Who Told You to Use Your Power Like That?

Chapter 350 The big mushroom that missed the bus

Regarding Wang Linchi's question, Ziguang was silent. What the hell was this question?

You shouldn't ask him about things like strength, longevity, wealth, or coveting your own abilities. But in the end, asking him how he eats and what he eats is outrageous.

"Of course it's a god."

"Are you satisfied with this answer?" Zi Guang also guessed Wang Linchi's thoughts and then said.

Wang Linchi was quite surprised by the other party's answer. He didn't expect to be so decisive and answered directly.

"I didn't expect it to be such an exciting answer, but it did answer my doubts." Wang Linchi also indirectly determined the truth of the world.

"So in ancient times, there was indeed an extremely powerful extraordinary civilization, and you should be one of them."

Wang Linchi continued to ask.

"No, when I came to this world, the extraordinary era had come to an end, and the gods were clinging to their last breath of life in France."

"At that time..." Zi Guang began to talk.

Describing the grand scene of ancient times for Wang Linchi.

At that time, he was not on the third floor underground, but on the surface, competing with many behemoths and giants.

The elemental giants were not very powerful in ancient times, and the lizardmen were just a race inferior to cannon fodder, and they could only survive by having more children.

The huge beast even covered the sky and the sun.

Later, the gods died, and the entire surface world suffered great disasters. Therefore, the giant beasts and giants began to migrate to the underground world that they had once dismissed. Between fate and pride, most races chose fate.

After arriving underground, the behemoths were unable to adapt and either died in the cramped environment underground or were forced to reduce their size.

For example, lower races, such as lizardmen, which were originally small, were driven to the smaller and more cramped second floor underground.

The worst one is Zi Guang. His strength depends on the number of magic mushrooms. Under the disaster on the surface, he who originally belonged to one force suffered the most serious blow.

The environment was not suitable, and a large number of Phantom God Mushrooms died. When he finally escaped, because he was the weakest, he was directly retaliated and thrown into the smallest three underground floors, and a corresponding seal was imposed in order to trap him to death.

Unexpectedly, the three underground floors that were supposed to be the prison would somehow allow Zi Guang to escape the vicissitudes of the upper two floors and not be eliminated.

It is certain that the whole underground is the corpse of the god. As for the previous time, it is naturally because the god's body is dead but his soul is immortal.

The third layer underground is actually where the head of the god is. Even if it has not been fully developed, the material left behind is enough for Ziguang to squander it.

"In other words, the Giant King is actually a being from the same era as you?" Wang Linchi asked.

"Him? That's right." When Ziguang said this, there was disdain in his tone. Obviously, in ancient times, the elemental giants were not a big family.

"Then all life is evolved from gods. Is this true or false?" Wang Linchi asked again.

Ziguang was silent for a moment: "I don't know, because when I arrived in this world, the ancient era was already at its end."

It means that he has never experienced it.

"But the possibility is very high. At that time, although all races were fighting each other, they jointly worshiped the gods and the mother goddess."

"If the soul of the god had not disappeared for some unknown reason, the ancient era would not have ended at all." After Ziguang said this, he asked: "When are you going to leave?"

"I can promise that as long as you are alive for one day, I will not leave the third level underground, nor will I deliberately arrange children and parasites to go against you."

Zi Guang knew that he could not kill or use other means to deal with Wang Linchi, but he also had his own methods. If Wang Linchi refused to let him go, the two sides would be disgusted with each other for a lifetime.

What's more, he doesn't think Wang Linchi will be an immortal species. If he gives in briefly, it won't be too late for him to return after the other party dies.

Anyway, the last thing he lacks is time.

"It seems that you still don't know what's going on outside." Wang Linchi said with a joking tone, "Since you are from outside the world, do you know the sin of mistakes?"

"The evil of mistakes?" Zi Guang's voice raised three tones: "My fungus master, how could there be evils of mistakes in this world? Damn it, I have to leave as soon as possible."

Wang Linchi noticed the word fungus owner. Obviously, this guy was the same as the original goblin. There should be someone on top of it, but in terms of ability, it was a bit inferior to the goblin.

The goblin was completely unafraid of mistakes and was able to take a taxi and leave on his own.

Ziguang, on the other hand, was trapped underground and couldn't even walk.

"It seems that you know that it will be at most one year before the world comes to a halt." Wang Linchi dropped another bombshell.

"Damn it, no wonder there has been no news from the second underground floor recently. It was isolated by mistake." Ziguang looked a little irritable, and then he was helpless: "I can't contact the colony, I can't leave."

"Well, for the sake of giving me this information, I'll give you a piece of advice. There will be a shuttle bus passing by in a month. You'd better find a way to get the tickets."

When Wang Linchi heard the word "shuttle bus", he thought it sounded familiar: "Do you mean two stars, one black and one white?"

"Where did you know that? The last time the binary celestial body passed through this void, this world had not yet been born." Zi Guang had a vague feeling in his heart.

"Some time ago, I saw a goblin and his naughty child taking this bus away." Wang Linchi reminded him kindly.


"Why are those monsters collecting skeleton soldiers here!!!" Zi Guang's voice was broken, and he obviously recognized the other party's race.

"I heard that he was slapped by someone after he encouraged a dragon to steal the leaves of the World Tree." Wang Linchi said.

The sound of Ziguang's collapse couldn't help but stop abruptly.

"Huh? Oh oh oh, then it's okay." This time the voice seemed a little evasive.

"You don't have anything to do with this, right?" Wang Linchi asked curiously.

"How...how is it possible? How could I have anything to do with it?" Zi Guang was a little unsure.

"What about your shuttle bus..." Wang Linchi asked again.

"It's all gone. Which bus to take? I can only think of a way on my own." Ziguang couldn't care less about Wang Linchi's death at this time. If he couldn't escape, he would really have no choice but to become a dead mushroom.

"Oh, when will you leave? I plan to occupy this place." Wang Linchi said.

"I'll leave in two days. I won't stay here too long." Ziguang felt that there must be something wrong with this world, and that some kind of terrifying existence was brewing.

He didn't know how he got here. He originally wanted to use the leaves of the World Tree to ferment them. After all, they were fungi. After the leaves rotted, they could also become nutrients for him, so he thought about sharing the spoils and getting involved.

Of course, it was not only him and the spirit who intervened in this incident, but also other indescribable members of the family. Fortunately, the bosses above us all have friendships with that person. I just want to teach you a lesson. All members of the family who are involved in the cause and effect are involved. I fell into various worlds under that big dick, without any worries about my life.

He just wanted to go back, but it might take some effort. The easiest way was to take the shuttle bus, but he missed it.

But it doesn't matter. As a dependent of a powerful being, running away won't be a big problem.

‘If you just walk like this, will you be photographed back on the way? ’ Ziguang thought to himself, looked at Wang Linchi again, and asked, “Did that spirit leave anything for you when he left?”

Zi Guang vaguely felt that he had grasped something important.

The other party must have done something to make up for it before he managed to get on the bus, otherwise he would have been kicked off even if he got on the bus.

In the endless void, there is a paradise for the boss of his own fungus owner and the one who is both an indescribable existence, and the other forces have been almost eaten.

"Given a inheritance, that's..." Wang Linchi briefly summarized it.

"This... let me think about it." Ziguang thought this was such a coincidence. The other party sent him with his front foot, and the shuttle bus came with his back foot. If there was no problem, he would have lived for so many years in vain.

"Why, you also want to give me a big gift package?" Wang Linchi also didn't expect that the development would be like this, and he thought it would be unremitting.

"I'm busy first, we'll talk later." After Zi Guang finished speaking, he stopped making any sound.

Wang Linchi couldn't find Zi Guang's true form, and couldn't find anything to see what the other party was doing. In the end, he could only sit bored on the third floor underground, thinking about Zi Guang's change in attitude.

'You won't cut off anyone's opportunity again...'

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