Who Told You to Use Your Power Like That?

Chapter 329 Humanoid Semi-Elemental Life Form

"This map is newly painted, right?" Wang Linchi walked in the dark underground. Except that there was no light, the rest of the map was basically the same as the gigantic ground.

There were plants, animals, and even rivers, which made Wang Linchi's head grow bigger.

He never thought that there would be so many new worlds underground.

He had already given up thinking about why the overall structure was reasonable. If he thought too much, Dragon Soul Holy Lord would evolve a lot of effects to comfort him.

But don't mention it, after changing the environment, the efficiency of Dragon Soul Holy Lord's evolution has been greatly improved.

This gave him many new entry effects, and Wang Linchi also banned many of them.

Not all evolutions are suitable for him. After entering the underground world, Wang Linchi found that there seemed to be some kind of force forcing him to grow larger. It might have been nothing before, but after having the Dragon Soul Holy Lord, the ability to adapt to evolution will make him bigger. He evolved quickly in order to adapt as quickly as possible.

It's a good thing that he banned it early, otherwise he would be a little giant now. He is quite satisfied with his body shape and has never thought about changing it.

"Most of the creatures here have evolved dark vision or simply don't rely on vision."

"It's just what secrets are hidden in this underground world?" Wang Linchi was a little confused. After walking for so long, he met a lot of life, but apart from their large size, there was no trace of civilization at all.

That is to say, except for the giant beast with a skull as big as a hill that amazed him at the beginning, the rest of what he saw was actually relatively average.

If the giant beast was still alive, Wang Linchi would still be interested, but since it was dead, effective genes could not be extracted, so it didn't matter.

"Then where did this amber come from and why did it fall outside."

Wang Linchi looked at the amber blood stain on his hand again. The origin of this thing was unusual, but he had no clue.

With his current luck, he is already the protagonist-level luck of the blank slate.

The reason why it is a blank slate is because it has no additional bonuses attached to it, and there is no way to get it if you want.

There are no extra features like being surrounded by beauties wherever you go, possessing an aura of wisdom, encountering secret realms that match your level once in a century or a thousand years, being so handsome that everyone can scream, etc. There is only luck. If he continues to improve, he will only improve his luck.

Wang Linchi doesn't want these extra benefits. After all, this kind of treatment is not serious in the first place. You have to pay for it.

King Yama wants to quickly increase his strength to fight against Daxu, and Ye Tian goes into the abyss first and then makes mistakes. Wherever there are good things, they are all pushed away, and all kinds of treatment are almost the same as decapitation.

"Jiliguala, Gulu!" A roar came from the distance.

Wang Linchi, who was bored, couldn't help but cheer up.

"Emotions, language!"

Although Wang Linchi didn't know what the other party said, he was sure that the roar was similar to some kind of language system.

Otherwise, the pronunciation wouldn't be so weird.

Once it is determined that we have a language system, it means the birth of civilization.

Following the sound, he quickly lurked.

"To be able to transmit it so far, it is most likely not an ordinary life form. It must have extraordinary power."

“I don’t know whether this civilization is the original ancient civilization or a new generation civilization that inherited its ancient civilization.”

Wang Linchi arrived quickly with the help of the Holy Lord. He was not very close. From a distance, he saw a huge humanoid creature fighting an elephant-like creature.

"Primitive society?" Wang Linchi felt a chill in his heart.

Humanoid creatures are not humans, but are similar to semi-elemental life forms. Part of their body is flesh and blood, but part of their skin is attached to rocks and grows plants.

The physical strength is far higher than that of normal people. From Wang Linchi's observation, this kind of person's semi-elemental body is stronger than his, and it is estimated that it may be at the fine gold level.


The spear made of stone in the hand of the humanoid semi-elemental lifeform penetrated the head of this elephant-like creature, which was about five times larger than a normal elephant.

"There's something wrong with this stone spear. It couldn't be the spearhead ground from the rocks that fell off the opponent's body. Otherwise, how could it be so strong." Wang Linchi judged this matter immediately.

If it were just a stone spear ground from ordinary stone, it would not be as hard as the fist of this kind of human semi-elemental life form.

The other party did not pull the stone spear out of the elephant creature's head immediately. Instead, he muttered something, and then blood lines appeared on the stone spear and began to absorb it.

In less than three seconds, the huge colossus turned into powder.

Then, Wang Linchi clearly saw that the flesh and blood part of the opponent's body had lines similar to an elephant's head, and then the elemental part of the body further expanded, vaguely covering it.

"Extraordinary power?" Wang Linchi did not take action immediately, hunting, eating, and becoming stronger, a very rough but very complete system.

At first, Wang Linchi thought it was a body-training type, which made him very excited. However, when he saw the expansion of the elemental part, he realized one thing, that is, this system might not be as good as he imagined. .

At least the hidden dangers are huge. If you absorb the essence of a giant beast so roughly, something will definitely happen.

If this giant elephant were a glass of juice, Wang Linchi would drink it with his mouth, put it into his stomach for digestion, and then absorb it in his intestines.

However, this kind of person's semi-elemental life is different. He directly and roughly injected it into the blood vessel. Although the other party's constitution was unusual and the blood vessel could absorb it, it was absorbed without digestion, not to mention that this thing was still a foreign substance. It doesn't make sense to bring something with you.

There is a natural difference between eating with blood vessels and eating with the mouth and intestines.

"No, it's said to be getting stronger, but in fact it's more like erosion." Wang Linchi followed this kind of human semi-elemental life. After the opponent was devoured with a stone spear, he also wanted to eat, and he was an omnivore.

Fire was not used when eating meat. The other tribe did not seem to have mastered fire, otherwise they would not eat raw meat.

Fortunately, with the physical quality of this kind of semi-element life, eating raw food is actually not a big deal. No matter it is spoiled or parasites, stomach acid can digest it if it enters the stomach.

Wouldn't it be too outrageous to tell a semi-elemental lifeform that this can't be eaten and that can't be eaten?

If you really pay attention to hygiene and health, how could you live to this age?

"You have to decipher the other party's language and writing system. Otherwise, how can you decipher the other party's system." Wang Linchi felt that this was a big project.

After all, starting from scratch is never that easy.

As for directly searching for souls, that would be a bit too whimsical.

Not to mention his immature technique for soul searching, let's just talk about who would search for such a powerful person.

The Holy Master can suppress the opponent, but Wang Linchi cannot suppress him. Forced soul searching will only fail. His soul searching technique is really just a technique, not a magic or Taoist technique.

What is read is also memory fragments, and it is not certain what is read.

He really wanted to develop it, but it was hard for a clever woman to make a plan without straw.

It's okay to use mental power, but Wang Linchi doesn't want to use it. Mental power is like a skeleton. It is usually wrapped in a thinking force field and moves in a thought force field. It also attacks with random thoughts and has sufficient protection. It is usually still in the body and can be placed in the outside world at will. It is equivalent to exposing the bones to the outside world.

What to do if you get infected.

The thought force field inside Wang Linchi's body can indeed achieve such precise interference to search for souls. However, outside the body, it is more like the heroic version of thought force. It can hit people, defend, observe, etc., but if it is more, it may not be possible. Well, unless there was a game system to give him all the details.

Only when similar technology is obtained in the future can Wang Linchi go further.

"It just so happens that after staying in this underground world for a while, it doesn't matter whether I can decipher it or not. I'm planning to run away anyway." Wang Linchi's current mentality is actually relatively indifferent. After getting the Soul Seed and Destiny Qi, most of the benefits on the surface have been taken away. He squeezed it dry, and if he really wanted to go out, he would probably be beaten and killed.

In the underground world, the evil of mistakes cannot invade for the time being, let alone worry about other entanglements.

Following this kind of human semi-elemental life, Wang Linchi saw the other tribe's tribe. They were still in the stage of living like hair and drinking blood. They had no fire and lived almost like primitive people. The difference was that they had mastered rough extraordinary power.

"Then what is the source of power..." Wang Linchi kept peeping around the tribe, trying to find something useful to him.

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