Who Told You to Use Your Power Like That?

Chapter 389 Where is your leader? I was beaten to death.

"The dormitory is like this, where should we stay at night..." Hand of God looked at the twisted and tangled body in the room, with flesh, hair, and organs intertwined with each other.

The good news is that this thing is dead, and the chances of it coming back alive are slim.

The bad news is that it occupies most of the room, so only Wang Linchi's bed is fine, and the other two will have no place to stay tonight.

"It's you, not us. I have a bed. This thing is very safe when it shuts down. And with this thing here, no evildoer will foolishly get close to me." Wang Linchi said immediately.

Because of the existence of the entangled body, most mistakes will take a detour. Although the effect on those with brains may be a little worse, they will not take risks for this matter. If they get involved, it will be miserable.

"Then what should we do? It's safe for you to sleep here alone. If you leave the dormitory, you can't work hard at night."

"Besides, let's squeeze in. Anyway, it's only two people sleeping at a time, so it's not a big deal." Qingmeizhuojiu said shamelessly.

It's true that three people can't squeeze in, but under normal circumstances, only two people sleep, and one person is on guard duty at night.

Wang Linchi was very disgusted with this, but finally agreed.

The main reason is that there is really no need to go, and he is not the kind of person with a mysophobia. He has been in the soul world before, no matter how bad the conditions are.

Performance is performance, in fact he is still willing to do it. After all, he is also his God of Wealth. If he really wants to let it go outside, he will not worry.

Now he has intercepted 10% of the game system's investment resources in the hospital, thanks to the authority of these two people, and this percentage is still rising, and it should be able to reach 30% tomorrow. The main thing is a step-by-step approach.

"There will be new players coming tomorrow. I'm going to pick them up. After all, there are only a hundred people. If used well, it will definitely be a big help." God's Hand said after Wang Linchi agreed.

Wang Linchi did not express an opinion, but he had already begun to think about one thing in his mind, that is, if there are more players, can he share some tasks for him, such as continuing to increase the interception resource rate, not only in the game system, but also in the hospital? .

Allowing players and hospital patients to absorb both, such a grand scene can allow the game system to discover the director's plan faster, thus triggering further dog-eat-dog situations.

"With such a large number of people, I'm afraid it's difficult to manage. We are all in trouble here." Qingmei Zhuojiu also has this idea, but it's not very realistic to realize it.

Not all players will listen to them. Just like the players this time, each one has its own personality, not to mention that there may be fakes. I still have no clue. This fake will definitely not let them go. They control so many players so easily.

"Then we have to try our best, otherwise they will cause trouble and we will suffer too." God's Hand is still very experienced in this regard.

If you can't control this group of players, they will become lawless, and they won't care if they die, but they are not really dead.

He had suffered this kind of loss many times, but this time the difficulty was so great that he was unable to do so.

Wang Linchi didn't say a word, just listened to the conversation between the two of them quietly. Compared to Ye Tian who surrendered with his own unique charm, the Hand of God could only win over, suppress, and give a sweet man a blow. Jujube and other means of control are more inclined to management and power.

Of course, the premise of all this is based on the reputation and strength of the two, otherwise no one would obey them at all, let alone obey them.

As the two communicated, a complete charter was outlined.

Wang Linchi expressed great satisfaction with this charter.

Destruction is impossible to destroy, it must be promoted to the greatest extent. The more players alive, the greater the benefits he will earn.

It's a pity that there will be problems if Wang Linchi intervenes, otherwise it will be simpler. The point of borrowing chickens to lay eggs and borrowing swords to kill people is that the middlemen make all the profits.

"Why are you so quiet tonight? You didn't say a word." Hand of God asked curiously.

"I don't know these things. It's taboo for a layman to guide an expert." Wang Linchi gave a reason, but it was also true, so he was not a leader and could only work hard by himself.

"You live a transparent life. Remember when it was still a peaceful era, my leader..." Qingmei Zhuojiu also started to complain after hearing this.

"Where is your leader? He also has this kind of virtue." Wang Linchi asked God's Hand curiously.

"No, my leader is my father." God's Hand looked a little strange.

The sound of Qingmei cooking wine suddenly stopped. This incident was indeed a big blow. You are a rich second generation.

"How is your leader?" Hand of God asked Wang Linchi.

Wang Linchi recalled that of all the leaders he had served, none of them survived to the end of his life.

Oh, no, there really is one, and he is being stabbed in the back right now. That's right, it's the game system.

"I am a homeless person without a leader." Wang Linchi said tactfully.

He always felt that his leader was the same as Liu Bei's leader. He was not strong enough and forcibly accepted him as his younger brother, and then died of the backlash.

But after arriving in this world, he changed his mind to backstabbing, planning to directly seize the game's wealth and raise the ashes of the game. Fortunately, the game system does not mean that people do not have wives, otherwise Wang Linchi would have to... call your wife, I will support you. So, don’t worry about the saying.

He wouldn't dare to take action, as it would easily cause trouble.

"Um, are you sure you are a homeless person?" Qingmeizhuojiu couldn't help but ask.

The two of them thought of Wang Linchi's series of habits when he directly operated on the evil of mistakes, and they always felt that Wang Linchi's profession must be difficult to say.

"Of course they are unemployed." Wang Linchi said with confidence. In the previous world, he could still talk about his civil servants, but now he can't. Not to mention the establishment is gone, the world is gone.

"If you don't have a job, you have no job. It's okay." God's Hand quickly changed the subject. He was afraid that Wang Linchi would slap his and Qingmei Zhuojiu's heads and treat them as watermelons during the night watch: "Okay, we have to get up early tomorrow, so get some rest quickly."

"Then I'll keep vigil first. Who will I call when the time comes?" Wang Linchi asked.

"Me, you are the last one." Qingmei Zhuojiu said.

Naturally, Hand of God had no objection, and the two fell asleep quickly, but it was not a deep sleep, but a light sleep.

The game characters will not get tired, but the players inside will. The game system only allows the game characters to wrap around the players, but it is not really integrated into one body. Human beings have not evolved the ability to not need to sleep.

If the person is forced to hang, sudden death is possible.

After the player dies suddenly, the game character will naturally be scrapped, so he can still sleep.

Wang Linchi looked at the two sleeping people, carefully checked them, and gave them a little more anesthesia.

"The third player transformation..." He muttered quietly, then took out the tools and started.

He has already transformed it twice before, otherwise how would these two people have the ability to serve as collectors for Wang Linchi.

"The direction of this transformation is simplification, contagion and automation." Wang Linchi quickly extracted the corresponding plan from the thinking mirror and began to compare it.

There is not much time, so Wang Linchi must hurry up, otherwise, if he is delayed, he will be in trouble tomorrow.

"The game system has updated the game characters so many times that the firewall has three more firewalls than yesterday."

Wang Linchi was cursing a little, but he could tell that in order to protect his own interests, the game system was really willing to invest in the players.

It would be better if the resources invested were not sucked from the world.

The game system is responsible for 50% of the world's shutdown. If it hadn't been for his chaos, it would have been impossible to survive for three years under normal circumstances.

Wang Linchi had no intention of condemning him. After all, he was the culprit for the birth of the mistake. Everyone was divided and it was hard for anyone to blame anyone.

However, if they really want to fight, Wang Linchi will not hesitate to use this point to attack the game system from the moral high ground. He will treat the enemy with dignity. If he cannot kill the opponent, he will be disgusted to death.

"It's done. The three firewalls are not mature enough. If I wait until tomorrow to complete them before deciphering them, it will probably take five minutes." Wang Linchi quickly deciphered the three firewalls.

“But in this case, the collection procedures must be updated every day to avoid being caught.”

The game system is naturally evolving all the time. It is impossible to stop and wait until Ye Tian grows to the same strength.

Therefore, the hardware and software of game characters will naturally be updated simultaneously, instead of just staying in the old version. Otherwise, how can we plan more benefits for the game system.

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