Who Told You to Use Your Power Like That?

Chapter 327 Blood of Amber, the Underground World Unveils

"A string of question marks, is it that the game system cannot identify it or is it deliberately concealed?"

Wang Linchi looked at the thing in his hand. It seemed to be amber-like, with a drop of blood inside.

The only thing that proves extraordinary is the rare occurrence of a sale price.

Under normal circumstances, whether it is props or equipment, there is actually no sales price, which will only appear when you throw it into the store.

The selling price is not currency, but a task.

Obviously, as long as it is sold, the game system can use it to analyze something.

Wang Linchi tried to use violence to dismantle the amber to explore what the blood stains inside contained. Unfortunately, the amber was extremely hard, and even with his current Mithril-level physique, he could not dismantle it.

Therefore, it only looks like amber, but in fact it is not amber at all, but other substances.

"Extraordinary existed before the game system?" Wang Linchi couldn't help but think of this matter.

The upper limit of this world is very high, and it can at least support powerful people above Xiri level.

"If it can be proved, doesn't it mean that this world was once more powerful than the soul world?"

Wang Linchi previously thought that the game system was the beginning of transcendence, but after seeing this amber, Wang Linchi no longer thought so.

Perhaps a long time ago, there actually existed a powerful ancient civilization, but it became extinct for some reason.

Let’s not mention the reason for now, Wang Linchi doesn’t know anyway, but the excavation of this amber seems to indicate that these powerful beings may not be completely dead yet, and they may be able to fake their corpses.

"Then if this comes out, wouldn't it mean that...you have to suffer."

The probability of enjoying happiness is low. The mistakes of the game system, fallen players, and resistance forces are not a simple thing at all. There is no special attack like Wang Linchi. No matter how strong it is, it can only hurt but not kill.

What's more important is that once this group of suspected ancient extraordinary beings appears, it is likely that corresponding evil rules will be born, and the survival level of human beings will be even more stretched.

As for making all extraordinary people equal? Don't be fanciful about this kind of thing. Nowadays, there are three, six or nine levels of people, let alone the past. There is no way to stop this kind of thing.

"It's not like the spiritual energy will be revived." Wang Linchi's mind twitched as he suddenly thought of this matter.

If this is the case, it will be even worse. The world is ready to fight to the death.

But he didn't want to follow Wang Linchi. After all, everything else on the gambling table in the world was just a bargaining chip.

Wang Linchi was certain that the blood stains in the amber were not human.

The amber itself is mainly for sealing, and the energy contained in this drop of blood is very impressive. According to Wang Linchi's observation, it must be at least the concentrated blood essence of an awakened person at the Morning Star level.

Looking at the leopard through the tube, we can also see how strong its body is, at least it must be at the Huiyue level.

This is still a conservative estimate. If the estimate is loosened, then Wang Linchi can give it above the Xiri level.

"Linghusen found this thing. I don't know when he got it." Wang Linchi learned some information from the player Bloody Killer.

For example, the origin of amber was that he obtained it from the study of Linghusen, codenamed City Lord in the resistance army.

"Maybe the Bloody Killer deceived me. It's not like I haven't searched Linghusen's study, so it's impossible to get it from him, but it must be in Wanxuan City."

As the resistance gradually went wrong, it also affected the authority of the game system in Wanxuan City. At least the Bloody Killer had no way to sell amber directly to the game system in Wanxuan City, otherwise why would he stay here.

You can't send it to Wang Linchi on purpose. Even if Panlong Holy Lord defies heaven, he doesn't have this ability.

The prerequisite for intercepting the opportunity is that it can be intercepted. If it is used halfway, there is no way to intercept it.

"Let's go investigate first. Maybe we can find some clues." Wang Linchi had no intention of just lying there.

God feeds you food, so you have to swallow it even if you don’t chew it.

After some disguise, Wang Linchi quickly became an NPC.

This is called doing as the Romans do. On the player side, he is a player, and on the NPC side, he is an NPC.

The thinking force field was activated at full strength, and combined with his incredible mental power, he quickly deduced the trajectory of the bloody killer.

After all, this is the real world, where people leave their names and geese leave their voices.

If he were still in the "God-Given World", Wang Linchi might not be able to successfully track him down.

Moving forward quietly along the way, Wanxuan City is now dominated by NPCs, and all NPCs have hurried expressions.

There is still a war going on outside the city, so the logistics inside the city naturally have to keep up.

Compared with players, NPCs were originally born into rigid programs. After the transformation, they also inherited this. However, this has become an advantage, that is, everyone can perform their duties without worrying about being held back or interfered with.

At least not now. If it continues to develop in the future, after the self gradually matures and corresponding ideas are born, this situation may really happen.

Moving forward, Wang Linchi soon arrived at a blocked location.

The location is not in the City Lord's Mansion as mentioned by the Bloody Killer, but in the south of the city, where a large piece has collapsed.

There are many soldiers guarding here.

Wang Linchi took a look and found that the collapse was probably caused by fighting.

Of course, there are holes in the ground, otherwise there would be no collapse on the ground.

Wang Linchi did not force his way in or go to inquire.

NPCs are different from normal people. At this stage, they don't care about things other than their own work. The influence of the game system on them has not completely subsided.

After finding the place, Wang Linchi didn't actually need to inquire, and just sneaked in with his own ability.

He actually had some impressions of the collapse of Nancheng, but he didn't understand it in depth at the time, and the information was just about the collapse of the city, with no other content.

I think it must have been blocked.

It's impossible for him to investigate everything.

Today, he wants to go and see a piece of the southern part of the city that has collapsed. Tomorrow, a large area of ​​the northern part of the city has been burned by fire, so he has to go and see it too. How can he have so much time?

The entire Wanxuan City is very big, and a lot of things happen every day. The collapse of a piece of the south part of the city is not a big deal. If it were the city lord's mansion, he could still go and see it.

The infiltration was successful soon after.

The collapsed area has been reinforced to prevent further expansion.

"An underground world." After Wang Linchi entered, he found that the hole underneath was not as narrow as he imagined, but rather very large.

From the ground to the underground, Wang Linchi estimated that it would be at least three hundred meters.

"What the hell kind of data is this?" Wang Linchi was a little confused. Such a big movement had little impact on Wanxuan City. He didn't even know what was going on.

The scope of the collapse was at least about three kilometers, and secondly, the ground was completely empty. Wang Linchi felt a little sick when he saw it.

It is equivalent to a basement three hundred meters below Wanxuan City, and it is a natural basement.

Wang Linchi soon stopped worrying about the structural issue. After all, if the ground does not collapse, then it is a reasonable existence. You can't force the other party to collapse.

"People from Wanxuan City have already come in, but they haven't made full use of and developed this underground world."

The traces were broken when they reached this location. Neither the Bloody Killer nor Wanxuan City went any further, and a certain amount of fighting took place here.

Based on the traces, Wang Linchi quickly reviewed the battle process.

It was probably the forces in Wanxuan City who discovered Amber, but was intercepted by the Blood-dropping Killer. He was then chased and killed, fled for his life, and met Wang Linchi again.

The overall process is actually not complicated.

It is precisely for this reason that the power of Wanxuan City has not penetrated deeply.

As for exploring now, there is probably no time. After all, the battle outside is getting more and more anxious, and there is really no way to distract ourselves.

"This thing is... a bone?" After going deep enough, Wang Linchi discovered a strange thing.

Originally, he thought that the location he was in was a hilly area, but now, after he discovered the white bones exposed in the soil, his mentality changed.

"This is not a hill, but I'm standing on the skull of a giant beast."

"The hills are the skull, then the real body..."

Wang Linchi couldn't help but fell silent. Small size did not mean weak, but most of the large beings were very powerful.

"This underground world should be something in the real world, not in "The World Given to God"."

"I can't see how big the underground world is for now, but it's definitely not as big as Wanxuan City. Then it will be a lot of fun."

"It was a technological society before, so why didn't humans discover it? It can't be that the three hundred meters of Wanxuan City are actually the closest connection between the underground world and the above-ground world."

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