Who Told You to Use Your Power Like That?

Chapter 358 Come on, come on, I’ll give you the title of gluttony

"In other words, you came out of a certain hospital. The limb-eating shadow is your patient. He has pica and you have bulimia."

Wang Linchi thought it was very reasonable. After all, in a weird world, there was a crazy BOSS hidden in a certain ward, and the dean was extremely powerful. It was all set like this.

If someone plagiarizes it, ahem, it is reasonable to learn from it.

"Your dean fought against the game system. The dean was able to defeat the game system, but in the end you were taken out."

"Hiss~ Every mistake in a hospital is made by oneself. Oh, it's all thanks to the dean."

Wang Linchi was a little puzzled when he heard this. How could the fierce man jumping out from the sky be more ferocious than Ye Tian.

"This...it is said that the dean has a stone heart, so he can have this power." The shadow is called the Shadow of Gluttony, and the dean gave him a complete human self through the stone heart.

This human nature is naturally not kind, but twisted, cruel, angry, etc. After all, they are no longer human beings, they are all a group of lunatics.

"Stone Heart." Wang Linchi rubbed his chin and thought. The last time he saw Stone Heart, it was a meteorite that gave him the Dragon Soul and Holy Lord.

Will it be a complete world core this time? That is the brain of the Mother Goddess.

Otherwise, why would you be so fierce?

"Hi~ Here comes the opportunity!" Wang Linchi felt as if he was trying to get another person's opportunity again.

Gluttony Shadow was a little confused, what a chance.

"Do you know how to get to your hospital?" Wang Linchi asked kindly.

The Shadow of Gluttony cannot eat, at least not until he finds the dean.

Wang Linchi's expression made Gluttony Shadow feel fear in his heart. He had a human personality, so he would naturally be scared.

"I...I...I know!" The Shadow of Gluttony said tremblingly. He did not want to return to the hospital at all. Although he had the protection of the dean there, the torture the dean inflicted on them was also extremely painful, which made him Life is worse than death.

The problem is that if he doesn't agree, Wang Linchi will probably torture him. After all, the dean can become stronger through torture, and Wang Linchi's torture is not only painful but also fatal.

"In my hometown, there is an old saying, a person who knows the current affairs is a hero. You are a hero!" Wang Linchi patted the shadow of Gluttony and was very satisfied with his attitude.

[Wrong Soul Seed·Shadow of Gluttony (Epic Level)]

Looking at the three words "epic level", Wang Linchi couldn't help but swallowed again. It looked like he was touching a piece of fat pork.

However, this move made the Shadow of Gluttony's skin squirm crazily, obviously extremely scared.

"What, please calm down your appetite, I'm a little scared." The shadow of gluttony can naturally tell Wang Linchi's thoughts. After all, he is also an expert in eating.

"Hey, what are you afraid of? You are already called the Shadow of Gluttony, why are you still afraid of appetite?" Wang Linchi said happily.

"I...I'm timid." The Shadow of Gluttony didn't dare to argue with Wang Linchi. What he was not afraid of was his own appetite. But when Wang Linchi showed his appetite to him, how could he not be afraid?

"The reason is very good, I agree."

"Don't worry, my behavior is called covetousness. Besides, you can't die for one mistake, so you have to stand up." Wang Linchi acted like you are the boss.

The Shadow of Gluttony was stunned and reacted instantly.

‘Damn it, I’m the sinner of mistakes, I’m the rule, I can’t die, then who should I be afraid of? ’

Thinking of this, I suddenly became bolder.

"I didn't expect you would give it to me..." Before the Shadow of Gluttony finished speaking, he saw Wang Linchi taking a Wrong Evil handed over by the Holy Master, opening his mouth and biting off its head, just like that. Chewing in the mouth.

"What?" Wang Linchi turned around and swallowed the head in one gulp and asked.

"No...it's nothing." The Shadow of Gluttony kept twitching in his heart. He won't die, right? He's not old, but he's not blind. You're still talking nonsense like this when you gnawed on an evil creature.

If he dares to stand up, he will probably become the opponent's pickle.

"It's nothing, do you want to eat?" Wang Linchi said, and he ate up the wrong thing in a few mouthfuls, and then said: "Then you have to catch it yourself, I won't give it to you."

The Shadow of Gluttony was a little suffocated. He didn't expect that Wang Linchi actually ate it, and the Sin of Mistake that he ate would never die again.

This act directly broke the iron law that mistakes will never die.

"You're okay, how could you be okay!!!" The Shadow of Gluttony couldn't accept it at all.

While he was talking, Wang Linchi took the wrong thing from the Holy Master again, opened his mouth and continued to chew it, his words still a little vague: "Is there anything impossible? Let me tell you, this thing doesn't even need to be stripped of its head and internal organs. The protein content is six times that of beef!"

The Shadow of Gluttony feels regretful now. He wants to be humane when he is fine. When encountering such a horrible thing, there is no way to escape.

Even if these sins of self-less mistakes are eaten alive, there will be no reaction. At most, they will struggle once or twice.

Wang Linchi used a normal tone to teach the Shadow of Gluttony some shocking knowledge while chewing on the sins of his mistakes.

Soon, all the mistakes in the entire Human Skin Inn were wiped out by Wang Linchi.

"By the way, I haven't asked yet, why did the game system cast you in?" Wang Linchi only remembered this matter after eating. He saw the shadow of Gluttony in a daze, and then he was about to reach out to wake him up.

"Don't touch me!!!" The Shadow of Gluttony suddenly came to his senses, then screamed loudly, and kept retreating: "You let me slow down, I'll slow down."

He has not yet recovered from Wang Linchi's last topic about how to reduce the bad taste of mistakes.

"Okay, take it easy. As the saying goes, panic can damage your kidneys. Don't always be timid and prone to accidents." Wang Linchi kindly reminded him, but he felt that Gluttony Shadow might not take it to heart, because the other party might More than one kidney.

Of course, these kidneys were definitely not his own, but taken out from others.

"The game system intends to use me to kill people with a borrowed knife." said the Shadow of Gluttony.

"Ah? Just you?" Wang Linchi was a little speechless. With his little ability, he couldn't even be considered a nail clipper. At most, it could only be regarded as a plastic knife, the kind of plastic that breaks when touched.

"There are cases from the hospital in my body. If you kill me, this medical record will haunt you, and you will be given by the hospital..." After that, the voice of the Shadow of Gluttony became smaller and smaller, He realized he had made a huge mistake.

Wang Linchi wanted him to lead the way to the hospital, but if he didn't have to lead the way now and could still eat him, wouldn't it be the best of both worlds?

Looking at Wang Linchi's smiling face, the Shadow of Gluttony hurriedly said: "But if you are so strong, the hospital may not accept you, and even the medical records may be damaged. It is safer to have me guide you."

The Shadow of Gluttony wanted to give himself two slaps. This was the time, and he had to speak out of his mind.

"Well, okay, okay, I'm very satisfied with your kid considering this matter for me, but your attitude..."

Before Wang Linchi could finish his sentence, the Shadow of Gluttony hurriedly added: "I promise there will be no problems. If there are problems, you will eat me."

"Actually, I don't really want to eat you, I just want your attitude." Wang Linchi felt that this kid was very wise, so he spared his life for the time being.

The main reason is that the Shadow of Gluttony makes sense, and it is indeed much easier to find the hospital if there is someone to lead the way.

Otherwise, Wang Linchi really didn't have much confidence based on the so-called medical records.

As for the game system's borrowed knife killing method, Wang Linchi didn't care. How did the other party arrange it? Then he had to obey Wang Linchi, right?

At least you have to harm a few copies before going.

"Do you know what large-scale dungeons the game system values?" Wang Linchi changed the topic.

The Shadow of Gluttony couldn't help but trembled, and then hurriedly said: "I know, I know, I will lead the way!"

A dead Taoist friend is not a poor Taoist. He already has a grudge against the game system, so it is naturally impossible for him to hide it for the game system.

After being taken out of the hospital by the game system, he was forced to go through several dungeons and served as the dungeon BOSS. If he hadn't had a human self, he might have been tricked by the players and died directly with a certain evildoer. , and finally became compatible with the game system and became part of it.

"Okay, let's get on the road after I finish eating the last one." Wang Linchi said, and the Holy Master had already begun to demolish the inn.

The Shadow of Gluttony did not dare to disobey him at all. He actually wanted to say that using the word "high road" was very unlucky, especially when he had become Wang Linchi's food reserve. He was afraid that Wang Linchi would take a bite of him due to his greed. That's troublesome, especially with Wang Linchi's temperament. Maybe the more he gnaws, the more delicious it will become, and if he takes a few more bites, he'll be gone.

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