Who Told You to Use Your Power Like That?

Chapter 396 The fallen player exposed

The entire copy was shaking, and a large number of cracks appeared on the copy barrier.

This scene made the players present tremble with fear. There was something wrong with the copy.

The reason was naturally caused by the dean's crazy attack on the game system. Wang Linchi had previously blocked the bottom frame of the copy at the dean's door. If he wanted to get out, he had to destroy the bottom frame of the copy.

It must be thanks to the dean's own plan, otherwise it may not be possible to succeed.

However, as soon as he made a move, the game system noticed something strange about the dean.

The main reason is that other behaviors are covered by Himself and belong to the dark under the lamp, but the dean is different. A mouse is biting the sole of the foot. Not to mention the dark under the lamp, even a blind man can feel the pain.

So the game system immediately countered it.

Wang Linchi was frantically harvesting the source of the entire hospital, which was the power derived from the stone heart.

As for the Sin of Mistake, it has already entered its second fusion.

The first fusion was between the doctor and the sick beast, and the second time was between the evil evil and the hospital, which were formed by the fusion of the first two.

The dean also discovered this, so he was so crazy. Once the integration was successful, all his plans could be said to be ineffective.

What's more important is that this behavior is tantamount to NTR in person, otherwise the dean would be so crazy.

Unfortunately, he was stopped by the power of the game system, and he could only watch this scene happen.

"I can persist for 24 hours at most, and then the dean will be able to break through the blockade of the game system, but it doesn't matter, I have finished harvesting, and the dean has lost so much that he has lost his family property."

"It's a pity that I can't continue to collect wool about the game system."

Wang Linchi was a little regretful about this. After discovering that there was a problem with the dean, the game system naturally stopped the delivery of resources as soon as possible.

After another reconciliation, my dear, all the resources were swallowed up by the dean, and the reason for the self-examination failure was gradually discovered, and the underlying framework and logic were also rebuilt.

As a result, Wang Linchi, a middleman, could no longer continue to eat both sides.

But it doesn't matter, he has already earned enough.

In fact, it wasn't just the game system that was angry, the dean was also very angry.

On the dean's side, the game system not only gave him a false account of resources, but also sucked his blood and locked him in a space to witness his husband's current crime. How could he endure this?

Therefore, at this stage, unless Wang Linchi jumps out and takes all the blame, there will be no room for relief for the game system and the hospital director, and the two sides are already mortal enemies.


I definitely can't bear it anymore.

"Then what should I do next..." Wang Linchi found that he had about 24 hours of extra free time.

The main thing is that what needs to be harvested has been harvested, and the dog-eating-dog battle has begun.

"Why don't we leave this dungeon first and run further away to watch the dog bite the dog?" Wang Linchi felt that it was very intuitive to hide on the battlefield and watch, but the disadvantage was that it was easily affected.

"What happened to the players?" Wang Linchi sensed the commotion at the entrance of the hospital.

He did not get close, but watched from a distance. If there was no benefit to the matters between the players, he would not get involved.

In order to prevent himself from being discovered, besides, this is an internal matter of others, how could he have the nerve to interfere in it? This is called interfering in the internal affairs of other forces, which is a very bad thing.

"They seem to be chasing him." Wang Linchi hid a little further away.

The group of players being chased had red names on their heads, obviously marked by the game system.

"big shark?"

"It seems that these degenerate players have been exposed."

Wang Linchi quickly saw the situation clearly. The big shark headed by him ran all the way, and dozens of other fallen players were also running.

It's just that the hospital dungeon is so big in total, and there are too many dangerous areas, so they have no way to escape.

As for using the power of fallen players to leave the dungeon, this is a bit fanciful. The dungeon has long been blocked by the game system. If Wang Linchi wants to leave quietly, it will take a lot of effort.

The other party did not come in the direction of Wang Linchi in a desperate manner, but was quite a distance away from him. It could be said that even the direction was different.

With his luck characteristics, he will not be obsessed with everything like the protagonist, but will help him avoid all kinds of unnecessary troubles.

"The players are so active. It seems that they should be able to leave the dungeon after killing these fallen players."

Wang Linchi immediately thought of this possibility.

"God's Hand and Qingmeizhuojiu actually left the team. They couldn't be looking for me." Wang Linchi took another look at the situation on the player's side and discovered the situation of these two people.

Naturally, other players will not pay attention to this, but are chasing them crazily.

Seeing this, Wang Linchi happened to go over and have a chat. Maybe the other party had something to say to him.

There is no need to worry about being exposed, because the game system has no spare power now.

He not only has to suppress the dean, but also suppress the entangled bodies in the hospital and keep the copy from being broken. Otherwise, how could the corrupt players headed by Big Shark let the players hunt them down? Wouldn't it be easier to obliterate them.

It means that the other party really doesn't have enough energy to get out.

"So leisurely?" Wang Linchi said, shocking the two of them.

"It's okay, it's just that we are not needed." God's Hand responded, and then looked Wang Linchi up and down: "Should I call you Linyuan Xianyu or Linchi Xueshu?"

"It doesn't matter, the name is just a code name." Wang Linchi was not surprised that the other party knew his identity. Once the Holy Master came out, he couldn't hide it at all.

Wang Linchi had no intention of hiding it. Even if the other party knew about it, what would happen.

With his current strength, the only things he was afraid of were the game system and Ye Tian, ​​and he was still afraid. Who would win or lose if he really fought.

"You are really sincere, so from the beginning to the end, it is actually you..." Qingmeizhuojiu said with a wry smile.

Before he could finish speaking, Wang Linchi interrupted him: "That's right, it's all me who is shouting to catch the thief."

"Who used derogatory words to describe himself?" God's Hand complained. He was not worried about Wang Linchi attacking him, and then asked: "So you joined forces with the Demon Slayer?"

Wang Linchi didn't react, who was the demon slayer?

After thinking for a while, I remembered that Demon Slayer was the name of Ye Tianyong's game.

"Yes, he and I have joined forces, and he plans to save you from the hands of the game system." Wang Linchi said.

"Rescue...come back?" Qingmei Zhuojiu was a little confused.

"I won't go into details. It's probably that the dragon-slaying boy turned into an evil dragon. You can make up your own mind." Wang Linchi didn't have much time to explain to these two people in detail, so he just gave a brief summary of the situation.

When the two heard this sentence, many speculations naturally came to their minds.

"Do you need our help?" God's Hand said.

He believed Wang Linchi's words, mainly because Wang Linchi didn't have much ill will towards them, and there was no need.

"No, you can run as far away as you can. The current situation is no longer something you can interfere with."

"If a war really breaks out, the player's resurrection mechanism may be useless." Wang Linchi told the truth.

Both the dean and Ye Tian have the corresponding abilities to directly kill their player's true form, causing the game character to be directly scrapped.

Ye Tian would not do this. After all, his fundamental purpose is to save the world and take back mankind from the hands of the game system. However, the dean is not sure. The other party has his own ambitions, and it is very simple to kill him.

Hearing this, God's Hand and Qingmeizhuo couldn't help but feel cold.

You must know that the reason why they are not afraid of anything is precisely because they can be resurrected after death. If it fails, basically all players will be useless.

"Thanks for the reminder, but if you want to get out, you have to kill the fallen players." Qingmei Zhuojiu explained her mission.

"Big Shark is indeed a talent, but it's a pity that I'm stuck here and there's nothing I can do about it." Wang Linchi wanted to help. However, in the current situation, if he dared to lend a helping hand, he would be exposed immediately.

The game system may not have enough energy to deal with these little ants, but that is not the reason for Wang Linchi to expose himself.

If he dares to rescue him, the game system will notice it immediately.

The nature of saving people and coming to see the hand of God is different from that of green plums making wine. The former is a place of anti-thief robbery, while the latter is a minister of anti-thief secret society. The former is definitely more serious, while the latter is as long as it is not seen. Nothing will happen.

"The mission is completed, we are leaving." God's Hand suddenly spoke. Under the pursuit of so many players, Big Shark and other fallen players were naturally no match for them. It was normal for them to die so quickly.

"Wait a minute, I'll give you a ride." Wang Linchi suddenly thought of a way to leave, and it was better to leave openly.

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