Who Told You to Use Your Power Like That?

Chapter 383: After clearing the suspicion, he directly shouted to catch the thief

"After the head falls to the ground, how many minutes should we eat it to ensure freshness?"

"No more than three seconds."

“What’s the best solution if you get stuck on a bone while eating?”

"Swallow it."

“What should we do after a patient dies?”

"Eat as quickly as possible to avoid spoilage."

"How should medical trouble be resolved?"

"When the other party was not prepared, he ate his whole family."


God's hand is a little numb. Is this a serious doctor interview?

It sounded scary and like a brain teaser, but more importantly, Wang Linchi, who handed him the answers, actually answered them all correctly.

"Congratulations, your interview was flawless. Welcome to join the company, doctor." In the personnel department, the mountain of mistakes squeezed out of the office chair, and the fat on his face was filled with joy. Reach out.

"This is my honor, director." God's Hand quickly stood up and held the other person's big hand. The two people's hands were held together, which seemed very awkward.

"Then go to the logistics department to get some things and have a rest. Remember to go to the surgery on time tomorrow morning. There is a doctor missing there. It's a good time for you to go." The director of the personnel department withdrew his hand and slowly squeezed back into the chair. The fat man It couldn't be stuffed down at all, and it was squeezed out from the edge.

"Yes, yes, I will definitely live up to the director's good intentions." God's Hand naturally understands the ways of the world and will not show a self-centered look.

"The note has been approved for you, go ahead." The director of the personnel department picked up the document on the table and pushed it to the hand of God.

"Thank you, Director, for your cultivation. If you don't have any instructions, I'll go and get started first." God's Hand said and stood up.

The director of the personnel department nodded and said nothing.

Seeing this, God's hand left.

After leaving the personnel department office, he couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief. He saw a layer of grease floating on his right hand, which was obviously left from the handshake just now.

As soon as they came out, they saw Wang Linchi and Qingmei Zuojiu chatting boredly.

Qingmeizhuojiu immediately noticed the question on the right hand of God's Hand: "Are you marked?"

When Wang Linchi came out with him, he didn't shake hands, but God's Hand did. This was definitely not a sign of friendship.

"Well, there is no other way, otherwise I won't be able to get out." God's Hand is not stupid. If he doesn't give him face, he will definitely trigger the killing rules of the director of the personnel department, and he will be dead by then.

"It's a small problem, just make it through the night." Wang Linchi glanced at it, and it was indeed not a big deal.

It's nothing more than coming to see him at night.

"Then you are really in bad luck." Qingmei Zuojiu joked. He was not worried about death from God's Hand. If he couldn't avoid it even with this ability, it would be better to die.

"Which department are you from?" Wang Linchi asked.

"Just like you, they are all surgeons." God's Hand knew that this must have been arranged deliberately.

"It's very dangerous. It's necessary to perform surgery on the sin of mistakes. I can't do it, can you?" Qingmei Zhuojiu is not a doctor, so how can he know this.

Furthermore, these patients are not sick at all and are all caused by mistakes. If they really go to the operating table, they will overturn if they are not careful.

But correspondingly, if the operation is reliable, a Wrong Sin can deal with a Wrong Sin.

"You should be able to do it." Hand of God looked at Wang Linchi. After all, it was Wang Linchi who asked them to come and helped them pass the interview.

"Yes, yes, but I'm not sure what the difference is between performing surgery on a sinner and performing surgery on a human being." Wang Linchi spread his hands and said.

For him, operating on people or other animals and plants is not a big problem. After all, he has done a lot of dissections and has never made any mistakes. But let him cure a person who was not sick. Okay, this is indeed a bit difficult. You can't let this mistake make you sick on the operating table first.

"It's okay. Just feel free to do it boldly. The game system will definitely make you useful if it sends you here." God's Hand quickly comforted him.

The main reason is that Wang Linchi can handle this matter alone now, and they only have identities.

"Okay, I'll keep the department stable, what about you?" Wang Linchi asked in return.

He can't just do the work alone and let the others mess around.

"Let's get through today first, and then we'll have a look tomorrow. This time the dungeon is very difficult, and the plan can't be determined." Qingmeizhuojiu said the truth.

He had only been here for a short time, and he didn't get much information.

"Go to the Logistics Department to get the things, and we can discuss it slowly in the evening." It is naturally impossible for God's Hand to just dawdle, but the current situation is unclear, so naturally it cannot act rashly.

With this explanation, Wang Linchi was satisfied, and then the three of them prepared to go to the logistics department.

"What do you think about the fakes that have sneaked into our house?" Wang Linchi asked on the way.

"I don't have any ideas yet." Qingmeizhuojiu shook his head. In his and God's Hand's eyes, the possibility that Wang Linchi's fake was basically ruled out.

"I think the possibility of General Zhenbei is not small. He is too jumpy." Wang Linchi shouted to catch the thief.

The Hand of God looked at Wang Linchi strangely. You have the nerve to say this. You should be the one who jumps the most, but he can't say this. Wang Linchi does have real abilities.

Otherwise, how could he and Qingmei Zhuojiu have completed the doctor's interview so easily.

"It's possible, but it's not very likely. It's impossible for fakes to sneak into our team with such a high profile. Just like you were so high-profile before, wouldn't it be very suspicious." Qingmei Zhuojiu has a different opinion. Of course, He said it more euphemistically, using low-key and high-key as figures of speech.

"In other words, the fakes are among those low-key people." Wang Linchi touched his chin and looked like he was really thinking. In fact, he was thinking about how to plunder the power of the game system next.

The method of plundering must be to use the player as a cover, and then obtain the power intercepted by the hospital. By then there will be two transfer stations, so there is no need to worry about being exposed.

Otherwise, if he had nothing to do with God's Hand and Qingmeizhuojiu, he just wanted to take advantage of the ranking.

Compared with other players, the value of the first and second players on the list is definitely higher, they have more authority, and Wang Linchi's actions can be more subtle.

"It's not easy to find out. The best way is to ignore them. After all, our task target is the dean." Hand of God made a great suggestion.

"I'm afraid it's not that easy. If it can be solved by just ignoring it, then it won't get mixed into our team."

"Even if we separate, we may not be able to block the opponent's sneak attack. Maybe at a critical moment, we will fall short of our success."

"My suggestion is to get rid of this fake as soon as possible. Anyway, our task has no time limit." After the green plum brewing wine was presented, the God's Hand also frowned.

‘There is no time limit, don’t you give us one year? ’ God’s Hand looked at Qingmei Zhujiu.

Qingmeizhuojiu responded with a look: Don't expose it.

Then he understood that he was testing Linyuan Xianyu. Trust meant trust, but there were still doubts.

Wang Linchi remained calm. He noticed some kind of communication between the two, but he didn't know what was communicated for the time being, so in order not to expose himself, he said nothing.

However, I also noticed some small details.

'no time limit? is it possible? 'Wang Linchi was thinking in his heart, if this is really the case, then he would have to plan carefully. After all, the players are planning to do long-term tasks, and it gave him a strange feeling: 'It can't be a game system. Let's use the player Li Daitao to replace all the mistakes in the hospital. ’

‘If this is the case, then this plan will be scrapped. ’

Wang Linchi won't wait that long. Ye Tian will be out of isolation in about ten days at most. And Wang Linchi, a big rat, can make them lose money, not to mention draining the game system and the hospital. .

The three of them each had their own thoughts, but they were also chatting enthusiastically on the way, without any sign of silence.

After discovering that there was nothing wrong with Wang Linchi, Qingmei Zhuojiu felt relieved. However, Wang Linchi did not refute his question about time, which made him a little uncomfortable.

Hand of God didn't have much thought, and he didn't care that Wang Linchi didn't refute the time issue, so he didn't say anything.

"The logistics department is here, be careful when you pick up the things later, especially you, don't make the same mistake again." Qingmei Zuojiu said, the last words were to remind God's Hand. After all, he had already made a mistake once. You can still dodge the evil ones, but if there are two of them, the difficulty will rise straight up. You can only survive by risking the death of these two evil evils.

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