is thinking.

And judging from the opponent's performance, he is still very stingy. Otherwise, how could the resources given to him be just enough to break through the Black Iron level? He would not be willing to give more at all.

If he doesn't practice now, he will delay getting stronger, but Wang Linchi understands one thing. Whether he becomes stronger or not, it doesn't seem to affect his weakness. On the contrary, his eagerness for quick success may hurt himself.

It is safe to hide in the academy and there are no enemies of life or death, so why create unnecessary danger out of thin air for the sake of quick gain.

"I hope the dean can help his official career." Wang Linchi was not sure about the dean's thoughts, but he would hold back and work for him to earn merit. In the end, he was fooled by all the rewards from the court, so Wang Linchi was Just mess up the matryoshka dolls.

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