Who Told You to Use Your Power Like That?

Chapter 375 If you can’t eat it, you can only pack it up and take it away.

"One is crazier than the other, and the world deserves to stop!" The Shadow of Gluttony cursed and looked at the terrifying scene in the distance.

However, no matter how close he was to hiding, he was still frightened.

He saw Wang Linchi frantically munching on the entangled body. Every time the huge Holy Lord attacked, part of the entangled body was destroyed.

"It's been blocked again. Next, there will be a game system that will lead to a certain death." The Shadow of Gluttony can be sure that the game system will never let them go this time.

This scene was really big, and the hospital probably managed to escape, but the hatred was transferred to them.

"I seem to have gotten used to it, and now I'm not afraid at all."

The Shadow of Gluttony couldn't help but feel a little helpless. After following Wang Linchi and getting into trouble a lot, he found that he was now stupid and bold.

"If he eats me next, I might not have any trouble at all."

In response to this, the Shadow of Gluttony couldn't help but laugh at himself. After too much experience, he took everything lightly.

In fact, he not only hated Wang Linchi, but also hated the hospital directors. They all regarded themselves as pawns and tools. If he had enough strength, he would not let any of them go.

Unfortunately, he didn't.

So I can only think about it.

"It will take three days to eat at least this time, right?" The Shadow of Gluttony looked at Wang Linchi's eating speed and estimated the time.

Not bad, definitely not less.

On the other side, Wang Linchi almost vomited, mainly because it was too unpalatable. However, Wang Linchi relied on his strong willpower to forcefully stuff the food into his stomach.

"No, the book of records can't keep up."

Wang Linchi also discovered such a problem. He could overcome the problem of unpalatable food with willpower, but the book of records could not overcome the problem of digestion.

"We have to think of a solution, otherwise we won't be able to finish the meal in a month." Wang Linchi felt helpless.

My eyes fell on the book of records, and I felt a little resentful that iron could not be made into steel. The opportunity to save several years of hard work was right in front of me. But as a result, it was bad for you, and you couldn't even eat soft rice.

A large amount of data emerged in his mind. Wang Linchi simulated the data through the thinking mirror and turned it into plans. However, most of the plans would not be successfully simulated, and most of them would fail.

Even if there is a successful plan, the final data will not be passed by Wang Linchi.

In the end, a barely acceptable plan settled in front of Wang Linchi.

"Temporarily store it in the game character, and then slowly feed it to the Book of Records."

This solution has certain feasibility. After all, the game character itself is associated with the data rules and is a member of the rules, even if it is wrong. Therefore, Wang Linchi only needs to eat it first, and then transfer it to the game character to transfer the game Just use the character as a storage vessel.

The shortcomings are not without. The game characters and data rules, the two soul seed effect entries that belong to destiny and luck, will temporarily become invalid.

It wasn't until Wang Linchi completely extracted all the resources that he was able to recover.

"It's just that without these two entries, I will lack the corresponding means when facing the game system and the hospital." Wang Linchi thought about this matter.


It doesn't matter if he lacks the corresponding means, he can run anyway, but if it is slow here, if the entanglement ends, the evil of the fusion mistake may be more terrifying than the game system, the hospital, and Ye Tian combined.

So he had to eat it as soon as possible to feel at ease, otherwise he would not only lose a lot of resources, but also create an unbeatable enemy out of thin air.

That would be a big loss for Dafa.

This still affects the whole body. He had a chance to win. As long as he solved the hospital and waited for Ye Tian to come out and fight with the game system, he would not only get the stone heart of the hospital director, but also the game system. Data is used to enhance game characters and data rules.

"We still lost because of the information gap." Wang Linchi sighed and began to make some preparations for the game characters and data rules.

If he had known how many native Error Sins there were, the plan would have been more cautious.

Yes, just be cautious. How could you give up such a huge benefit? If you are cautious beforehand, you will be more prepared. I am still not skilled enough. After all, it is my first time to plan such a big plan. It is normal to have mistakes.

He is not the kind of character who can live without taking one step at a time. He only has limited things to consider.

If there really is such a monster, he might have already planned this when he left the underground world.

"Please stop for a moment. When I change the receiving port, and then swallow it, the book of records will explode into foam." Wang Linchi turned around and hurriedly asked the Holy Master to stop.

Every time the Holy Master attacks, his soul-sucking and devouring energy can transport a large amount of supplies to Wang Linchi, faster than he can eat them.

After receiving the order, the Holy Master naturally stopped immediately and then returned to Wang Linchi as his guard.

Wang Linchi wiped the sweat from his forehead. After holding the book of records, pure spiritual power would escape into his body, and the amount was so large that he couldn't bear it.

Fortunately, it is not difficult to adjust the game characters and data rules. They are his things originally, which is equivalent to temporarily making room for them.

If the storage space wasn't suitable, he would have thought of filling it into the storage space.

The storage space is the page of the soul seed, which is originally a book of records and cannot be nested inside even a matryoshka doll.

Not even the main body. The storage space is just a variant memory page of the Book of Records. How can it have this ability? Even the page of soul seed is more practical than the Book of Records.

Wang Linchi didn't want to see the book of records, but he had to admit that the book of records was the main body, and the pages of soul seeds could only be regarded as derivatives.

It took nearly three hours for Wang Linchi to figure out the game characters and data rules.

"The next words will be tested first." Wang Linchi waved his hand, and the Holy Master directly launched an attack, and the soul-sucking devouring took effect.

At the same time, a large amount of experience points were recorded in his game character.

That's right, Wang Linchi converted it into experience points, otherwise it would be inappropriate to convert it into anything else, whether it was attribute points or skill points.

"Fortunately, my game character is at full level, otherwise I might not be able to handle it."

The game character has already reached level 1,000, but it is not as powerful as it was in the God-given world.

Although it is also a graduation number now, the current game character is just the effect of Wang Linchi's soul seed. The original game character was the number one double bonus stick under the game system. In addition to the graduation number, the benefits he enjoyed were also supported by the game system. As well as many permissions, they are naturally stronger than they are now.

"Now that it's done, let's eat. Holy Master, you are tall and powerful, so I will leave most of it to you." Wang Linchi said.

Letting the Holy Lord come will indeed cause losses, but time is not waiting for me, so the losses don't matter. Time is tight, and I have to make corresponding choices.

It would have been great to be able to earn such a large sum of money, but it was indirectly devouring the world. If you were greedy again, you might be involved.

There may not be such a good opportunity in the rest of my life.

While grasping it, don’t be too greedy.

"The three underground levels are so difficult, but the assimilation was finally successful." Ye Tian exhaled a big mouthful of turbid air. After these days, he finally completed the first step.

"Everything is difficult at the beginning, not to mention that the third underground layer is the most critical brain of the god. It is normal that it is difficult. The speed of the second underground layer and the first underground layer will be much faster." The figure of the Destiny Demon God also It became a bit unclear, and he also paid a high price in the process.

"I don't know how the study situation in Linchi is going? Have you received the latest information?" Ye Tian got up and walked towards the second underground floor, taking the time to ask during this little leisure time.

"I have to say that his ability to absorb hatred is very strong. He destroyed three large dungeons in succession. However, the situation was not good. He was blocked by the game system at the entrance of the third large dungeon." Destiny Demon God said.

Some fallen players are still dormant in the game system, so they learned about the situation through the forum.

"Can you hold on?" Ye Tian asked.

"Don't worry, I've asked Linghusen to make arrangements to divert the trouble to the east and let the game system's attention return to the hospital. In this way, Linchi Xueshu will be safe." The Demon God of Destiny was also prepared.

Although they could not understand Wang Linchi's character, Wang Linchi was indeed their strongest ally, so naturally they went to rescue him immediately.

"That's good, let's get started. Linchi Xue Shu asked Linghu Sen to pay more attention." After Ye Tian arrived at the second underground floor, he started assimilation directly.

He wanted to help, but the overall situation was more important. After all, Wang Linchi went to attract hatred so that he could succeed, but to help, it was a small gain.

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