Who Told You to Use Your Power Like That?

Chapter 41 Black Market, Wild Secret Realm

Wang Linchi walked around a lot in the black market, and found that most of them were barter, and the soul seeds and various treasures produced in the secret realm were all hard currency, and money could basically not be circulated.

The main reason is that no one wants it even if you bring it with you. If you take out billions with you, it means you have stored treasures, and you will be robbed when you go out. Who knows whether the banknotes and the like are real or fake.

And if you don't have any treasures to store, it would be inconvenient to bring so much money out.

Wang Linchi didn't bring much when he came, so he brought one fine-level soul seed and ten excellent-level soul seeds to test the waters.

And he is not his original height and appearance. He has become taller and thinner, and his appearance is completely different from his original appearance.

He used the thought force field to modify his body to a certain extent as a disguise.

Just wait until you get back and change it back.

There are all three religions and nine streams in the black market. Wang Linchi can see that there are many awakened people who are wandering on the fringes of the imperial court, and all of them exude an aura that is not easy to mess with.

However, most of them are black iron grade, and there are not many orichalcum grade ones above.

As for the white porcelain level awakeners, they simply cannot get in.

Mithril-level awakeners disdain to come. In Qinghe City, most awakeners will stay at the black iron level throughout their lives. Therefore, the orichalcum-level is the top level. The mithril-level has its own power and channels, so there is no need to worry at all. Resources, the Adamantine level is to control the actual power, even more disdain.

In other words, this black market is probably run by a mithril-level awakener.

Wang Linchi walked around a lot and felt that it was quite ordinary and didn't have much in mind.

There are a lot of things I want to exchange, mainly the soul forging method. As for the soul seeds, forget it, there are very few sold, and even if they are available, they are used as currency.

He was a little confused, why did the Awakened need so many soul seeds?

The number of soul seeds that each awakened person can inlay is limited.

There must be some secret that he doesn't know about, otherwise it would be impossible for it to circulate.

"How do you sell this Soul Forging Technique?" Wang Linchi stopped and looked at the Soul Forging Technique that was on sale. He squatted down, took it in his hand, turned a page, and asked casually.

"A high-quality soul seed."

As soon as the other party finished speaking, Wang Linchi stood up and left.

Consider him a fool.

"That's impossible, just an excellent soul seed will suffice." Seeing Wang Linchi leaving so decisively, the other party immediately changed his mind.

The soul forging method is the cheapest thing. You can make hundreds or ten copies and sell them as you like.

"Pack everything." Wang Linchi said slowly.

He raised the price all over the sky, and Wang Linchi paid the price right away.



"make a deal."

When Wang Linchi called for two, the other party agreed without hesitation, and then took advantage of the situation to wrap up all the soul forging techniques on the stall and gave them to Wang Linchi.

It means giving money.

Wang Linchi knew that he was exaggerating, and the other party's soul-forging method was most likely not a good thing, or even fake.

Others looked at Wang Linchi a little strangely, but Wang Linchi didn't care. Anyway, he just used it for reference and didn't really want to practice.

After throwing away two excellent soul seeds, I continued shopping with this cloth package.

Many people seemed to be thinking about whether to take action, but they suddenly discovered that he was just an awakened person who had just entered the White Porcelain level.

The idea was quickly abandoned.

With the soul barrier formed by the Soul Seed and Soul Courtyard, it can not only hide, but also weaken and enhance the strength of one's own soul to disguise it. However, if you switch to the orichalcum level, you may be able to see through this disguise.

Everyone present was a veteran. How could a newly awakened white porcelain person enter the black market? No one would foolishly think that the other party was lucky. Wang Linchi was not King of Hell, so he did not have such a passive ability.

The only possibility is that the other party has hidden his own strength and plans to use this clumsy method to fish. It depends on which one has no brains to follow.

You can't see through the other person, so why do you think you are better than the other person?

For something as weird as this, most people wouldn't list it as a target.

Wang Linchi walked swaggering like this, looking at certain stalls from time to time.

This arrogant approach makes more people hesitate.

Wang Linchi didn't care much about this. He was actually quite puzzled as to where so many awakened people in the black market came from.

The first is that this world is not a country without any education system. Most talents are actually monopolized in early childhood.

Of course, the people here may be the awakened ones of the Dajing Imperial Court.

He also guessed the reason. When he was in the academy, the students were squeezed by the academy.

Once you graduate, you will be recruited by the imperial court. Although the imperial court is better than the academy, it does not have many resources at all, otherwise it would not be possible to survive until now.

So privately, they must be on the fringes of the court, how could they not fight for themselves.

‘Is there a wild secret realm? ’

After Wang Linchi came to the end of the black market, he discovered something interesting.

In his impression, secret realms were mostly controlled by the imperial court, aristocratic families and sects, and it would take a lot of resources for him to enter.

But in the black market, he saw a secret place that was not recorded.

You need a sophisticated soul seed to enter. Of course, it doesn't matter if you don't have a soul seed. You can replenish it when you come out. If you don't have one, you can also discount it into the same amount of resources.

‘Good guy, the people behind the black market are really powerful. ’ Wang Linchi suspected that the black market might not be a business in Qinghe City, but a business put on by big shots in the state.

This is used to harm the public and enrich private interests. Otherwise, how can we explain it?

‘But this is an opportunity. I can enter the secret realm without going through formal channels. ’ If you say you don’t want to enter the secret realm, it must be a lie.

Under normal circumstances, if Wang Linchi wants to enter the secret realm, he must have at least the strength of orichalcum level. Otherwise, there is no way to enter the secret realm.

‘It seems that the Dajing Dynasty is not as stable as I imagined. I am afraid that it has been almost destroyed secretly. It is only because of the strong force of force that it is still standing. ’

‘Once there is a problem with force, war will inevitably break out. ’

No one can bear your oppression like this.

‘It’s no wonder that there are cults such as the Dragon Worship Cult. This is not only the cooperation between Da Jing and the beings in the secret realm, but also a representative of the places where their power cannot reach. ’

Wang Linchi's guess was just a guess, but he never thought about how much damage his small body could cause to the Dajing court. The broken ship still had three kilograms of nails, not to mention that the Dajing ship was not broken yet.

As long as the high-end combat power in the Dajing royal family does not die for a day, the entire dynasty will not fall and cannot fall.

High-end combat power is not just suppression, but also the center of a huge interest network.

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