Who Told You to Use Your Power Like That?

Chapter 35 Parents’ friends?

"This relationship is quite strong. I thought I would have to wait until next year for promotion, but I didn't expect that it was just the middle of the year and I was moved away." Wang Linchi smacked his mouth and couldn't help but sigh.

The prince Gao Sheng left. Wang Linchi had already left when he went to receive the fourth-level subsidy.

This caused the dean to get angry. After all, according to merit, he should be promoted first, but he didn't expect to let the prince of Qinghe City go first.

The person who takes over is also from the same department as them, so there is no need to worry about interest issues.

Directly inherit the relationship between the two parties.

"But everything is not so absolute." Wang Linchi also muttered quietly.

The same faction also has distribution problems. If someone comes and wants more, then it will have to be redistributed.

Today, the dean accompanied Mr. Xinfu to inspect the college. There was a lot of commotion, and even Wang Linchi was dragged over to show off.

The main reason is that the chronology is too serious. Since the Dragon Worship Cult massacred the Secret Realm incident this year, his prestige has plummeted. Originally, he had the halo of the protagonist of King Hades, and he could cook oil with fire, making him appear wealthy for a while.

However, after King Yama left, he also took away the geniuses of the same class. The Pluto team has been withdrawing one after another in more than a year, making the entire Qinghe College seem to be in decline.

As for the aristocratic families, they were all eliminated after being liquidated.

There are endless awakenings for ordinary people, but the quantity and quality are always limited.

In the few sessions following Wang Linchi, there were no awakened persons with 4 potentials and above, and there were not even a few with 4 potentials. The two sessions combined did not have half the number of Wang Linchi's original session.

Obviously the quality has dropped significantly due to the loss of the protagonist's halo.

The current situation naturally made the dean anxious. After all, the court also had to assess the number of students.

If something unexpected happens in this link, it will affect his promotion.

‘It’s not like he planned to break off the relationship and left early like Mr. Qianfu. ’ Wang Linchi suddenly thought of this.

After the dean and Xinfujun pretended to walk around the college, they went to the dean's office for a detailed discussion, and Wang Linchi and others dispersed.

It was originally just to make up the numbers to fill the scene, mainly because there were really not enough people.

With the occurrence of major events such as graduation, early graduation, and non-enrollment, the turnover of personnel is very serious.

This gave Wang Linchi a feeling that the grand occasion brought by King Yama before was more like overdrafting the potential of Qinghe College and Qinghe City, and also sucked a wave of blood.

According to the current development, unless the new prince and the next dean are both capable and willing to serve the public good, there will be no way to stop the decline of Qinghe City.

After returning home, I was about to go in, but I was keenly aware of something different.

‘The door has been opened! ’

Through his soul seed ability, he instantly noticed something was wrong.

The most important thing is that this mark is very fresh, half an hour ago at most.

If someone just moved the doorknob, it might be a thief, but the other person got in openly, there is a problem.

So the first thought that went through his mind was to turn around and leave.

The soul seed is given to the other party, but life is the most important thing.

Just as he turned around, the door opened.

"Since everyone is back, why don't you come in." The voice was that of a middle-aged man.

"Oh, you went to the wrong place." Wang Linchi said calmly.

"Your boy is much more cunning than your parents. If your parents had been as cunning as you, they wouldn't have died." The other party put his hand on Wang Linchi's shoulder and then dragged him into the house.

After this action, Wang Linchi finally understood that he was no match for the opponent at all.

Without using any soul skills or soul seeds, this move alone must have at least Mithril-level awakener power. Of course, it does not rule out that the effect of the opponent's soul forging method can greatly increase the physical strength.

"Sit down, don't be reserved at home." The other party sat on the sofa generously and poured tea for Wang Linchi.

He should have brought the tea himself. Wang Linchi didn't have such a thing at home, and he didn't have the habit of drinking tea.

Wang Linchi also sat down, but didn't touch the cup of tea.

"So who are you?" Wang Linchi asked.

He didn't ask if it was the other party who came to his house to rummage around a few years ago. After all, the other party kept it hidden so that he wouldn't find out, so there was no point in asking.

And I don’t know if he is an enemy or a friend. As for knowing his parents?

He was not familiar with his parents, let alone his parents' friends. For so many years, no one had come to help him. If he suddenly came to visit him, it was more likely that it was for some benefit rather than to visit him.

"My name is Fang Cheng, and I am your father's sworn brother. We have been friends since we died together!"

"You are so promising now. You can even get the third-level subsidy from Qinghe College. It's a pity that the one who awakened is the waste soul phase." The other party said with regret in his tone.

But Wang Linchi was thinking about the other party's purpose.

The other party must have seen the excellent soul seeds in his basement, and he didn't know if they were taken away.

If it was not taken away, then the other party must be thinking about wanting more, otherwise it would be impossible to tell him this hypocritically.

So after chatting for a while, he finally asked: "By the way, my brother left you a legacy, have you gone to claim it?"

"Well, I got it. It's an ordinary-level flash magic soul seed. I don't know why you left this thing for me." Wang Linchi said calmly.

After saying these words, Fang Cheng's expression couldn't help but change slightly. Although the amplitude was very small, it was caught by Wang Linchi.

"It shouldn't be. I remember it was a set of sophisticated rainbow soul series." Fang Cheng said tentatively.

"How is it possible? It's just an ordinary-level flash soul." Wang Linchi also had a look of shock on his face: "Wait a minute, it's not like someone has switched it!"

"If it is really a complete set, it must be worth a lot of money."

Listening to Wang Linchi's chatter, Fang Cheng was a little hesitant at this time. Could he really be replaced?

If that's the case, no wonder he couldn't find it when he came here before.

It's not because Wang Linchi didn't get it, but because he didn't get it at all. This can also explain why Wang Linchi didn't go to the combat major, but went to an unpopular minor major.

"Uncle Fang, do you have evidence? If so, let's go find them. We can't just let them swallow it up." Wang Linchi said with excitement in his tone.

"Calm down. I just heard it from your parents. There is no evidence." Fang Cheng indeed had no evidence, but he knew it was true. In this case, his visit would have been in vain.

After all, his goal has always been this set of sophisticated rainbow series soul seeds.

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