Who Told You to Use Your Power Like That?

Chapter 377 BOSS battle, I steal the house

"I have always wanted to complain about why the hospital called Qingshan is always prone to problems. It is found in the weird and strange stories genre, and it is also found in spiritual energy recovery."

Wang Linchi looked at the Qingshan Charity Angel Convalescent Hospital in front of him, and he really wanted to complain: "Is this thing from the Tiantian chain like the Yuelai Inn?"

Yuelai Inn is a chain inn on the martial arts side, while the hospital starting with Qingshan is a weird chain BOSS venue.

"But in this situation, how am I going to sneak in?" Wang Linchi looked at the strange appearance in the hospital. The power of a large number of players and the game system shrouded the hospital, and the hospital was retreating steadily.

Judging from the current situation, the hospital basically has no chance of winning.

However, if the game system wants to take over the hospital, it will not be achieved in a short time. All the patients and medical staff in the hospital are the sins of mistakes. They crush the players in terms of strength and are stronger than the players in terms of immortality.

Players will be resurrected after death. However, as long as the Sin of Error is not compatible with the game system, it can recover quickly no matter how serious the injury is. What is even more disgusting is that Sin of Error has the characteristic of locking blood.

"In terms of forceful attack, the game system will definitely not be able to defeat the hospital."

"The director cooperates with the power of the hospital. Even if we retreat, we will still have a final base. We will not lose. However, the players will become fearful because of too many deaths. In severe cases, they may even have a mental breakdown."

"It seems that the game system is indeed a bit weak. It cannot completely insert the hospital into the copy to show its own advantages. Otherwise, it would not be possible to use such a crude method."

In the current situation, the game system has the upper hand and is beating the hospital. Although the hospital has been beaten badly, it has not damaged its roots. Instead, it has been disgusting the game system.

"Okay, okay, I thought I had to take advantage of the game system."

The dean's heart of stone must not be given to the game system.

"Then just find a way to sneak in first. All I need is..." While Wang Linchi was thinking about it, he found that the game system was turned up.

"Can this be done?"

Wang Linchi was a little confused. The game system directly covered everything around the hospital. The familiar structure was naturally a copy barrier.

It is true that the hospital is a turtle shell, but once you are caught, it is like catching a turtle in a urn. No matter how hard your shell is, it is useless. No matter it is a turtle or an old turtle, I am afraid it will end up on the dining table.

"Hmph, old-fashioned methods!" came a cold voice.

On the top floor of the hospital, thick chains sprouted from the back of a middle-aged man wearing white medical clothing.

If you look closely, you will see that each ring of the chain is made of a human face.

Dong~dong dong~dong dong dong~

The rhythmic heartbeat kept jumping, and Wang Linchi knew that it was coming from the middle-aged man's chest.

"Dean." Wang Linchi licked his lips. He didn't want to eat, but simply wanted to grab it.

The heartbeat became louder and louder, and a large number of cracks appeared in the copy barrier formed by the game system. However, the power of the game system continued to be output. The cracks disappeared and reappeared. They appeared and disappeared again. In an uninterrupted cycle, gradually, Collapse the entire copy of the game together.

Look at this, he has to bear a lot of costs to force the hospital under his control.

As long as it becomes a dungeon and players are arranged to move in, the hospital will be wiped out by the game system sooner or later.

The hospital has a very special ability to create, control, and accommodate various evils.

Under normal circumstances, there is no underlying framework formed by the game system through copies. In the real world, if so many mistakes had gathered, they would have been entangled together, making it impossible to coexist peacefully.

As for the hospital, it was done.

Wang Linchi even suspected that the mechanism of the dungeon had some help from the hospital. Coupled with the ability of the game system itself, various strange dungeons were formed.

Today's game systems want more, like ways to control the evil of error.

The game system currently only masters production and accommodation. The means of control should not be obtained by the game system yet.

Otherwise, He would have controlled a large number of evil evils to deal with the hospital.

The hospital is magical, but its size is simply not comparable to the game system. The hospital's ability to survive until now is inseparable from the director and his stone heart.

The heartbeat of the dean can no longer be overcome by a game system that does not consider costs.

"You want to fight me to the death! Okay, then I'll let you do it!" The dean had a look of madness on his face, and the beating sound of Stone Heart became more intensive and louder.

This was just the beginning. The dean dragged the chain behind his back and jumped directly from the top floor of the hospital.

The chains continued to lengthen as he moved, and shrill howls continued to emit as the chains stretched.

"By the way, where did this chain come from?"

Wang Linchi didn't quite understand. This thing should be some kind of embodiment, and it probably wasn't the embodiment of something good.

After the dean landed, he walked towards the dungeon barrier step by step. Wherever he passed, both the players and the power of the game system were eroded by some kind of black aura.

"It's like a state of erosion after the elemental bloodline is highly aggregated." Wang Linchi quickly recognized part of the structure of the black aura: "But it's more like a mutated state."

"So the dean actually has elemental blood in his body?"

There is no elemental blood in human body.

It's not that evolution didn't bring humans with it, but that the two sides are not on the same system at all.

Ever since the gods completely died and the extraordinary beings immigrated underground, there has been no extraordinary life on the surface for a long time.

So humans have actually evolved. Unlike this group of extraordinary creatures who are born to be rich and powerful, the human species can theoretically evolve infinitely, but this is just a theory, and the actual situation must be different.

For example, if you evolve on your own, you may not be able to catch up with the lower limit of extraordinary creatures until they become extinct...

Wang Linchi has read various books in this world, which are all supported by corresponding data, and he has also conducted certain dissections to confirm this.

"If it's not something you're born with, then it's a transplant." Wang Linchi couldn't help but think of Shi Xin. This thing was definitely not something the dean was born with.

Either it was obtained by chance, or it was passed down from one's ancestors.


The dungeon barrier was shattered by the dean's punch. However, after the opponent punched him, his face became visibly pale, and the chains behind him also jingled.

"Good opportunity." Wang Linchi saw this situation and knew that now was his best chance to sneak into the hospital.

The dean looked weak, but it was not that simple to kill him.

The chains behind him and the stone heart on his body, these two things have not exerted their true power until now. It was the dean who dragged them down.

Wang Linchi quietly made a large circle and arrived at the back of the hospital.

Compared with the battle in the front, it was much calmer in the back.

Invading the hospital is of little value to the game system, and it is not a siege. The real purpose is to suppress the hospital director, and then indirectly control the hospital through the director.

The fight is head-on. If the soft knife can succeed, the game system will not be delayed until now and the hospital has not been taken down.

And this just gave Wang Linchi an opportunity.

He sneaked into the hospital quietly. There were currently no patients or medical staff in the hospital.

But there are players.

There are always players who are not afraid of death or players who like to seek death and do tricks.

After seeing Wang Linchi, the other party couldn't help but be stunned. When he looked at the character name above Wang Linchi's head, he also breathed a sigh of relief.

"You also accepted the task of finding medical records?" the other party asked.

Wang Linchi heard this and nodded decisively: "Me too, I thought it was the only mission."

"Even if it's a single mission, it can be triggered when you enter the hospital." The other party didn't hide it.

As players, everyone is on the same level. Coupled with the isolation of the hospital, the power of the game system is limited, and the other party naturally cannot see it.

As for the suspicion that Wang Linchi is not a real player, most people would not think so. Another thing is that players can be resurrected after death, so their vigilance will naturally be reduced.

It's just a big deal, so be careful next time.

This is not entirely a bad thing. With such a mentality, most players are not afraid of death. It can be regarded as a double-edged sword. If you use it well, it will be a sharp edge against the enemy. If you use it poorly, it will hurt you. Own.

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